7 Jaspers, 4 Farley Close, Oliver’s Battery, SO22 4JH (Case number: 21/00674/HOU) PDF 170 KB
Presented By: The application was permitted.
Additional documents:
Proposal Description: Proposed two and single-storey side extensions.
It was noted that the committee had visited the application site on 16 August 2021 where members observed the site to gain a better appreciation of the proposal.
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which stated that since the publication of the committee report there had been further correspondence from an objector who had challenged the accuracy of the plans. Confirmation had been received from the agent that the plans provided were scaled accurately.
During public participation, Mrs Celia Palmer spoke in objection to the application, Councillor Brian Mitchener (Oliver’s Battery Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Janet Dade (applicant) spoke in support of the application.
Councillor Warwick spoke as a ward member and also read out a prepared statement on behalf of ward Councillor Williams.
In summary, Councillor Warwick stated she supported the comments of the Parish Council in objecting to the application. She referred the committee to the Oliver’s Battery Village Design Statement produced in 2008 and the Parish Plan produced in 2018 and believed that the application did not accord with these documents. She also felt that the application was contrary to the following policies: the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) paragraph 127 C regarding density and layout; the Winchester City Council Local Plan Policies CP13 and DM15 concerning Local Context and Distinctiveness.
The statement read out from Councillor Williams referred to several points including issues of limited off-street parking, the previously rejected applications for smaller extensions at No1 and No5 and the impact of this application on the local housing mix. Councillor Williams also referred the committee to Local Plan Policy DP3 which she believed this application was contrary to.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and subject to the following: an additional condition requiring details of an appropriate planting scheme which would provide as much protection for the immediate neighbours as possible. The exact wording to be delegated to the Service Lead for the Built Environment, in agreement with the Chairperson.
12 Jaspers, 4 Farley Close, Olivers Battery, SO22 4JH (Case number: 21/00674/HOU) PDF 219 KB
Additional documents:
Item 12: Proposed two single storey side extensions.
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out two typographical errors to the Highways and Parking section, on page 107 of the report.
During public participation, Celia Palmer and Councillor Brian Mitchener (Oliver’s Battery Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Janet Dade (applicant) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
During public participation, Councillors Williams and Warwick spoke on this item as Ward Members.
In summary, Councillor Williams stated that that the proposal would set a precedent by changing the character and appearance of the area and would result in a negative impact on parking in the area due to the size of the Close.
In summary, Councillor Warwick stated that the proposals would have a detrimental impact on neighbouring properties and was contrary to the Village Design Statement guidelines, the National Planning Policy Framework and policies CP13 and DM15.
The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
The committee agreed to defer determination of the application to a future meeting of the committee in order to allow for a pre-emptive site visit to view the proposal in the context of its setting and to fully understand its impact on the surrounding area.
The Committee were reminded that, in accordance with the Council’s Constitution, previous speakers would have the right to restate their comments when this application came back to committee for consideration.