6 Auditor's annual report 2020/21 (AG70) PDF 108 KB
Additional documents:
Kevin Suter and James Stuttaford from the council’s external auditors, Ernst & Young LLP (EY) were present at the meeting and introduced the report. Mr Suter explained that there was no new information since the Audit Results Report was presented to the Committee on 11 November 2021 (report AG64 refers).
Mr Suter and Mr Stuttaford responded to members’ questions regarding potential risks relating to valuation of property assets.
In response to members’ questions, the Strategic Director and Section 151 Officer confirmed that work on the Council’s Asset Management Strategy was progressing and the informal meeting between committee members and the Corporate Head of Asset Management would be arranged shortly.
That the Annual Audit Letter 2020/21 be accepted.
6 Audit results report for the year ended 31 March 2021 (AG64) PDF 124 KB
Additional documents:
Kevin Suter and James Stuttaford from the council’s external auditors, Ernst & Young LLP (EY) were present at the meeting and introduced the report. Mr Suter explained that there were some minor areas of work still outstanding and consequently he recommended that the letter of representation not be signed until the final accounts had been approved.
Mr Suter and Mr Stuttaford responded to Members’ questions regarding the potential risks relating to valuation of property assets and the external auditors approach relating to checking accounting for Covid related grants.
That, on completion of the auditor’s work and approval of the Statement of Accounts, the Letter of Representation be approved as contained as Appendix 2 to the report.