Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 18th January, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber, Castle Hill, Winchester SO23 8UL. A live video stream of this meeting will be available from

Contact: David Blakemore, Democratic Services Team Manager  Tel: 01962 848217 Email:


No. Item


Appointment of Vice Chairperson for the Meeting




That Councillor Rutter be appointed Vice Chairperson for the meeting.



Minutes of the Extraordinary and the Ordinary Meetings of the Council held on 5 October 2022 pdf icon PDF 112 KB

Additional documents:




That the minutes of the Extraordinary and Ordinary Meetings of the Council held on 5 October 2022 be approved and adopted.



Disclosure of Interests

To receive any disclosure of interests from Members or Officers in matters to be discussed.

Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.



Councillors Tod, Porter and Warwick declared personal (but not prejudicial) interests in relation to agenda items which may relate to Hampshire County Council matters due to their role as County Councillors.



Announcements from the Mayor, Leader and Chief Executive.


The Deputy Mayor firstly paid tribute to former councillor Peter Kent Mason and former councillors and Mayors of Winchester, Ian Bidgood and Allan Mitchell who had all recently passed away.


Council stood in silent tribute to their memory.


The Deputy Mayor then announced forthcoming charity events and also the annual Mayor of Winchester’s Community Awards for 2023.


With regard to the King’s New Year Honours, the Deputy Mayor congratulated the following recipients:


Dr Martin Read CBE of Bishops Waltham - a knighthood for services to industry and for public and voluntary service.


Clare Hobbs of Winchester - an OBE for her work with young people as founder of the Wessex Dance Academy.


John Caulcutt of Sutton Scotney - an OBE for servicesto charity and philanthropy.


Jordan Wylie, lately of Andover but now living in Winchester – a MBE for services to children’s education in the Horn of Africa.


John Sutton of Winchester – a MBE for services to charitable fundraising as Director of Amateur Choirs.


Professor Beverley Harden, visiting professor at the University of Winchester – a MBE for services to healthcare.


Finally, the Deputy Mayor announced that Lisa Kirkman, Strategic Director, was to leave the council at the end of the month and she wished her well and asked that council accord its best thanks to her and that this be recorded in the minutes.

This was agreed and the meeting also reciprocated with applause. 


The Leader then made a number of announcements.


In summary, the Leader referred to his recent meetings with the Leaders of Test Valley Borough Council and Eastleigh Borough Council (Councillor Phil North and Councillor Keith House respectively). Common issues discussed included the phosphates and nitrates issue, the way forward on the Partnership for South Hampshire (PfSH) Statement of Common Ground and the importance of rural economy issues.  The Leader advised he had recently been elected as a local authority representative to the EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Board and reported on the LEP’s work regarding relevant rural economy initiatives in the area and this included the recently opened Animal Health & Welfare Research Centre at Sparsholt.  Regarding PfSH, he reported that the most recent Joint Committee meeting had discussed progress on the Statement of Common Ground and the Secretary of State’s recent announcements regarding changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).  


The Leader also advised that Councillor Becker (Cabinet Member for Inclusion and Engagement) was to investigate both Test Valley Borough Council’s and Eastleigh Borough Council’s initiatives to use the knowledge, insight and local understanding of local members to drive their council’s work.


The Leader also reported that he had discussed with the Leader of Hampshire County Council (Councillor Rob Humby) regeneration and growth in Winchester district and across the county. He then referred to his recent visits to North Whiteley, Newlands Parish Council, Wickham, Bishops Waltham and Alresford where he had met with local stakeholders. 


He then referred to the importance of partnership working and highlighted this  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4.


Questions from Members of the Public pdf icon PDF 216 KB

To receive and answer and questions from the public.

(Questions must be received in writing by Democratic Services – – no later than noon on Wednesday 11 January 2022)


One written question had been received from a member of the public who attended the meeting to present his question. A supplementary question was also asked.  The question received and response were subsequently set out on the council’s website.


To consider and determine the following Recommended minutes of Cabinet held 14 December 2022 - Council Plan 2020-25 Refresh (CAB3370) pdf icon PDF 100 KB



That the Council Plan 2020 to 2025: December 2022 update be adopted.


Additional documents:


Councillor Tod (Leader & Cabinet Member for Asset Management) moved that the recommended minute of Cabinet be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Ferguson, Deputy Leader & Cabinet Member for Community and Housing).


Council proceeded to ask questions and debate the matters in the recommended minute of Cabinet.




That the recommended minute of Cabinet held 14 December 2022 (as follows) be approved and adopted:


That the Council Plan 2020 to 2025: December 2022 update be adopted


Report and Recommendations of the Independent Members' Remuneration Panel (CL164) pdf icon PDF 152 KB



1.         That Council adopts the Members’ Allowance Scheme 2023 as set out in the Independent Remuneration Panel’s Report at Appendix A and that authority be delegated to the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer to finalise a Members’ Allowances Scheme to take effect from 1April 2023, in accordance with the recommendations of the Panel, as summarised below.


                               i.        That the Basic Allowance for Members of Winchester City Council for the year 2023/24 be £6,795 subject to any indexation (paragraph 4.1.15, page 6 of the Panel’s report)


                              ii.        That that no councillor shall be entitled to receive at any time more than one Special Responsibility Allowance (paragraph 4.2.5, page 8)


                             iii.        That the Leader of the Council receive a Band One Special Responsibility Allowance (paragraph 4.2.10, page 9).


                            iv.        That the Deputy Leader of the Council receive a Band Two Special Responsibility Allowance (paragraph 4.2.11, page 9) 


                              v.        That the Cabinet Members, Chairperson of Planning, Leader of the Principal Opposition Group and Chairperson Scrutiny receive a Band Three Special Responsibility Allowance (paragraph 4.2.16, page 10).


                            vi.        That the Chairperson of Licensing and Regulatory Committee, Chairperson of Audit and Governance Committee, Chairperson of Business and Housing Policy Committee and Chairperson of Health and Environment Policy receive a Band Four Special Responsibility Allowance (paragraph 4.2.18, page 10).


                           vii.        Thatthe Chairperson of the Council, Other Opposition Group Leaders and Vice Chairperson of the Planning Committee receive a Band Five Special Responsibility Allowance (paragraph 4.2.22, page 11).


                          viii.        That the Chairperson of the Winchester Town Forum, Chairperson of Task and Finish Working Groups and Group Managers each receive a Band Six Special Responsibility Allowance (paragraph 4.2.24, page 11).


                            ix.        That travelling allowance continue to be in line with HM Revenue and Customs’ rates (inclusive of for electric vehicles) and that no changes be made to the subsistence allowance scheme for approved councillor duties (paragraph 4.3.1, page 12)


                             x.         That that the Dependent’s Carers’ Allowance for childcare and more specialist care  continue be based at cost upon production of receipts (paragraph 4.4.3, page 12)


                            xi.        That the approach outlined in the IRP’s report (paragraph 4.5, page 13) be adopted as a basis of a policy to support parental leave for councillors.


                           xii.        That an annual indexation of the basic allowance and each of the SRAs continue to be based on the current formula (NJC Local Government). This may be a flat rate percentage increase or as in 2022/23 be based on a specific Spinal Column Point (SCP 29, 5.5%) (paragraph 4.6.1, page 14)


                          xiii.        That the new scheme of allowances to be agreed by the Council be implemented with effect from the beginning of the 2023-24 financial year, at which time the current scheme of allowances will be revoked (paragraph 4.7.1, page 14).



2.         That should the Council not agree to adopt a revised Members’ Allowances Scheme in accordance with the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel, its report and recommendations be noted and an alternative scheme be proposed to take  ...  view the full agenda text for item 7.

Additional documents:


Councillor Tod (Leader & Cabinet Member for Asset Management) advised that an alternative scheme to that produced by the Independent Members’ Remuneration Panel (IRP) had been circulated to all members in advance of the meeting. The Leader stated that the work of the IRP was acknowledged and its work appreciated, however, in accordance with recommendation 2 of Report CL164 he proposed that the IRPs’ scheme and recommendations (recommendations 1 (i) – (xiii)) be noted and that the alternative scheme be tabled as the substantive motion and once seconded, be debated upon and taken to the vote.


The alternative scheme proposed by Councillor Tod as the new substantive motion was set out as per the supplementary agenda item and was seconded by Councillor Horrill.


Council then proceeded to debate the substantive motion.




1. That the report and recommendations of the Independent Members’ Remuneration Panel (IRP) be noted.


2. That the following Members’ Allowances Scheme (as summarised) take effect from 1 April 2023 and that delegated authority be given to the Strategic Director and Monitoring Officer to finalise the approved scheme for adoption:


i. That the Basic Allowance for Members of Winchester City Council for the year 2023/24 be £6,597 subject to any indexation


ii. That Special Responsibility Allowances payable for Members of Winchester City Council for the year 2023/24 be as follows:




Value of the SRA (£)

% of the Leader’s Allowance

Band 1




Band 2

Deputy Leader With Portfolio



Band 3

Cabinet Member

Chairperson of Scrutiny Committee

Chairperson of Planning Committee

Leader of Principal Opposition Group



Band 4

Chairperson of Licensing & Regulatory Committee

Chairperson of Audit and Governance Committee

Chairperson of Business and Housing Policy Committee

Chairperson of Health and Environment Policy Committee



Band 5

Chairperson of Council

Other Opposition Group Leaders

Vice Chairperson of the Planning Committee



Band 6

Chairperson of the Winchester Town Forum

Chairperson of Task and Finish Working Groups





iii. That other Allowances and scheme benefits payable for Members of Winchester City Council for the year 2023/24 be as follows:


      Travelling and Subsistence Allowance:


                 i.       Payable to councillors in connection with any approved councillor duties. The amount of travel payable shall continue to be in line with HM Revenue and Customs’ rates.


                ii.      No changes to the existing 2022/23 travel allowances.


              iii.       No changes be made to the existing 2022/23 Subsistence Allowance scheme payable for approved councillor duties


Dependant Carers Allowance:


                 iv.       Childcare and more specialist care should continue to be based on costs, upon production of receipts.


                  v.       In the case of specialist care, a requirement of medical evidence that this type of care be required.


                 vi.       The allowance should have no daily or monthly maximum claim when undertaking Approved Councillor Duties.


Parental Leave 

                vii.       That the approach outlined in the IRP report (as set out as Appendix A to Report CL164) is adopted as a basis of a policy to support parental leave for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.


Final Report and Pay Policy Statement 2023-24 (CL166) pdf icon PDF 106 KB



That the Pay Policy Statement for the financial year 2023/24 as set out at Appendix 3 of Report CL166, be adopted.

Additional documents:


Councillor Cutler (Chairperson of the Audit and Governance Committee) moved that the recommendation in Report CL166 be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Power, Cabinet Member for Finance and Value).


Council noted a typographical error in the first paragraph of report CL166.  The Audit and Governance Committee considered the final report and Pay Policy Statement 2023/24 at its meeting on 10 November 2022, and not on 23 November as stated. 


Council proceeded to debate the matters in the recommended minute and the report.




That the Pay Policy Statement for the financial year 2023/24 as set out at Appendix 3 to Report CL166, be adopted.


North Whiteley Community Governance Review (CL167) pdf icon PDF 765 KB



Council is recommended to:

1.            Note the results of the two consultations that have taken place on the options for the future governance arrangements for the North Whiteley Major Development Area.


2.            Approve the draft recommendations, set out in the letter to residents at Appendix 3, so they can be published, and the community governance review process can be concluded.


3.            Approve the draft reorganisation order, which appears in Appendix 4.



Additional documents:


Councillor Becker (Cabinet Member for Inclusion and Engagement) moved that the recommendations in Report CL167 be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Williams, Chairperson of the Licensing and Regulation Committee).


Council proceeded to ask questions and debate the recommendations in the report.




1.    That Council note the results of the two consultations that have taken place on the options for the future governance arrangements for the North Whiteley Major Development Area.


2.    That Council approve the draft recommendations, set out in the letter to residents at Appendix 3 to Report CL167, so they can be published, and the community governance review process can be concluded.

3. That Council approve the draft reorganisation order, which appears in Appendix 4 to Report CL167.



Appointment of Statutory Officers (CL165) pdf icon PDF 212 KB



1.    That Elizabeth Keys be appointed Section 151 Officer for the Council with immediate effect.


2.    That Sharon Evans be appointed as the Council’s Monitoring Officer with immediate effect.



The Leader, Councillor Tod (Leader and Cabinet Member for Asset Management) moved that the recommendations in Report CL165 be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Horrill).




1. That Elizabeth Keys be appointed Section 151 Officer for the Council with immediate effect.


2. That Sharon Evans be appointed Monitoring Officer for the Council with immediate effect.



Notices of Motion

     i.        To consider the following Motion to be proposed by Councillor Malcolm Wallace:


“This Council notes with concern

·         The Government’s inconsistent policies on fracking for shale gas

·         The support of Hampshire County Council for further oil and gas development in its draft Minerals and Waste Plan: Partial update.


As part of our climate emergency response, this council is committed to a just energy transition and to ambitious investments in the green infrastructure and industries that will create jobs and rapidly decarbonise our economy.


The construction of new fossil fuel infrastructure and expanded reliance on fossil fuels exposes our communities to untenable risks to public health and safety at the local and global levels, whilst failing to provide relief to those struggling with fuel bills as the tiny contribution such activity would make to the world market would not affect prices. The economic opportunities presented by a clean energy transition far outweigh the opportunities presented by an economy supported by expanding fossil fuel use and extraction.


Therefore, this council resolves to:


a.    Oppose as a matter of council policy any initiatives to develop fracking for shale gas.


b.    Respond to the consultation to the County Council’s refreshed Minerals and Waste Plan stating our opposition to the extraction of oil and gas, our opposition to the continuing potential for further licences for extraction and re-affirming our opposition to the process of fracking to obtain gas and oil in Hampshire.”



    ii.        To consider the following Motion to be proposed by Councillor Caroline Horrill:


“In 2022 the Local Government Association launched a campaign Debate Not Hate.


The intimidation and abuse of councillors, in person or otherwise, undermines democracy; preventing elected members from representing the communities they serve, deterring individuals from standing for election, and undermining public life in democratic processes.


This council notes that increasing levels of toxicity in public and political discourse is having a detrimental impact of local democracy and that prevention, support and responses to abuse and intimidation of local politicians must improve to ensure councillors feel safe and able to continue representing their residents.


This council therefore commits to challenge the normalisation of abuse against councillors and officers and uphold exemplary standards of public and political debate in all it does. The council further agrees to sign up to the LGA’s Debate Not Hate campaign. The campaign aims to raise public awareness of the role of councillors in local communities, encourage healthy debate and improve the response to and support those in public life facing abuse and intimidation.


In addition, this council resolves to:

o   Write to our local Members of Parliament to ask them to support the campaign

o   Regularly review the support available to councillors in relation to abuse and intimidation and councillor safety

o   Work with the local police to ensure there is a clear and joined-up mechanism for reporting threats and other concerns about the safety of councillors and their families and discuss the need to take a preventative approach that accounts for the specific  ...  view the full agenda text for item 11.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10, three motions had been submitted for council.


(i) Motion submitted by Councillor Malcom Wallace.


The first motion had been submitted by Councillor Wallace and was as set out on the agenda which he then proceeded to introduce.   The motion was seconded by Councillor Learney (Cabinet Member for the Climate Emergency).


Council then debated the matters in the motion.  In summary, the following points were raised:


·      There could be negative consequences at this time should the extraction of oil and gas be immediately ceased.

·      There was urgent need to move forward the green energy agenda.

·      Oil extraction does already take place in the district as well as solar energy farms.

·      New homes constructed by the council were designed so to stop reliance on fossil fuels. Other developers were also moving ahead in this regard. 

·      North Sea oil extraction was important to the country.

·      It was important to support the council’s climate emergency declaration by not taking further fossil fuels out of the ground and releasing more carbon into the atmosphere.

·      It was a contradiction to support closure of oil and gas extraction when many still relied on, and used it, including from imported supplies.

·      Any reserves should remain in the ground and we should give that assurance to residents.


AMENDMENT – Moved by Councillor Bolton and seconded by Councillor Godfrey. 


Amend b to read as follows (see strikethrough and changes in bold)


b.    Respond to the consultation to the County Council’s refreshed Minerals and Waste Plan stating our opposition to we would only support a just transition away from the extraction of oil and gas as part of the government pathway to carbon neutrality and also state our opposition to the continuing potential for further licences for extraction above and beyond those already agreed. and re-affirming our opposition to the process of fracking to obtain gas and oil in Hampshire.”


With the leave of the deputy mayor and at the request of the mover and seconder of the original motion (Councillors Wallace and Learney respectively), Council adjourned for advice to be given regarding the proposed amendment. 


Upon reconvening, the Deputy Monitoring Officer explained that the proposer of the motion, Councillor Bolton, had withdrawn his motion as was contrary to paragraph 17 (Rules of Debate) of Part 4.1 of the council’s constitution – Council Procedure Rules.  This was because the proposed amendment had the effect of both introducing an entirely new proposition as well as negating the original motion before the Council. 




Council then returned to the matters in the original motion and following the seconder of the motion exercising their right to speak and summing up by the proposer, council then voted of the motion as set out on the agenda.




 This council notes with concern


·      The Government’s inconsistent policies on fracking for shale gas

·      The support of Hampshire County Council for further oil and gas development in its draft Minerals and Waste Plan: Partial update.


As  ...  view the full minutes text for item 11.


Changes to Committee Memberships

To receive any resignations from committees and to make any necessary re-appointments.




1. For the Health & Environment Policy Committee, deputy member Councillor Brook to be replaced by Councillor Bolton.


2 For the Audit and Governance Committee, Councillor Bronk to be replaced by Councillor Batho as a full member of the committee. Councillor Westwood is to replace Councillor Batho as a deputy member.



Questions from Members of Council pdf icon PDF 604 KB

The total time for questions and the answer and supplementaries thereto shall not exceed 30 minutes.


26 written questions had been received of which 13 were heard at the meeting along with associated supplementary questions. All questions are set out on in full on the council’s website, together with responses from the relevant Cabinet Member.


Registering to speak at meetings of the council:

The information below relates to the majority of meetings of the council but please note that different rules do apply for registering to speak at meetings of Full Council, Licensing Sub Committees, Planning Committees, Open Forums, and the Standards Hearing and Human Resources Sub Committees and the Appointments Panel. Further information can be obtained using the contact details above.

Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


Council on Wednesday, 18th January, 2023, 7.00 pm{sidenav}{content}