Venue: This meeting will be held virtually and a live audio stream can be listened to via
Contact: David Blakemore, Democratic Services Team Manager Tel: 01962 848217 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To record the names of apologies given. Minutes: There were no apologies received.
Declarations of Interest To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed. Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Minutes: Councillors Hiscock, Humby, Porter and Tod declared personal (but not prejudicial) interests in relation to agenda items which may relate to Hampshire County Council matters due to their role as County Councillors. |
To elect from amongst the Members of the Council a person to be Mayor of the City of Winchester for the ensuing year Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Godfrey.
Seconded by Councillor Horrill and resolved unanimously that Councillor Patrick Cunningham be elected Mayor of the City of Winchester for the period commencing on 20 May 2020.
During a short adjournment to the meeting, Councillor Bell vacated the Chair, which was taken by the Mayor who made the Declaration of Acceptance of Office and then responded to the meeting.
To move a vote of thanks to the Retiring Mayor Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Evans.
Seconded by Councillor Thompson (Leader) and resolved unanimously that the best thanks of the Council be accorded to Councillor Bell for her service to the Council as Mayor during the past year. Councillor Bell then responded to the meeting. |
To elect from amongst the Members of the Council a person to be Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the ensuing year Minutes: Proposed by Councillor Evans.
Seconded by Councillor Murphy and resolved unanimously that Councillor Vivian Achwal be elected Deputy Mayor of the City of Winchester for the period commencing on 20 May 2020.
The Leader to confirm Deputy Leader (Vice Chairperson of Cabinet) and the other Members of Cabinet Minutes: The Leader, Councillor Thompson, appointed Councillor Cutler as Vice-Chairman of Cabinet and Deputy Leader of the Council for the ensuing year.
The Leader also appointed Councillors Ferguson, Learney, Porter, Prince, and Tod as the remaining Members of Cabinet. |
To elect the Chairpersons of each of the following bodies (or other bodies as Council may determine) for the ensuing year:- (a) Chairperson of Scrutiny Committee (b) Chairperson of Audit and Governance Committee (c) Chairperson of Licensing and Regulation Committee (d) Chairperson of Planning Committee (f) Chairperson of Business and Housing Policy Committee (g) Chairperson of Health and Environment Policy Committee (h) To appoint the four Licensing Sub Committee Chairpersons from those elected as members of the Licensing and Regulation Committee (j) Any Task & Finish or other Committee to be established, or appointments to be made.
Minutes: RESOLVED:
The following Members were elected Chairpersons of the Committees stated for the ensuing Municipal Year:-
The Scrutiny Committee – Councillor Brook Audit and Governance Committee – Councillor Power Licensing and Regulation Committee – Councillor Bentote Planning Committee – Councillor Evans Business and Housing Policy Committee – Councillor Weir Health and Environment Policy Committee – Councillor Clear Licensing Sub Committee Chairpersons – Councillors Green, Laming, Mather, Read |
To determine the number of seats to be allocated to each group on, and to elect the remaining Members of, the following bodies (or other bodies as Council may determine) for the ensuing year:- a) Scrutiny Committee b) Audit and Governance Committee c) Licensing and Regulation Committee d) Planning Committee e) Business and Housing Policy Committee f) Health and Environment Policy Committee. g) Any Task & Finish or other Committee to be established, or appointments to be made.
Minutes: With the exception of Cabinet, the Council reviewed the political representation on Committees in accordance with the provisions of Section 15(1) of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989.
The Council determined the representation on all the bodies as set out below (under alternative arrangements for the Housing Appeals and Appeals and Disputes Committees, but having regard to the political balance formula).
1. That the Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any minor consequential amendments to the Constitution to give effect to the decisions made.
2. That the allocation of seats to political groups be as follows:
The Scrutiny Committee (10) Liberal Democrats (6): Conservatives (4)
Audit and Governance Committee (11) Liberal Democrats (7): Conservatives (4)
Licensing and Regulation Committee (11) Liberal Democrats (7): Conservatives (4)
Planning Committee (9) Liberal Democrats (5): Conservatives (4)
Business and Housing Policy Committee (10) Liberal Democrats (6): Conservatives (4)
Health and Environment Policy Committee (10) Liberal Democrats (6): Conservatives (4)
Housing Appeals Committee (3) Liberal Democrats (2): Conservatives (1)
Licensing Sub-Committee Chairpersons (4) Liberal Democrats (2): Conservatives (2)
Further to the above, and pursuant to Section 16 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989, the Chief Executive served notice on each of the Leaders of the two political groups on the Council as to the allocation of seats on Committees as indicated above.
That the following appointments to Committees be made (inclusive of the Chairmen who were appointed earlier in the meeting):-
The Scrutiny Committee Councillors Becker, Bronk, Brook, Craske, Horrill, Hiscock, Lumby, Power, Scott, Weir,
Deputies Councillors Clear, Laming, Gemmell, Godfrey
Audit and Governance Committee Becker, Bentote, Bronk, Craske, Gemmell, Godfrey, Laming, Mather, Miller, Power, Williams Deputies Councillors Gordon-Smith, Gottlieb, Read, Lumby
Licensing and Regulation Committee Achwal, Bentote, Gordon-Smith, Green, Laming, Mather, McLean, Power, Read, Ruffell, Williams Deputies Councillors Clear, Fern, Pearson, Griffiths
Planning Committee Councillors Clear, Evans, Gordon-Smith, Laming, McLean, Pearson, Read, Ruffell, Rutter Deputies Councillors Bell, Bentote, Brook, Horrill
Business and Housing Policy Committee Councillors Bell, Brook, Craske, Hiscock, Horrill, Lumby, Power, Rutter, Scott, Weir Deputies Councillors Clear, Gottlieb, Godfrey, Miller
Health and Environment Policy Committee Councillors Achwal, Bell, Clear, Hutchison, Laming, McLean, Pearson, Read, Scott, Williams
Deputies Councillors Becker, Green, Brook, Gemmell
To pass the following resolution in respect of the Winchester Town Forum:- “That the Winchester Town Forum be established for 2020/2021 with membership comprising all Members who represent the five Winchester Town Wards” Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Winchester Town Forum be established for 2020/21 with membership consisting of all Members who represent the five Winchester Town Wards.
To pass the following resolution in respect of the Housing (Appeals) Committee:- “That alternative arrangements other than proportional representation apply for membership of the Committee for 2020/2021” Minutes: RESOLVED:
That alternative arrangements other than proportional representation be agreed in respect of the Housing (Appeals) Committee and that Members of the Committee be appointed as follows:-
Councillors Hutchison, Rutter, Scott Deputies Councillor Achwal, Clear, Horrill
The Mayor to move and the Deputy Mayor to second the adjournment of the Council to enable short meetings of the following Committees to take place for the purpose of appointing Vice Chairpersons as indicated: a) Scrutiny Committee b) Audit and Governance Committee c) Licensing and Regulation Committee d) Planning Committee e) Business and Housing Policy Committee f) Health and Environment Policy Committee. g) The Winchester Town Forum
Minutes: The Mayor (Councillor Cunningham) moved and the Deputy Mayor (Councillor Achwal) seconded the adjournment of the Council so that each of the bodies listed below were able to appoint their respective Vice Chairpersons.
Each Committee then met in turn and considered nominations received and duly elected their Vice Chairperson.
The following Members were elected at Vice Chairperson by the membership of each corresponding Committee for the ensuing Municipal Year:-
The Scrutiny Committee – Councillor Lumby Audit and Governance Committee – Councillor Bronk Licensing and Regulation Committee – Councillor Green Planning Committee – Councillor Rutter Business and Housing Policy Committee – Councillor Rutter Health and Environment Policy Committee – Councillor Laming
Council Tax Covid-19 Hardship Fund (CL156) PDF 340 KB Minutes: Councillor Cutler (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Risk), moved that the Recommendations in Report CL156 be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Thompson, Leader).
Council proceeded to ask questions and debate the matters in the report and recommendations.
That Council approve this scheme and the distribution of funding
in line with Appendix 1 – the Council Tax COVID-19 Hardship
Fund Policy, to be administered by the Revenues & Benefits
teams under the Service Lead for Revenues & Benefits; 2. That Council agree to delegate any further amendments to how funding will be distributed from October 2020, where required and including the event that any further funding is committed by Government, to the Section 151 Officer and in consultation with the Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Finance and Risk.