12 Development Land Malt Lane Bishops Waltham Hampshire (21/00359/FUL) PDF 727 KB
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Proposal Description: Erection of x24 residential units (Use Class C3) (x6 3-bed houses, x2 3-bed flats, 14 2-bed flats and x2 1-bed flats) and a replacement youth hall (sui generis) following the demolition of all existing buildings.
The application was introduced. During public participation, Vivian Jury spoke in objection to the application, Councillor Ford (Bishops Waltham Parish Council) spoke in support of the application and Adrian Rutter and Tom Francis (applicant) spoke in support of the application and answered members’ questions.
Councillor Miller spoke as a ward member in support of the application. In summary, he felt that the current site was neglected and detracted from the overall setting of Bishops Waltham. He also felt that the development area was close to local services such as public transport and retail outlets.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
The committee agreed to grant permission for the following reasons. That the public benefit from the development outweighed any potential harm to the conservation area; that the proposal would not have a detrimental impact on the character and appearance of nearby listed buildings; that the development would not result in a cramped living environment for residents and that the proposal does respond positively to the local environment.
The committee also agreed that this be subject to the agreement of conditions and informatives delegated to the Service Lead: Built Environment and the Chairperson and a S106 agreement to secure the provision and management of the youth hall, the wording to be delegated to the Service Lead: Legal.