Issue - meetings

Parking charges review

Meeting: 09/03/2022 - Cabinet (Item 10)

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Additional documents:


1.     That changes to the parking tariff in Winchester Town (in addition to the previously agreed changes to City Centre Parking outlined in the 2022/23 Fees and Charges Paper (CAB3326)) as set out in paragraph 12.4 and appendix 1 of report CAB3330, with the exception of the river park leisure centre (RPLC) car park which should be £15.50 for over 4 hours Monday to Friday, be advertised and implemented in October 2022.  


2.     That a consultation is undertaken in the summer (for a 6 week period and will report back to Cabinet in the autumn) for a scheme to charge vehicles based on vehicle emissions.


3.     That the Head of Programme and Head of Legal Services be authorised to enter into a new parking management agreement with New Alresford Town Council for Arlebury Park car park, New Alresford.


Councillor Tod introduced the report and summarised the key proposals contained within.  This included removing the free half hour parking in central Winchester in order to improve air quality and introducing a free hour ticket in “park and walk” car parks.


At the invitation of the Leader, Councillor Kurn addressed the meeting as summarised briefly below.

Recognised the importance of reducing carbon emissions but queried whether the necessary technology and infrastructure was in place and whether the measures proposed were therefore too premature and unfair to car drivers.  Queried the appropriateness of the timing of the decision to remove the free half hour parking when businesses were still recovering from the impact of the Covid pandemic.  Highlighted the impact on residents of charging for Sunday parking.


Cabinet members responded to the comments made, including emphasising the urgency of measures to improve the air quality in the central Winchester area.


Councillor Tod referred to a concern raised with him by Monica Gill (TACT) who had been unable to remain to raise her point at the meeting.  The concern related to residential parking permits on Sundays and was therefore outside the scope of the report, but would be examined separately.


Councillor Tod and the Head of Programme drew members’ attention to a correction in the first recommendation of the report to refer to paragraph 12.4 (rather than 11.4 as stated).  In addition, it was proposed to retain the all-day parking rate for the river park leisure centre car park Monday to Fridays to discourage all day commuter parking.  Cabinet agreed to amend the wording of the first resolution to reflect these changes (amended resolution as set out below).


Cabinet agreed the following for the reasons set out above and outlined in the report.




1.                That changes to the parking tariff in Winchester Town (in addition to the previously agreed changes to City Centre Parking outlined in the 2022/23 Fees and Charges Paper (CAB3326)) as set out in paragraph 12.4 and appendix 1 of report CAB3330, with the exception of the river park leisure centre (RPLC) car park which should be £15.50 for over 4 hours Monday to Friday, be advertised and implemented in October 2022.  



2.                That a consultation is undertaken in the summer (for a 6 week period and will report back to Cabinet in the autumn) for a scheme to charge vehicles based on vehicle emissions.


3.                That the Head of Programme and Head of Legal Services be authorised to enter into a new parking management agreement with New Alresford Town Council for Arlebury Park car park, New Alresford.



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