Issue - meetings

The Gem Barnetts Wood Lane Bighton Alresford Hampshire (20/02826/FUL)

Meeting: 01/09/2021 - Planning Committee (Item 7)

7 The Gem, Barnetts Wood Lane, Bighton, Alresford (Case number: 20/02826/FUL) pdf icon PDF 288 KB

Additional documents:


Proposal Description: Item 6: To build a single dwelling. 4 Bedroom Chalet Bungalow with garden double garage and hardstanding parking for a further two cars


The application was introduced.  During public participation, Councillor Power spoke in objection to the application as Ward Member and also addressed the committee on behalf of Bighton Parish Council and answered Members’ questions thereon.


In summary, Councillor Power advised that both she and Bighton Parish Council considered the application to be overdevelopment of the site.


In addition, Councillor Power made reference to the previous history of the site and questioned the location of the septic tank at the proposal, therefore she urged the committee to support the officer’s recommendation and refuse the application.  


The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.




The committee agreed to refuse permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report.




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