Venue: Council Chamber, Castle Hill, Winchester SO23 8UL
Contact: David Blakemore, Democratic Services Team Manager Tel: 01962 848217 Email:
No. | Item |
Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Council held on 18 September 2024 PDF 96 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the Council held on 18 September 2024 be approved and adopted.
Disclosure of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members or Officers in matters to be discussed. Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Minutes: Councillors Porter, Tod, Wallace, Warwick and Williams each declared personal (but non prejudicial) interests in respect of agenda items that may be related to their role as County Councillors.
Councillor Warwick declared a personal and prejudicial interest in respect of agenda item 7a (Notice of Motion regarding smartphones in schools), as the motion was directed to the County Council, of which she was a member and also Deputy Leader. She left the room during consideration of this item and took no part in discussion or the decision thereon.
CouncillorsHorrill, Learney and Porter each declared personal (but non prejudicial) interests in respect of agenda item 7a (Notice of Motion regarding smartphones in schools), as were governors of Hampshire schools which each had policies regarding smartphones in schools.
Gareth John (Director (Legal)) left the room during consideration of agenda item 5 (Appointment of Monitoring Officer) as the report’s recommendations specifically related to him.
Announcements from the Mayor, Leader and Chief Executive Minutes: The Mayor drew attention to forthcoming events that he was to attend, including those in aid of his charities.
The Leader then provided an update to Council.
He firstly reported on a letter sent to by Deputy Prime Minister to all council leaders outlining implications from the recent budget regarding social and affordable housing and council finances in general.
The Leader then provided a further update regarding devolution discussions in that the upper tier councils had submitted an Expression of Interest to the Government and that he had raised concerns that there should continue to be adequate local levels of representation and a system that was responsive to the needs of communities.
The Chief Executive announced apologies for the meeting.
Questions from Members of the Public PDF 102 KB To receive and answer and questions from the public. (Questions must be received in writing by Democratic Services – – no later than 10am on Wednesday 30 October 2024) Additional documents: Minutes: One written question had been received from members of the public, who attended the meeting to present their question. A supplementary question was also asked. The question received and the response was subsequently set out on the council’s website.
Appointment of Monitoring Officer (CL172) PDF 14 KB RECOMMENDATION:
That Gareth John, Director (Legal) is appointed Monitoring Officer for the Council with effect from 6 November 2024 Minutes: Councillor Tod (Leader) moved that the recommendation as set out on agenda be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Cutler).
Council did not ask questions or debate the recommendation, however Councillor Horrill requested that the best thanks of the Council be awarded to Lisa Kirkman for her interim Monitoring Officer duties. This was unanimously supported.
1. That Gareth John, Director (Legal) be appointed Monitoring Officer for the Council with effect from 6 November 2024.
2. That the best thanks of the Council be awarded to Lisa Kirkman for her interim Monitoring Officer duties.
1. That the Local Government Association Model Code of Conduct for Councillors be adopted as the Winchester City Council Code of Conduct to come into force on 1 January 2025.
2. That the recommendation for all councillors to attend training on the new code on the 14 November 2024 be endorsed.
3. That the Monitoring Officer advise all Parish and Town councils of the adoption of the Code.
Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Morris (Chairperson of the Audit and Governance Committee) moved that the recommended minute of the Audit and Governance Committee be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Chamberlain). There were no questions or debate of the matters in the recommended minute and report.
That the recommended minute of the Audit and Governance Committee held 26 September 2024 be approved and adopted:
1. That the Local Government Association Model Code of Conduct for Councillors be adopted as the Winchester City Council Code of Conduct to come into force on 1 January 2025.
2. That the recommendation for all councillors to attend training on the new code on the 14 November 2024 be endorsed.
3. That the Monitoring Officer advise all Parish and Town councils of the adoption of the Code.
Notices of Motion a) To consider the following Motion to be proposed by Councillor John Tippett-Cooper (seconded by Councillor Kathleen Becker):
Winchester City Council Motion: Request for Smartphone Ban Guidance in Hampshire Schools
This Council notes:
1. The growing body of evidence indicating that the unrestricted use of smartphones in schools can negatively affect academic performance, mental health, and social development. Research from 2023 highlights that smartphone distractions impair focus and exacerbate anxiety and cyberbullying among students.
2. The recent “Parent Pact” organised by the campaign group Smartphone Free Childhood in Hampshire received over 3,000 signatures. This involved parents of school students signing a "pact" that they will wait to give their child a smartphone until at least the end of Year 9.
3. That Winchester City Council offers a wide variety of active opportunities for young people across the district, encouraging physical, mental, and social wellbeing. Examples include the successful School Holiday Activity Programmes, which promotes sports and physical activity, as well as support to a number of youth groups and funding of various outdoor facilities such as skate parks, play parks and multi-use games areas (MUGAs), providing valuable alternatives to screen-based activities.
This Council believes:
1. Schools should be safe, focused environments conducive to learning, free from the distractions and pressures associated with smartphone use during school hours.
2. Clear guidance from Hampshire County Council is necessary to support schools in managing smartphone use effectively.
This Council resolves:
1. To call on Hampshire County Council to develop and issue guidance for schools across Hampshire to consider introducing restrictions or bans on smartphone use during school hours, ensuring that students benefit from a more engaged and supportive learning environment. This request (and points 2 and 3) below are to be made to Hampshire County Council through a letter from the Leader of Winchester City Council.
2. To request that Hampshire County Council provide schools with resources, training, and consultation opportunities to ensure the effective implementation of these measures, including engagement with teachers, parents, and students.
3. To ask Hampshire County Council to monitor the impact of any smartphone restrictions on academic performance, pupil behaviour, and mental health, and to report back on the outcomes to enable informed decision-making.
4. Requests the relevant WCC Cabinet lead to engage with the Smartphone Free Childhood campaign to identify potential adjustments to WCC activities that support the aims of the campaign.
By passing this motion, Winchester City Council seeks to support the health, wellbeing, and academic success of school students in the district.
b) To consider the following Motion to be proposed by Councillor Neil Bolton (seconded by Councillor Caroline Horrill):
MOTION: Changes to the Winter Fuel Allowance and protecting pensioners from fuel poverty
Council Notes:
• The Labour Government’s recent decision to restrict the Winter Fuel Payment to only pensioners in receipt of means-tested benefits like Pension Credit, as announced by Chancellor Rachel Reeves.
• The estimated impact of this decision, which Age UK says will mean 2 million pensioners who badly need the ... view the full agenda text for item 7. Minutes: In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15, two motions had been submitted for Council.
a) Request for smartphone ban guidance in Hampshire schools.
The first motion submitted was by Councillor Tippett-Cooper and was as set out on the agenda. The motion was seconded by Councillor Becker. Following its introduction by Councillor Tippett-Cooper, Council then debated the matters in the motion. In summary the following points were raised:
appropriate for their school.
the use of mobile phones throughout the school day.
Having reserved her right to speak, the seconder of the motion (Councillor Becker) then addressed Council, followed by the proposer of the motion (Councillor Tippett-Cooper) who exercised his right to respond to debate. The Council then voted on the motion as set out on the agenda.
That the motion proposed by Councillor Tippett-Cooper (seconded by Councillor Becker) be supported, and that this Council resolves:
By passing this motion, Winchester City Council seeks to support the health, wellbeing, and academic success of school students in the district. ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |
Changes to Committee Memberships To receive any resignations from committees and to make any necessary re-appointments. Minutes: RESOLVED:
There were no changes to committees to announce.
Questions from Members of Council PDF 195 KB The total time for questions and the answer and supplementaries thereto shall not exceed 40 minutes. Additional documents: Minutes: 11 written questions had been received which were heard at the meeting along with associated supplementary questions. The questions received and their response were subsequently set out on the council’s website.