Venue: Council Chamber, Castle Hill, Winchester SO23 8UL
Contact: David Blakemore, Democratic Services Team Manager Tel: 01962 848217 Email:
No. | Item |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Council held on 16 July 2024 and the Extraordinary Meeting of the Council held on 28 August 2024 be approved and adopted.
Disclosure of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members or Officers in matters to be discussed. Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Minutes: Councillor Becker declared a pecuniary interest in respect of the Recommended Minute of Cabinet – Housing Revenue Account Nutrient Mitigation Proposal (Report CAB3459 refers). She left the room during consideration of this item and took no part in discussion or the decision thereon.
Councillors Porter, Tod and Wallace each declared personal (but non prejudicial) interests in respect of agenda items that may be related to their role as County Councillors.
Announcements from the Mayor, Leader and Chief Executive. Minutes: The Mayor drew attention to forthcoming events that he was to attend, including those in aid of his charities.
The Leader provided an update regarding devolution and reported that Hampshire County Council and the Solent upper tier authorities had recently submitted an expression of interest to government for a combined authority arrangement. The Leader would continue to seek assurances that the best interests of the district were properly represented as more detailed discussions take place.
The Leader then reported on the completion of the new 3G pitch at the football ground at Hillier Way, Winchester. This was to benefit many users in the community, including Winchester City Football Club. Subject to ground grading assessment, the first competitive fixture using the new pitch was to be the clubs FA Cup third round qualifying fixture.
The Chief Executive announced apologies for the meeting. |
Questions from Members of the Public PDF 103 KB To receive and answer and questions from the public. (Questions must be received in writing by Democratic Services – – no later than 10am on Wednesday 11 September 2024) Additional documents: Minutes: One written question had been received from members of the public, who attended the meeting to present their question. A supplementary question was also asked. The question received and the response was subsequently set out on the council’s website. |
To receive petitions In accordance with Council Meeting Procedure Rule 22, a petition was submitted by the Highcliffe Community Forum containing 329 signatures.
“We, the undersigned, request that Winchester City Council provides space for a community hub to serve Highcliffe and the local area in any redevelopment of the Bar End Depot site.” Minutes: In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 22, a petition was submitted by Highcliffe Community Forum regarding the Council providing a space for a community hub to serve Highcliffe and the local area in any redevelopment of the Bar End Depot site. The Mayor apologised for an error in the agenda as the petition had contained 353 signatures, and not 329.
Janet Berry (on behalf of the Highcliffe Community Forum) introduced the petition.
The Leader then responded to the matters in the petition as summarised as follows:
Council then proceeded to debate the petition and matters therein and in summary, the following matters were raised:
That the petitioner be thanked for bringing the matter forward and it be noted that that the points raised in the petition would be included in the Cabinet report of 15 October 2024 for decision and in addition the report would also be before the Scrutiny Committee on 3 October 2024.
That Cabinet recommends Council:
1. Approves an HRA capital budget of £900,000 to implement works on plant upgrades funded by and on behalf of Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH).
That Cabinet:
2. Subject to Council approval of the budget:
a) Approves capital expenditure of up to £200,000, funded by the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) via Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH), for feasibility and initial works. b) Approves capital expenditure of up to £700,000, funded by MHCLG via PfSH, for the implementation of works on further plant upgrades following agreed business cases with PfSH.
3. Delegates to Strategic Director and Director – Legal, in consultation with Cabinet Member for Place and the Local Plan, the authority to enter into necessary agreements with Fareham Borough Council on behalf of PfSH in order to receive the grant funds and establish working arrangements to implement the project and sell credits generated.
4. Delegates the procurement of any works or services to the Strategic Director and that the Strategic Director be authorised to award contracts and enter into all necessary legal agreements with the preferred bidder(s). Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Becker left the room during consideration of this item and took no part in discussion or decision thereon.
Councillor Westwood (Cabinet Member for Housing) moved that the recommended minute of Cabinet (Recommendation 1 of Report CAB3459) be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Porter, Cabinet Member for Place and Local Plan).
Council proceeded to ask questions and then debate the matters in the recommended minute.
At conclusion of debate and following the proposer (Councillor Westwood) being provided an opportunity to sum up, Council voted on the Recommended Minute before it.
That an HRA capital budget of £900,000 to implement works on plant upgrades funded by and on behalf of Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH), be approved.
Information for Council South Downs National Park Authority: Cllr Jerry Pett Minutes: Councillor Pett provided a verbal report to the Council regarding the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) for which he was the Council’s representative.
Councillor Pett firstly reminded Council that 16 December 2024 was the 75th anniversary of Royal Assent being granted to the National Parks; however, it was not until 1999 when the South Downs (and the New Forest) were then both put forward for designation as National Parks. He then set out the two statutory purposes of the National Park and advised that he had been appointed by the Council on a four-year term and was one of 27 members, 13 of which were appointed by district and unitary councils.
Councillor Pett explained that the SDNPA was the local planning authority for its whole area and planned strategically for the whole of the park, rather than each district or unitary exercising control of its own part. The SDNPA contracted out the day-to-day work of development control (and enforcement) to Winchester City Council and there were arrangements for the park to call-in some larger and more contentious applications. He recognised that these arrangements occasionally caused some difficulties for the ward councillors within the area of the park.
The SDNPA was currently reviewing its own local plan and had commissioned a housing and economic development needs assessment as part of its evidence base and it was to meet later in the autumn to agree site allocations. The Cabinet Member for Place and Local Plan (Councillor Porter) was to meet with SDNPA strategic partners to discuss how to best resolve the government’s proposals for Winchester City Council to meet housing targets based on its total area (when a large proportion was located within the park).
Councillor Pett then reported on various initiatives of the SDNPA, such as re-naturing schemes and support to agricultural businesses and opportunities to purchase biodiversity credits.
Councillor Pett then responded to questions. |
Changes to Committee Memberships To receive any resignations from committees and to make any necessary re-appointments. Minutes: RESOLVED:
That for the Economy and Housing Policy Committee, Councillor Murphy to replace Councillor Scott.
Questions from Members of Council PDF 210 KB The total time for questions and the answer and supplementaries thereto shall not exceed 40 minutes. Additional documents: Minutes: 15 written questions had been received which were heard at the meeting along with associated supplementary questions. The questions received and their response were subsequently set out on the council’s website.