Venue: Walton Suite, Guildhall Winchester and streamed live on YouTube at
Contact: Claire Buchanan, Senior Democratic Services Officer tel: 01962 848 438 Email: Matthew Watson, Senior Democratic Services Officer tel: 01962 848 317 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies and Deputy Members Minutes: No apologies were received for this meeting |
Disclosures of Interests
To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
If you require advice, please contact the appropriate Democratic Services Officer, prior to the meeting. Minutes: Councillor Williams declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in respect of item 6 (Skintle Green, Colden Common - case number: 22/00683/FUL) due to application falling within his county council division. However, he had taken no part on discussions regarding the application, therefore he took part in the consideration of the item and voted thereon.
Councillors Small and V Achwal declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in respect of item 9 (Land at Wangfield Lane and Vicarage Lane, Curdridge - case number: 24/00876/FUL) due to their role as Ward Members. However, they had taken no part on discussions regarding the application, therefore they took part in the consideration of the item and voted thereon. In addition, Councillor V Achwal declared the same interest in respect of Item 10 (Land Opposite Lockhams Hill, Lockhams Road, Curdridge – case number: 24/01317/FUL) due to her role as Ward Member. However, she had taken no part on discussions regarding the application, therefore she took part in the consideration of the item and voted thereon.
Councillor Small declared a pre-determination in respect of Item 10 (Land Opposite Lockhams Hill, Lockhams Road, Curdridge – case number: 24/01317/FUL) as she had taken part in discussions with the applicant and local residents regarding the application. Councillor Small stated that she would take no part in the determination of the application and left the meeting for the consideration of the item taking no part in the discussion or vote thereon.
Minutes of the previous meeting.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 October 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 16 October 2024 be approved and adopted.
Where appropriate, to accept the Update Sheet as an addendum to the Report Minutes: The committee agreed to receive the Update Sheet as an addendum to the report.
Planning Applications (WCC Items 6-10 and 12 and 13) (Report and Update Sheet refers) Minutes: A copy of each planning application decision is available to view on the council’s website under the respective planning application.
The committee considered the following items: |
Applications outside the area of the South Downs National Park (WCC): |
6 Skintle Green, Colden Common, Hampshire, SO21 1UB - Case Ref: 22/00683/FUL Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal Description: Item 6: Erection of detached dwelling
It was noted that the majority of the committee had visited the application site on 12 November 2024 to enable members to observe the site in context and to gain a better appreciation of the proposals.
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out the following:
(i) The emerging Local Plan contained a policy which has a requirement for a minimum buffer of 15 metres between development and ancient woodland or veteran trees. The trees neighbouring the site are not designated as Ancient Woodland and have not been identified as veteran trees in the Arboriculture Assessment therefore this buffer distance was not needed to ensure the appropriate protection of these trees.
(ii) Clarification regarding the height of the proposed dwelling, the ordinance survey datum of the current house ridge height is 46.00 while the new dwelling is 47.65. This is a difference of 1.65 metres.
During public participation, Peter Catchpole and Councillor Alex Loughran (Colden Common Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Phillip Robinson (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
Councillor Cook spoke as Ward Member. In summary, Councillor Cook raised the following points:
· She acknowledged that the planning officer recommended the application for permission and they considered it would not adversely impact the character of the area and was in accordance with policies DM15 and DM16, nor harm neighbouring residential amenity in accordance with policy DM17 of Local Plan Part Two (LPP2). She noted that it was the neighbour who was the applicant of No.6. · She questioned the recommendation's assertion that the development would not harm adjacent protected trees, referencing policy DM24. She pointed out that the emerging local plan policy DNE15 advises against building within 15 metres of trees. · She highlighted that the proposed three-storey, four-bedroom property does not meet the minimum parking standards despite changes to the parking layout at the rear of No.6. · Concerns were raised about the proximity of the new build to footpath number 11, an ancient right of way, the felling of trees, and the overdevelopment of the current spacious street scene. · She referenced the Village Design Statement, which identifies the characteristic layout and open spaces of the Brickmaker Estate, designed by Chilworth Homes, which won numerous awards. · She argued that the estate, designed in the 1960s to provide family homes in a spacious and thoughtful manner, was predominantly two-storey, and the proposed three-storey development was overdevelopment, inappropriate, and harmful to the character of the green and surrounding homes. · If the committee were minded to permit the application, she urged that consideration be given to the Winchester City Council Tree Officer's report from May 2022, which suggested tree protection conditions if consent were granted. · She expressed gratitude for the site visit and noted the excitement of reviewing plans but described the application as attempting to "put a pint into a half pint glass", indicating it was imaginative, but out ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
10 Baigent Close, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 0PE - Case Ref: 23/02742/FUL Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal Description: Item 7: Proposed new dwelling attached to no.10 Baigent Close. Demolition of existing outbuilding and proposed outbuilding within the garden of proposed dwelling.
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out the following matters:
(i) Signed and completed allocation agreement in respect of nutrient mitigation received on 1 November 2024, confirming that appropriate nutrient mitigation can be delivered if approved.
(ii) An additional condition as follows:
No development shall take place until a Construction Management Plan (CMP) has been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority, to include details of:
i. construction traffic routes in the local area ii. parking and turning of operative, construction and visitor vehicles iii. deliveries, loading and unloading of plant and materials iv. storage of plant and materials v. programme of works (including measures for traffic management)
The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved CMP details during the construction period.
Reason: To ensure that development should not prejudice highway safety nor cause inconvenience to other highway users or result in any other significant harm to the amenity of local residents, or to existing natural features.
During public participation, Anthony Hill spoke in objection to the application and Jeremy Tyrell (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
Councillor Tippett-Cooper spoke as Ward Member. In summary, Councillor Tippett-Cooper raised the following points:
· Stated that he was primarily there to support the residents of Baigent Close and their concerns about the application. · Acknowledged the officer's report and findings, noting that the key material planning considerations were the impact on the character of the street and the wider area, as well as the impact on neighbouring amenity. · Expressed real concerns about the suggestion that the application does not cause material harm to the neighbouring residential amenity. · Made reference to Mr Hill's opposition to the application, highlighting that the proposed new house in a small, densely built close would sit on top of a hill, with an additional outbuilding planned on even higher land. · He argued that such an application in a larger street of detached homes would result in significant concerns, and in a dense area like this, the concerns should be even more acute. · He disagreed with the report's assessment that the overshadowing impact on No. 9 Baigent Close would be limited, calling it a subjective assessment and suggesting it would be much more extensive. · He noted that Mr Hill had provided evidence showing how the new building would overshadow and overlook numbers 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 Baigent Close, issues not fully addressed in the report. · He pointed out a striking demonstration in the presentation showing how the proposed dwelling would loom over 11 Baigent Close and a large part of the tight-knit community. · Emphasised that many residents had voiced their concerns through Mr Hill, who spoke effectively on their behalf. · Councillor Tippett-Cooper argued that the development would have a real and material harm ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Moorside Retail Park, Moorside Road, Winchester, Hampshire - Case Ref: 23/02436/FUL Additional documents: Minutes:
The application was introduced. During public participation, Peter Evans spoke in objection to the application and Jonathan Wadcock (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report.
Land At Wangfield Lane And Vicarage Lane, Curdridge, Hampshire - Case Ref: 24/00876/FUL Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal Description: Item 9: The Erection of a Barn, Stable Block and Extension of Hardstanding (Amended Plans).
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out the following matters:
(i) Comments received from the Drainage Engineer on 7 November 2024 raising no objection, subject to a standard drainage condition being imposed.
(ii) An additional condition 9 as follows:
Condition 9 Detailed proposals for the disposal of surface water shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority before the commencement of the development hereby permitted. The development shall not be occupied until the approved measures have been implemented.
Reason: To ensure flood risk is not increased elsewhere, that opportunities to reduce the causes and impacts of flooding within the District are addressed and that wastewater infrastructure to service new development is provided as required by Policy CP17 of the Local Plan Part 1 - Joint Core Strategy Adopted March 2013.
(iii) An amended version of the proposed site layout plan was uploaded on 7 November 2024 (Drawing Reference C9_24_21_PL_100_A). The only change showing the hedgerow planting (secured through condition 3 of consent 23/01775/FUL and now in place).
During public participation, Councillor Jonathan Carkeet (Curdridge Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Claire Carvalho (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
Councillor Sudhakar Achwal spoke as Ward Member. In summary, Councillor Achwal raised the following points:
· The application site previously formed part of a larger 4-hectare site. Planning permission was granted earlier this year (or possibly late last year) for a barn to provide storage for machinery and to graze one horse. · The latest application seeks to add stables and other buildings for a further three horses. The British Horse Society recommends a ratio of one horse per 4 to 6 hectares. The site was approximately 0.9 hectares, hence a maximum of two horses could be accommodated on this site. · Councillor Achwal expressed concern that the 4-hectare farmland was slowly being turned into an alternate use, which was not in accordance with Winchester City Council's equestrian development policy DM12. · He argued that the buildings are out of proportion and would have a detrimental impact on the existing landscape, which was not in compliance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). · In conclusion, he urged the committee to refuse the application which he stated was contrary to policies CP20-1 and MTRA4.
The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
The committee agreed to refuse permission for the following reasons:
(i) Contrary to Policy DM12 – The siting of an additional equestrian enterprise and the appearance and intensification as a result, in respect of cumulative impact in the context of the area, the proposal would therefore fail to respect and minimise the visual impact in the location. The application failed to adhere to Criterion 3: should not involve the erection of new buildings, such as hardstanding’s that could be isolated or scattered; ... view the full minutes text for item 9. |
Land Opposite Lockhams Hill, Lockhams Road, Curdridge, Hampshire - Case Ref: 24/01317/FUL Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal Description: Item 10: Erection of 3 detached 4 bedroom dwellings with private amenity space, off-road parking, soft landscaping and associated works.
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out in full amendments to the wording within Page 150 (paragraph 4) and Page 152 of the report and an additional presentation slide in respect of the proposed street scene.
During public participation, Sue Bishop and Damon Weir spoke in objection to the application and Alice Drew (agent) and Miles Willshire spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
The committee agreed to refuse permission for the reasons as set out in the Report and the Update Sheet.
Mount Pleasant, Bighton, Alresford, Hampshire, SO24 9RB - Case Ref: 24/00939/FUL Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal Description: Item 12: Full planning permission for the demolition of the existing property and remains of bakery building with 2 linked detached two bed bungalows, revised access, parking, drainage and landscaping at Mount Pleasant, Bighton (AFFECTS THE SETTING OF THE PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY)
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out in full the following matters:
(i) Revised plan submitted on 7 November 2024 with annotations showing ownership of the blue-lined area. (ii) An amendment to paragraph 8 (page 203) in respect of the NPPF to use the wording set out on page 209 of the report and removal of the second reason for refusal (loss of non-designated heritage asset) set out on page 188. (iii) An amendment to the wording of paragraph 1 – reasons for recommendation (page 178). (iv) An amendment to the wording of paragraph 4 (page 184). (v) An amendment to the wording of paragraph 9 – planning balance and conclusion section (page 187). (vi) Paragraphs 7 – 10 of pages 185-186 refer to ecological documents which were superseded in August 2024. The requirements of Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) were not completely fulfilled and therefore the reason for refusal still stands.
During public participation, Simon Packer and Henry McCowen spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
Councillor Power spoke as Ward Member. In summary, Councillor Power raised the following points:
· It was noted that the officer's report described the site as a property, which did not represent what it had become, as supported by the parish council. It was not considered a heritage asset in the village. · Councillor Power emphasised her mission to gain small dwellings in the countryside, noting that such dwellings are often extended. She believed the limitations of this site would preclude extensions to the proposed homes and would be delighted if this could be conditioned. · She expressed a desire to see the properties conditioned to prevent them from being used for short-term holiday accommodation, though she believed this might not be possible and asked the Chairperson to check this with officers. · Turning to the reasons for refusal, she mentioned policy MTRA4 and the issue of extending the frontage. She argued that if permission for the two properties was not granted, it would result in yet another five-bedroom house in the village, of which there are already too many. · Councillor Power noted that the historic aspect of the building condition had been removed and stressed the importance of providing parking on-site, given the village has no regular bus service, with only the No. 240 bus running twice a week. She highlighted that a two-bedroom property would likely have at least two vehicles, possibly three, and the site is right on a junction, necessitating off-road parking. · Regarding the amount of open space, she believed that the remaining open space for any occupants would be a delight compared to new council-built housing, describing the site as very open and light, and thus did ... view the full minutes text for item 11. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal Description: Item 13: New two storey porch. Two new gable dormers to front elevation of the existing house and garage roof, one new flat roof dormer to rear elevation garage roof.
The application was introduced. During public participation, Sara Day and Councillor Sandy Phillips-Lee (Wickham and Knowle Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Giordana Burns spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report.