Venue: Walton Suite, Guildhall, Winchester
Contact: Dave Shaw, Principal Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 221 Email:
No. | Item |
Apologies To note the names of apologies given and Deputy Members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members.
Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Berry |
Disclosures of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed.
Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
If you require advice, please contact the appropriate Democratic Services Officer, prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Jamie Cann, Head of Human Resources (Interim), Joseph Holmes, Strategic Director, Resources and David Shaw, Principal Democratic Services Officer all declared a personal interest in the item relating to Report PER318, but as they were not decision makers in this item they remained and participated in the meeting.
Minutes of the Previous Meeting of the Committee held on 2 July 2018 PDF 58 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 2July 2018, be approved and adopted.
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman announced that following consultation with Committee members, the meeting of the Committee scheduled for 11 March 2019 had been rearranged for Monday 4 March 2019 to commence at 6:30pm in the Walton Suite, Guildhall, Winchester.
Organisational Development Performance Monitoring - Quarter 1 2018/19 PER315 PDF 87 KB Minutes: Councillor Godfrey introduced the Report.
Members asked questions of the information presented and the responses given are summarised below:
(i) The increase in personal stress as a reason for sickness (777 recorded cases in Quarter 1 up from 520 cases in Q4 2017/18) reflected a national increase of 25% as set out in a recent report from the Health and Safety Executive. It was also acknowledged that this was a significant period of change and pressure in Local Government. There was also improved recording for the reasons for absence provided by Doctors.
(ii) The Authority was proactive in managing stress, with a new Occupational Health Advisor to be appointed in January 2019. Other initiatives included the promotion of Wellbeing Days, meditation opportunities at work, access to 24 hour Counselling services, the introduction of the Health Care Cash plan, Christmas office closure and providing courses on mental health awareness. Members additionally suggested that Team Meetings to promote teamwork, employee buddying and the use of flexitime for improved life work balance might also be of benefit.
1. That the Quarter 1 2018/19 Performance Monitoring figures for Organisational Development be noted.
2. That no items of significance be drawn to the attention of the Portfolio Holder or Cabinet arising from the Performance Information.
Organisational Development Performance Monitoring - Quarter 2 2018/19 PER317 PDF 121 KB Minutes: Councillor Godfrey introduced the Report.
Members asked questions of the information presented and the responses given are summarised below:
(i) There was a peak in employees leaving the Authority in Quarter 2 due to the recruitment cycle in Local Government, with authorities most actively recruiting in the period from March to May.
1. That the Quarter 2 2018/19 Performance Monitoring figures for Organisational Development be noted.
2. That no items of significance be drawn to the attention of the Portfolio Holder or Cabinet arising from the Performance Information.
Employee Strategy Review PER316 PDF 184 KB Minutes: Councillor Godfrey introduced the Report and stated that the Strategy was making significant progress.
Members asked questions of the information presented and the responses given are summarised below:
(i) Mentoring and coaching would be addressed in Phase 3 of the Strategy, including management training.
(ii) The retention of ‘key’ workers and maintaining their motivation was important and this should be recognised as a risk by the Authority. The Strategic Director: Resources stated that staff may leave the Authority for a variety of reasons and initiatives such as a Talent Management Strategy were being introduced to develop the next leaders of the Authority with the skills, values and behaviours that were appropriate for the authority’s size and to help it to grow from within. The Head of Human Resources (Interim) added that he would discuss with the Head of Development Management about including an article in the Democratic Services Update when an officer left post that previously had a strong interface with Members.
RESOLVED: That the progress against the Employee Strategy be noted.
Review of Terms and Conditions of Employment PER318 PDF 169 KB Minutes: The Strategic Director: Resources introduced the Report. Councillor Godfrey added that the proposals were intended to have a positive effect on staff retention and the attractiveness of Winchester as a place to work. The addition to annual leave was a significant benefit and the changes to pay an acknowledgement that staff were valued.
Members asked questions of the information presented and the responses given are summarised below: (i) Christmas leave and office closure would be introduced this year.
(ii) Additional leave could be bought after six months service when the probationary period had expired. The purchase of annual leave would usually be discussed with managers at appraisal time so that office cover could be arranged, but the scheme could be flexible to respond to unforeseen circumstances.
(iii) There were currently no core working hours, but Heads of Teams ensure that teams are adequately staffed in normal opening hours (8:30am to 5:00pm Monday to Thursday and 8:30am to 4:30pm on Fridays).
(iv) There was a clear gap for employees on Scale 4 from the lower pay scales (1 – 3), which would be positive in that it retained clear breaks between grades and all scales would see an uplift of 2% at least.
1. That the Head of Human Resources (Interim) be given delegated authority to: a. implement the revisions to annual leave set out in this Report with effect from 01 April 2019; b. implement the revisions to the Council’s Flexible Working (“Flexi-Time”) arrangements as set out in this Report; c. amend the Council’s Policies accordingly.
2. That the commitment to ensure the Council sets its salaries at market median is supported.
3. That the salary scales set out in Appendix C which meet the requirements of the ‘national assimilation requirement be approved and recommended to Cabinet for the financial implications.
To Cabinet:
4. To approve the financial implications of the Personnel Committee’s proposals for the Council’s pay scales of an estimated £227k, as set out in Appendix C, and recommend the increased budget provision to Council.
The meeting commenced at 6.30pm and concluded at 7:30pm.