Agenda and minutes

Planning Committee - Wednesday, 14th June, 2023 9.30 am

Venue: Walton Suite, Guildhall Winchester and streamed live on YouTube at

Contact: Claire Buchanan, Senior Democratic Services Officer tel: 01962 848 438 Email:  Matthew Watson, Senior Democratic Services Officer tel: 01962 848 317 Email:


No. Item


Apologies and Deputy Members


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Lee, with Councillor Wallace attending as standing deputy member and from Councillor Read, with Councillor Pearson attending as standing deputy member.



Disclosure of Interest


To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.

Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests, and on Predetermination or Bias in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.


If you require advice, please contact the appropriate Democratic Services Officer, prior to the meeting.


Councillor Laming declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in respect of item 7 (116 Olivers Battery Road South, Olivers Battery, Winchester – case number 23/00288/FUL) due to his role as Ward Member and had attended the meeting of the parish council when they considered the application. However, he had taken no part in discussions regarding the application, therefore he took part in the consideration of this item and voted thereon.



Minutes of the previous meeting. pdf icon PDF 160 KB



Minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 May 2023.




That the minutes of the previous meeting held on 24 May 2023 be approved and adopted.



Where appropriate, to accept the Update Sheet as an addendum to the Report pdf icon PDF 153 KB


The committee agreed to receive the Update Sheet as an addendum to the report.



Planning Applications (WCC Items 6-8) (Report and Update Sheet refers)


A copy of each planning application decision is available to view on the council’s website under the respective planning application.


The committee considered the following items:

Applications outside the area of the South Downs National Park (WCC):


Willow Tree Stables, Forest Road, Denmead, Hampshire, PO7 6UG (Case number: 23/00063/FUL) pdf icon PDF 389 KB

Additional documents:


Proposal Description: Item 6: Continued use of storage building as a dog grooming salon (sui generis)


The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out two points of clarification regarding use.


During public participation, Councillor Kevin Andreoli (Denmead Parish Council) spoke in David Whitmarsh spoke in objection to the application and Robert Tutton (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.


The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.




The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet, subject to the following:

(i)             An additional condition (4) requiring details regarding the disposal of greywater to be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The exact wording delegated to the Chair of Planning Committee in consultation with the Service Lead: Built Environment.



116 Olivers Battery Road South, Olivers Battery, Winchester, SO22 4HB (Case number: 23/00288/FUL) pdf icon PDF 365 KB

Additional documents:


Proposal Description: Item 7: New detached 1.5 storey 5 bedroom dwelling and detached garage, following demolition of existing dwelling. (Revised submission to approved 22/00354/HOU to facilitate replacement of entire dwelling)


The case officer announced that members of the committee had recently undertaken a site visit to view the proposal from the road and from neighbouring properties at 114 and 118 Olivers Battery Road South to understand its impact on the surrounding area.


The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out in full an Air Quality Statement and Dust Management Plan submitted by the applicant in accordance with the requirement of the Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document and associated changes to Condition 10; amendments to Conditions 3, 5 (drainage), 8 (BEP) and the removal of Condition 6 (energy and water efficiency).


During public participation, Susan Summers, Belinda Wasylciw and Councillor Rona Blundell (Olivers Battery Parish Council) spoke in objection to the application and Louise Cutts (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.


Councillor Warwick spoke as a Ward Member and answered Members’ questions thereon.


In summary, Councillor Warwick thanked the committee for visiting the site, stated that she was speaking in objection to the application and raised the following points:


·       Provided some background of the setting of Olivers Battery Road South which largely comprised of a central core of two storey houses surrounded by low density one storey bungalows with open plan gardens. The proposed development sits on the edge of the central core between two single storey bungalows.

·       Local residents had raised objection to the increased roof height of the new building (at 7.9m from the original 5.4 m) and were concerned that the increased height and bulk of the new structure would dominate the streetscene and have a detrimental impact on their properties.

·       In addition, there was concern was that the additional height and new windows would reduce the privacy of neighbouring properties and the enjoyment of their homes. Therefore, it was suggested that consideration be given to adequate landscape screening options for all affected properties.

·       Contrary to Oliver’s Battery Village Design Statement and Policy CP13

·       Following the original application last year, concerns about the planning process in this case have also been raised by local residents and the importance of the reasons why there was no objections to the original application except from the parish council as nearby residents all advise they were not notified of this application in writing last year and that no orange signs were displayed outside the property so they were not aware of proposals to replace the bungalow with a five bedroomed house, by the time they were aware, planning permission had already been granted.

·       Relevant to this application it would have been useful to have the written report of the council’s building control team regarding the condition of the remaining walls before they were demolished to understand why they could not be used.

·       In conclusion, Councillor Warwick requested that the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Aldi Foodstore Ltd, 2 Burnett Close, Winchester, Hampshire, SO22 5JQ (Case number: 23/00449/FUL) pdf icon PDF 262 KB

Additional documents:


Proposal Description: Item 8: Application Reference Number: APP/L1765/A/08/2081079 (08/00279/FUL) Date of Decision: 26/02/2023

To vary Condition 17 to allow the store to receive deliveries between 08:00 to 19:00 on Sundays and Public Holidays.

Propose that the wording of the condition is amended as follows:

No deliveries shall be taken at or dispatched from the site except between the hours of 07:00-10:00 and 12:00 -22:00 hours on Saturdays, and 08:00 – 19:00 hours on Sundays and Bank Holidays.


The application was introduced. Members were referred to the Update Sheet which set out in full an additional condition in relation to the electrical power supply and refrigeration unit, amendments to Condition 3 and Condition 6 and the deletion of Condition 5. update to the reason for refusal 1.


During public participation, Graham Matthews spoke in objection to the application and Alan Williams (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.


Councillor Morris spoke as a Ward Member and answered Members’ questions thereon.


In summary, Councillor Morris made reference to the additional condition, set out within the Update Sheet, in respect of the installation of an electrical power supply and refrigeration unit which he fully supported.


Councillor Morris stated that he considered that the additional condition was necessary to mitigate resident’s concerns, would ensure compliance with delivery conditions and the quiet delivery scheme. He was also fully supportive that the engine powering the refrigeration unit be switched off for the duration of a delivery taking place with the installation of an electrical power supply for delivery vehicles to connect to in the service bay area. Councillor Morris stated that the installation and operation of this facility would help to mitigate issues of noise and air pollution and he urged the committee to agree the additional condition, as set out in the Update Sheet, if minded to approve the application.


The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.




The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the Report and the Update Sheet, subject to an amendment to the additional condition within the Update Sheet to remove the words ’can be’ and replace with the words ‘shall be’ in respect of the refrigeration unit being turned off.


Registering to speak at meetings of the council:

The information below relates to the majority of meetings of the council but please note that different rules do apply for registering to speak at meetings of Full Council, Licensing Sub Committees, Planning Committees, Open Forums, and the Standards Hearing and Human Resources Sub Committees and the Appointments Panel. Further information can be obtained using the contact details above.

Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


Planning Committee on Wednesday, 14th June, 2023, 9.30 am{sidenav}{content}