Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 5th October, 2022 7.30 pm

Venue: King Alfred Conference Chamber, Guildhall, Winchester

Contact: David Blakemore, Democratic Services Team Manager  Tel: 01962 848217 Email:

Note: Postponed from 21 September 2022 


No. Item


Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 6 July 2022 pdf icon PDF 170 KB




That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 6 July 2022 be approved and adopted.



Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from Members or Officers in matters to be discussed.

Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.



Councillors Tod, Porter and Warwick declared personal (but not prejudicial) interests in relation to agenda items which may relate to Hampshire County Council matters due to their role as County Councillors.



Announcements from the Mayor, Leader and Chief Executive.


The Mayor firstly announced the recent passing of Winchester City Councillor, Mayor of Winchester and Hampshire County Councillor, Susan Glasspool.  


MrsGlasspool was elected to Winchester City Council and represented the Itchen Valley Ward from 1983 until 1999 and was Mayor of Winchester 1993-94.  She was also a Hampshire County Councillor and was made an Honorary Alderman by the county council in 2010.  


Council stood in silent tribute to her memory.


The Mayor then reminded council of the forthcoming annual Law Sunday and Remembrance Sunday Cathedral Services.


The Mayor announced his forthcoming charity events and then also referred to the Adjutant General’s Corp 30th Anniversary Freedom Parade which was to be attended by the corps’ deputy Colonel in Chief, Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester.


Finally, the Mayor welcomed Mr Neil McArthur who had recently joined the council as Interim Head of Legal Services.


The Leader announced that in response to the debate at the previous full council about protecting our rivers from pollution, he had written to the Minister of State for Planning, Mr Lee Rowley.


The Leader then advised that at the recent meeting of the Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH) he had raised matters related to nutrient neutrality (both nitrates and phosphates) and had also spoken with representatives of Southern Water, the Environment Agency and Natural England.  New ways of collaborating on the ongoing nutrient issues had been identified and he would be pleased to debrief any councillor regarding this matter.


The Leader then advised that further to his undertaking to meet with Leaders of neighbouring authorities and with other local stakeholders regarding areas of common interest, he had recently met with the Leader of Havant Borough Council, Councillor Alex Rennie.  They had discussed consultation and engagement regarding the regeneration of Waterlooville and that this should include residents of the West of Waterlooville MDA and also the nearby communities of Denmead and Southwick.   Investment in the Horizon Waterlooville Leisure Centre was also referred to, as was the issue of whether the council’s West of Waterlooville Forum was appropriate as a body where future cross border issues could be raised.


The Leader then advised that Hampshire County Council had recently re opened discussion of the ‘Hampshire Deal’ and Investment Zones.  Winchester did not currently have an Investment Zone in the district, but submissions were still able to be made to the County Council for their potential inclusion.


The Leader then announced the recent appointment to the cabinet of Councillor Kathleen Becker, who would lead on the important council priorities of inclusion and engagement.


Finally, the Leader referred to cabinet’s recent announcement of a £200,000 Cost of Living Intervention fund, focused on supporting households in the Winchester district who are struggling with the rising cost of living.


He reported that these measures included: 


·         A Cost of Living Emergency Grant Fund that would be used to provide additional support to partner organisations that provide advice and practical support to residents. This includes help  ...  view the full minutes text for item 3.


Questions from Members of the Public pdf icon PDF 287 KB

To receive and answer and questions from the public.

(Questions must be received in writing by Democratic Services – – no later than noon on Wednesday 28September 2022)


One written question had been received from a member of the public, who attended the meeting to present his question. He also asked a supplementary question.  The questions received and response were subsequently set out on the council’s website. 



To consider and determine the following Recommended Minute of Cabinet held 22 September 2022 (reconvened from 14 September 2022) - KGV New Build Pavilion - request for additional budget CAB3363) pdf icon PDF 255 KB

i.             Extract of draft minute of Cabinet to follow.




To approve an additional capitalbudget of £1m funded from CIL (Town Forum £200k, District £800k CAB 3360 refers) to enable the proposed new build KGV Pavilion, bringing the total budget for this project to £3.3m.



ii.             Extract of draft minute of Winchester Town Forum held 22 September 2022 (reconvened from 15 September) to follow – included as background information for Council.




Approves an additional £200,000 Town CIL funding, bringing the total funding from Town CIL to £450,000.


Additional documents:


Councillor Learney (Cabinet Member for the Climate Emergency) moved that the recommended minute of Cabinet be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Tod, Leader & Cabinet Member for Asset Management).


Council noted that the corresponding draft minute of the Winchester Town Forum (also held 22 September 2022) had been included in the agenda pack as background information.


Council proceeded to ask questions on the matters in the recommended minute of Cabinet and the report.




That the recommended minute of Cabinet held 22 September 2022 (as follows) be approved and adopted:


That an additional capitalbudget of £1m funded from CIL (Town Forum £200k, District £800k, Report CAB 3360 refers) to enable the proposed new build KGV Pavilion, bringing the total budget for this project to £3.3m, be approved.


Changes to Committee Memberships

To receive any resignations from committees and to make any necessary re-appointments.




1.        For the Health & Environment Policy Committee, Councillor Westwood to replace Councillor Tippet-Cooper as a full member of the committee and Councillor Tippet-Cooper to replace Councillor Becker as a deputy.


2.             For the Scrutiny Committee, Councillor Cramoysan to replace Councillor Becker as a full member of the committee.



Questions from Members of Council pdf icon PDF 411 KB

The total time for questions and the answer and supplementaries thereto shall not exceed 30 minutes.


17 written questions had been received which were considered at the meeting along with any supplementary questions.  All questions are set out in full on the council’s website together with the response from the relevant Cabinet Member.


Registering to speak at meetings of the council:

The information below relates to the majority of meetings of the council but please note that different rules do apply for registering to speak at meetings of Full Council, Licensing Sub Committees, Planning Committees, Open Forums, and the Standards Hearing and Human Resources Sub Committees and the Appointments Panel. Further information can be obtained using the contact details above.

Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


Council on Wednesday, 5th October, 2022, 7.30 pm{sidenav}{content}