Venue: This meeting will be held virtually and a live audio stream can be listened to via
Contact: Claire Buchanan, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 438 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies and Deputy Members Minutes: All member were present and in attendance. |
Disclosures of Interests
To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
If you require advice, please contact the appropriate Democratic Services Officer, prior to the meeting. Minutes: No disclosures of interest were declared. |
Membership of Sub-Committees etc
To give consideration to the approval of alternative arrangements for appointments to bodies set up by the Committee or the making or terminating of such appointments. Minutes: There was no action to report under this item. |
Minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 2021. Minutes: The Chair agreed to accept this matter as a late item onto the agenda as a matter requiring consideration.
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25 February 2021 be approved and adopted. |
Where appropriate, to accept the Update Sheet as an addendum to the Report PDF 183 KB Minutes: The committee agreed to receive the Update Sheet as an addendum to Report PDC1181. |
Planning Applications - WCC items 6 - 9 and 11 and 12 and SDNP items 13 and 14 and Update Sheet Minutes: A copy of each planning application decision is available to view on the council’s website under the respective planning application.
The committee considered the following items:
Applications outside the area of the South Downs National Park (WCC): |
Goodworth House, 53 St Cross Road, Winchester, SO23 9RE (Case number: 20/02818/FUL) PDF 478 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Item 6: The erection of seven residential dwellings with associated access, landscaping and parking, including the alteration and demolition of existing walls and the erection of new boundary walls within the setting of the listed building Goodworth House, 31 St Cross Road, Winchester Case number: 20/02818/FUL
During the consideration of this item, due to technical issues Councillor Read left the meeting taking no part in the consideration of this application or vote thereon.
The Service Lead – Built Environment referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out the following: two further letters of objection were circulated to Members; the location plan showing the listed wall; the two Grade B trees to be felled; further details regarding Condition 13 (landscaping); reference to the 2019 (19/00762/FUL) Hampshire Highways response; that the footpaths on St Cross Road, Cripstead Lane and St Faiths Road be retained; that the one metre strip of land to the south of St Faith’s School, should allow wheelchair and foot access to the rear classrooms; the mix of dwellings in the area and comments from the Historic Environment Officer.
In addition, a verbal update was made at the meeting that two further letters of objectionwere circulated to Members and that a consultation response had been received from Historic England who wished to raise no comment to the application.
During public participation, Richard Harwood and Ann Jones spoke in objection to the application and Andrew Scott, Chris Rees (agent) and Mark Turner (Heritage consultant) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
In response to questions, the Council’s Historic Environment Team Leader addressed the committee to provide clarification on the meaning of preserving or enhancing the conservation area. She did not consider there was any harm to the setting of Goodworth House and stated that the proposal preserved the character and appearance of the conservation area.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report, the Update Sheet and the verbal update above, subject to an additional condition to require the footpath within the site to be made publically accessible at all times.
Goodworth House, 53 St Cross Road, Winchester, SO23 9RE (Case number: 20/02819/LIS) PDF 298 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Item 7: The alteration and demolition of existing walls and the erection of new boundary walls within the setting of the listed building Goodworth House, 53 St Cross Road, Winchester Case number: 20/02819/LIS
The Service Lead – Built Environment referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out the following: two further letters of objection were circulated to Members; the location plan showing the listed wall; the two Grade B trees to be felled; further details regarding Condition 13 (landscaping); reference to the 2019 (19/00762/FUL) Hampshire Highways response; that the footpaths on St Cross Road, Cripstead Lane and St Faiths Road be retained; that the one metre strip of land to the south of St Faith’s School, should allow wheelchair and foot access to the rear classrooms; the mix of dwellings in the area and comments from the Historic Environment Officer.
During public participation, Richard Harwood and Ann Jones spoke in objection to the application and Chris Rees (agent) and Mark Turner (Heritage consultant) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet. |
Plover Hill, Field Way, Compton, SO21 2AF (Case number: 20/02503/FUL) PDF 337 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Item 8: 3 bedroom detached dwelling Plover Hill, Field Way, Compton Case number: 20/02503/FUL
During public participation, David Jobson (on behalf of Compton Down Society) and Councillor Frances Strange (Compton and Shawford Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Jeremy Higgins (agent) and Mrs Carter (applicant) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
During public participation, Councillors Bell and Williams spoke on this item as Ward Members.
In summary, Councillor Williams stated that she was speaking in objection to the application on a number of points. She made reference to the local area design statement which considered that infill development should be kept to a minimum and be in keeping with current properties and previous planning decisions and stated that existing traffic movements onto Otterbourne Road were dangerous and the road network could not support any additional traffic.
In conclusion, Councillor Williams considered that the application was contrary to policies DM18, DM17 and CP14 and failed to respond positively to access and parking, with no pavement or verges for a road heavily used by pedestrians as a walking route to Compton school and one where it would be unsafe for larger construction vehicles to gain access during development and she urged the committee to refuse the application.
In summary, Councillor Bell stated that she supported the comments raised by the Parish Council in objection to the application and considered that there was an issue of access onto Hurdle Way.
In conclusion, Councillor Bell stated that the application was not appropriate in this location.
In response to questions, Hampshire County Council Highways Officer clarified details regarding access, highway safety and the number of reported incidents at the junctions with Otterbourne Road and Shepherds Lane and visibility splays from Hurdle Way. The Highways Authority considered that the increase in traffic from one dwelling would be minimal and that it would be difficult to defend this objection as a reason for refusal at appeal.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report. |
Scandia House, Southdown Road, Shawford, SO21 2BY (Case number: 20/02132/FUL) PDF 328 KB Additional documents: Minutes: Item 9: Subdivision of site, creation of new access and erection of detached two storey dwelling with attached garage (Amended Plans) Scandia House, Southdown Road, Shawford Case number: 20/02132/FUL
The Service Lead – Built Environment referred Members to the Update Sheet which stated that an application for Pre-Application Advice for the subdivision of the site and the erection of a house was submitted in September 2020 (20/01695/PRE) which was subsequently withdrawn as the applicant opted to submit a full planning application for the development which was the application for consideration. In addition, a question had been submitted in respect of setting a precedent and the principle and form of development. A full response to this matter had been set out within the Update Sheet
During public participation, Mike Killingley (on behalf of the Southdown Residents’ Association) and Councillor Frances Strange (Compton and Shawford Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Adam Griffiths (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
During public participation, Councillor Williams spoke on this item as Ward Member.
In summary, Councillor Williams stated that she was speaking in objection to the application with the key issue being the need to take account of the cumulative effect by adding onto developments and changing the local distinctiveness of the area.
Councillor Williams made reference to policy DM15 with the impact of the proposal on residents and the community and the look and feel of the street by failing to enhance the key characteristics of the surrounding area. She stated that the mature trees, including the three yew trees did add to the public realm, were visible to the community from the road and needed to be protected.
In addition, Councillor Williams also considered the proposal to be contrary to policies DM16 and DM17 as it was out of keeping with the building line and did not respond positively to the character and appearance of the local environment and had potential to be converted into separate units with a driveway that she stated was dangerous and caused overlooking and overshadowing and was also overbearing, particularly on the neighbouring property.
In conclusion, Councillor Williams urged the committee to refuse the application but stated that if the committee were minded to approve the application, that consideration be given to obscure glazing the windows that overlooked the neighbouring property to protect their privacy and to an alternative brick render for the dwelling, opposed to the white paint proposed to mitigate some of the issues for local residents.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet, subject to an additional condition to remove permitted development rights for the proposed dwelling. The exact wording to be delegated to the Service Lead - Built Environment for agreement in consultation with the Chair. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Item 11: To alter and extend an existing sports pavilion which contains changing rooms, a meeting room and the parish office, to provide the following accommodation: 1). Two larger separate unisex changing rooms with showering facilities (to Sports England and Football Foundation specification); 2). Two separate changing rooms with integral shower facilities for match officials; 3). An accessible WC and separate male and female toilets; 4). A large function room with a separate table/chair store; 5). A large kitchen to serve onto the function room; 6). A refurbished and extended parish office with store room; 7). A new draft lobby entrance to the Parish Office; 8). A separate external entrance to the function room plus a large sliding folding glazed door with direct access to external terrace; 9). A separate entrance from the field to the changing facilities; 10). Internal link doors between the changing facilities, the function room and the Parish Office to allow a combination of uses. Recreation Ground, Sports Pavilion, Upper Church Road, Shedfield Case number: 20/01089/FUL
The Service Lead – Built Environment referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out an amendment to Condition 7.
During public participation, Mr Hatt spoke in objection to the application and Councillor Linda Warren and Councillor David Ogden (Shedfield Parish Council) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
During public participation, Councillor Achwal spoke on this item as Ward Member.
In summary, Councillor Achwal stated that she was in support of the extension to the sports facility as it provided much needed space compared to the existing Parish Council meeting room which was extremely small and inadequate for councillors and the public that wished to attend meetings.
Councillor Achwal expressed slight concern that there had been no mention of extending or improving car parking at the facility and requested that white sight lines be placed by Upper Church Road to improve access to and from the site.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Item 12: Erection of a self-build dwelling Land adjacent to Woodlands, Clewers Hill, Waltham Chase Case number: 20/02668/FUL
During the consideration of this item, due to technical issues Councillor Read left the meeting taking no part in the consideration of this application or vote thereon.
During public participation, Alexandra Webb (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to refuse permission for the reasons set out in the Report.
Applications inside the area of the South Downs National Park (SDNP): |
Additional documents: Minutes: Item 13: Change of use to dog training centre Land adjacent to New Cottages, Warnford Road, Corhampton Case number: SDNP/20/03795/FUL
The Service Lead – Built Environment referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out amendments to Conditions 5 and 6 and outlined in full further information that had been received in respect of the application.
During public participation, Councillor Jerry Pett (Corhampton Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Sue Norriss and Mark Sennitt (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet, subject to two additional conditions requiring detail of the replacement fencing and the detail and colour of the car parking materials to both be submitted and agreed by the Local Planning Authority within a specified timeframe to be agreed with the applicant.
Additional documents: Minutes: Item 14: Change of use of equestrian land to sui generis (for secure dog walking and family picnics/recreation site), conversion of existing stable to shelter/store plus access alterations and parking Four Acres, Cams Hill Lane, Hambledon Case number: SDNP/20/04955/FUL
During the consideration of this item, due to technical issues Councillor Ruffell left the meeting taking no part in the consideration of this application or vote thereon.
The Service Lead – Built Environment referred Members to the Update Sheet which set out several points of clarification and amendments to the report.
In addition, a verbal update was made at the meeting that the Council’s Environmental Health Team had raised potential concern regarding noise but it was considered that this could be mitigated by an alteration to the hours of operation and a noise report if the committee were minded to approve the application.
During public participation, Paul Campbell spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
At the conclusion of debate, the committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report, the Update Sheet and the verbal update above, subject to an amendment to Condition 3 to alter the hours of operation to 0700 - 2000 hours Monday to Friday, 0800 – 1900 hours Saturdays and Sundays and at no time on recognised public holidays.
That the decisions taken on the Planning Applications in relation to those applications outside and inside the area of the South Downs National Park be agreed as set out in the decision relating to each item, subject to the following:
(i) That in respect of item 6 (Goodworth House, 53 St Cross Road, Winchester: Case number: 20/02818/FUL) permission be granted for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report, the Update Sheet and the verbal update above, subject to an additional condition to require the footpath within the site to be made publically accessible at all times.
(ii) That in respect of item 9 (Scandia House, Southdown Road, Shawford: Case number: 20/02132/FUL) permission be granted for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet, subject to an additional condition to remove permitted development rights. The exact wording to be delegated to the Service Lead - Built Environment for agreement in consultation with the Chair.
(iii) That in respect of item 13 (Land adjacent to New Cottages, Warnford Road, Corhampton: Case number: SDNP/20/03795/FUL) permission be granted for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet, subject to two additional conditions requiring detail of the replacement fencing and the detail and colour of the car parking materials to both be submitted and agreed by the Local Planning Authority within a specified timeframe to be agreed with the applicant.
(iv) That in respect of item 14 (Four Acres, Cams Hill Lane, Hambledon: ... view the full minutes text for item 14. |
Additional documents: Minutes: (Agenda Item 15)
During public participation, Chris Elmitt and Maianna Elmitt spoke in objection to the proposed confirmation and answered Members’ questions thereon.
That, having taken into consideration the representations made and received, Tree Preservation Order 2289 be confirmed.
The virtual meeting commenced at 9:30am, adjourned between 1:55pm and 2:30pm and concluded at 6pm.
Chair |