Issue - meetings

Future agenda items.

Meeting: 14/07/2021 - z North Whiteley Development Forum (Item 10)

Future agenda items.



Members put forward the following items for future agenda items:


  • Future health plans
  • Future governance/parishing options
  • School admissions update
  • S106 compliance and timetable


It was also suggested that wherever possible, that external guests should be asked to contribute at the beginning of the meeting.


Meeting: 13/07/2021 - Kings Barton Forum (Item 12)

Future agenda items.



The following matters were agreed for future agenda items:

a)    Triangulation of the Kings Barton development with the Movement Strategy and proposed development at St John Moore barracks;

b)    Barton Meadows – access and eco-diversity (Hampshire and IOW Trust to be invited to attend);

c)    Update on archaeology;

d)    Future phasing and timings and resident involvement with regard these – Mr Hill updated that CALA were next looking to deliver two further phases, namely Phase 3A to the south and Phase 2B to the north;

e)    Condition/s106 tracker (with traffic light system indicator);

f)     Design of future play areas – Mr Hill offered to present the proposed play strategy to the next meeting for discussion.

g)    Examination of the cycle routes throughout the site, to ensure they joined up and were supported and advertised.

h)    Discussion of ideas for how the partnership working between the City Council and CALA could be enhanced – Mr Hill commented that CALA had recently engaged an external communications and marketing company who would assist further.

i)     Organisation of a site visit for the Chair, key Council Officers (including HCC if possible) and CALA homes, if possible prior to the next Forum meeting.


Mrs Pinnock noted these suggestions and agreed to draft a work programme for the next three Forum meetings. 



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