Venue: Walton Suite, Guildhall Winchester and streamed live on YouTube at
Contact: Claire Buchanan, Senior Democratic Services Officer tel: 01962 848 438 Email: Matthew Watson, Senior Democratic Services Officer tel: 01962 848 317 Email:
No. | Item | |
Disclosures of Interests
To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
If you require advice, please contact the appropriate Democratic Services Officer, prior to the meeting. Minutes:
Councillor Clear declared a personal but non prejudicial interest in respect of the agenda item: Land North of Southwick Road, Wickham, Hampshire (24/01884/FUL) as one of the residents was known to her. Councillor Clear stated that she would take no part in the determination of the application and left the meeting for the consideration of the item.
Councillor Laming declared a personal but not prejudicial interest in respect of the agenda items: 68 Old Kennels Lane, Olivers Battery, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4JT: (24/01060/HOU) and 23 Rances Way, Badger Farm, Winchester, Hampshire SO22 4PN: (24/00990/HOU) due to his role as a Ward Member. However, he had taken no part in discussions regarding the application, therefore he took part in the consideration of the items.
Minutes of the previous meeting. PDF 132 KB Minutes of the previous meeting held on 25 September 2024. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 25 September 2024 be approved and adopted. |
Where appropriate, to accept the Update Sheet as an addendum to the Report PDF 203 KB Minutes: The committee agreed to receive the Update Sheet as an addendum to the report. |
Planning Applications (WCC items 6-9) (Report and Update Sheet refers) Minutes: A copy of each planning application decision is available to view on the council’s website under the respective planning application.
The committee considered the following items: |
Denmead Farm, Edneys Lane, Denmead, Waterlooville, Hampshire: (22/00447/FUL): Denmead Ward PDF 1 MB Additional documents: Minutes: Establishment of solar farm facility with supporting development, on 4 separate parcels of agricultural land located to the north, south and west of the National Grid Lovedean substation and which also straddles the district boundary between Winchester City Council and East Hampshire District Council (EIA Development) (AMENDMENTS RECEIVED (December 2022)- Revised Plans and Reports; Additional Information and Revised Chapter 6 in Environment Statement (Landscape and Visual Impact). (FURTHER AMENDMENTS RECEIVED (October 2023)- Revised Plans and Reports; Additional Information including Removal of battery storage facility; Reduction to area of solar panels; Revised ES Non-Technical Summary; Additional Landscaping; Creation of Permissive Footpath; Addition of Passing Bays in Day Lane. (May Affect Public Rights of Way & May Affect Setting of Listed Buildings) (Revised Description & Revised Details).
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which provided additional information regarding several matters including the following:
1. A consultation response received from National Grid including Planning Officer comments. 2. A letter submitted on behalf of the Lovedean Village Residents Association and 46 residents that had been circulated to committee members including Planning Officer comments. 3. An alteration to condition 29, Noise (Submission of Details Post Installation) detailed as follows:
Condition 29. Within 3 months of the first commercial export date, a post installation noise assessment shall be carried out and submitted for approval in writing to the local planning authority. This submission shall verify that the cumulative rated noise level from the plant and equipment forming the Solar Farm is no greater than the prevailing background sound level (as set out in Condition 28) at the most sensitive period when the plant and equipment is being operated (e.g. evening, nights and weekends). The post installation noise assessment shall be carried out by a suitably qualified acoustic consultant/engineer and be undertaken in accordance with BS4142:2014+A1:2019 (or superseding guidance) for “Methods for rating and assessing industrial and commercial sound". If the noise criteria has not been met it will be necessary to identify and install noise mitigation measures within 3 months of the assessment being completed and a further post completion noise assessment undertaken so to demonstrate the noise criteria has been met. Any mitigation measures installed, shall be retained hereafter. All equipment including any forced air cooling fans and transformers must be maintained for the life time of the development. Any replacement equipment/plant shall also attain the same cumulative noise levels and be maintained to the same standard as set out above.
Reason: In the interests of amenity and the protection of the local environment and to comply with the intentions of policy DM20 of the Winchester District Local Plan Part 2.
4. A new condition, number 34, Broken Panel Management Plan detailed as follows:
Condition 34.Before the first commercial export date, a management plan setting out the methodology to be followed for the identification and remedial action to be taken in response to any damage, or wear and tear that may result in a breakage to a solar panel which ... view the full minutes text for item 5. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal Description: Ground floor rear, side, and front extensions. Roof alterations to provide first floor accommodation. Associated changes to exterior materials..
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which provided additional information regarding an amended plan (2401_PR_010_A) which was received to correct an error with the red line denoting the boundary between the application site and the neighbour, number 66.
During public participation, Susan Pratt and Christopher Tolley spoke in objection to the application, and Jeremy Tyrell spoke in support of the application and answered members' questions. Brendan Gibbs (Clerk to Oliver’s Battery Parish Council) had regsitered to speak on this item but was unabe to join the meeting and the Chairperson agreed for his written submission to be read out.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
RESOLVED The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal Description: 3m Rear extension flat roof with black aluminium Capping Black Aluminium sliders and window. Garage Conversion. Side extension in front of the garage with window matching existing white upvc. Infill porch. Internal alterations. Retaining wall left side on a new driveway to allow for 2 parking bays. (Amended plans).
The application was introduced and during public participation, Gui Colombo spoke in objection to the application, Jason Grey spoke in support of the application and Councillor Godbold on behalf of Badger Farm Parish Council spoke against the application. Members asked several questions of the public speakers.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application. During which, they received advice from the Legal Officer concerning questions regarding the Party Wall Act, which was not a matter for the committee to consider as part of this application.
RESOLVED The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.
Additional documents: Minutes: Proposal Description: Erection of 4 bedroom self-build dwelling, relocated access, parking, drainage and landscaping..
The application was introduced, and Members were referred to the update sheet which provided details on the following matters: the Recreation Mitigation Partnership; comments from the Tree Officer and Natural England; further information regarding the principle of development; and the planning balance and conclusion.
The update sheet also confirmed that the recommendation was for refusal, due to the following reason:
1. The proposal is contrary to Policy MTRA3 of the Winchester District Local Plan Part 1 as the development is not considered to be infilling a small site within a continuously developed road frontage. The provision of a self-build unit does not provide sufficient justification for a residential unit in this unsustainable countryside location. The proposal is also therefore contrary to Policy MTRA4 of the Local Plan Part 1 in that it results in an unjustified additional dwelling with no operational or essential need for a countryside location.
During public participation, Anita Farmer spoke in objection to the application, and Michael Knappett spoke in support of the application and answered members' questions.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
RESOLVED The committee agreed to refuse permission for the reason set out in the report and the update sheet.
Planning Applications (WCC item 11 Report and Update Sheet refers) The following item will not be considered before 2.00pm: (Depending on the Committee’s progress, some of the morning’s items may overrun into the afternoon session. Nevertheless, the following items will not be considered before 2.00pm).
Additional documents: Minutes: This application was not considered at this meeting. |
Planning and Enforcement Appeals Quarterly Report - 1 July 2024 to 30 September 2024 PDF 197 KB Minutes: The Service Lead, Built Environment introduced the report which provided the committee with a detailed summary of the 10 planning appeal decisions for the period 1 July to 30 September 2024 and the 2 enforcement appeal decisions for the same period. Further information was provided on several of the cases within the report.
The Enforcement and Planning teams were commended for their performance and strong appeal record, especially in recent complex cases and public inquiries.
That the summary of planning and enforcement appeal decisions received during the period 1 July to 30 September 2024, be noted.