Venue: Walton Suite, Guildhall, Winchester
Contact: Claire Buchanan, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 438 Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||
Appointment of Chairman and Vice Chairman for the 2018/19 Municipal Year Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Councillor Weir be elected Chairman and Councillor Scott be elected Vice-Chairman for the 2018/19 Municipal Year.
To note the date and times of future meetings of the Forum, as set out below
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the meetings of the Forum commence at 6.30pm in accordance with the published timetable of meetings for 2018/19, as set out on the agenda.
Disclosures of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed. Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
If you require advice, please contact the appropriate Democratic Services Officer, prior to the meeting.
Minutes: Councillor Green made a personal statement in respect of Item 10 below (KGV Recreation Facilities) due to his sister in law’s role as an employee of the Council as a project manager involved with the Leisure Centre Project.
Councillor Learney declared a personal (but not prejudicial) interest in respect of Item 9 below (Playing Pitch Strategy) due to her role as Littleton and Harestock Parish Councillor.
Chairman's Announcements Minutes: The Chairman made the following announcements:
(i) Commercial Waste Bins The Chairman congratulated the Environmental Services Team on the ongoing work to remove the commercial waste bins from the Town Centre and encouraged Members to take the opportunity to walk around the area to appreciate the difference this work had made. Going forward efforts would be made on the removal of mess and damage caused by pigeons and discussions would be held with Members and other parties regarding work to historic sites.
In response, Councillor Mather reported that a ‘pigeon strategy’ was now in place and thanked Councillor Warwick for the work that had been carried out on this issue.
(ii) Handlebar Café The Chairman reported that she had attended a presentation regarding the Handlebar Café project. Funding was now in place and the project progressing with the opportunity for Members to visit the project in the foreseeable future.
(iii) University of Winchester The Chairman announced that she had attended a presentation given by the University of Winchester on the economic impact of the University on the Town Centre. It was noted that a representative from the University would attend a future meeting of the Forum to provide a precis of the presentation.
(iv) Town Forum Grants It was noted that a report would be coming forward for consideration by the Forum setting out a review of the grants process. In addition, Ward Member support was sought to promote the Town Forum Small Grant application process to local groups and projects within their particular area. Any contacts should be passed onto the Funding and Support Officer accordingly.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 28 March 2018. Minutes: Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting, the Corporate Head of Regulatory announced that, the Town Forum St Maurice’s Covert Informal Group would be reconvening in due course to move the project forward.
In response to a concern expressed regarding the partially unmade footpath to the link up at the end of Imber Road, the Strategic Director: Services confirmed that he would provide an update to Councillor Hutchison on this matter in due course.
That the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 28 March 2018, be approved and adopted. |
Public Participation To receive and note the questions asked and statements made from members of the public on issues relating to the responsibility of this Forum. Minutes: Janet Berry (on behalf of Highcliffe Community Forum for Action – HCFfA) addressed the Forum in respect of Item 10 below (KGV Recreation Facilities) and Emma Back (Sports and Art Leisure Trust – SALT) addressed the Forum in respect of Item 9 (Playing Pitch Strategy) and Item 10 (KGV Recreation Facilities). A summary of their representations are outlined below.
Janet Berry stated that following the full engagement and contributions of Highcliffe residents on the Leisure Centre project and the Draft Design Framework, the HCFfA were disappointed to hear that been further issues relating to KGV had now been raised which were not included in the consultation. She considered that there had been ample opportunity for comments to be received on the facility and raised concern regarding the traffic access plans and the controlled vehicular access which allowed parking for 20 cars for the relocation of the boxing club and girls football facilities to KGV playing fields.
Ms Berry stated that Highcliffe residents had submitted a long standing request for traffic to be limited, particularly on MIlland Road and Vale Road, and that this revised proposal to change the Draft Design Framework would exacerbate existing traffic and parking problems in this area. She also made reference to the pedestrian junction at Milland Road, the present main area of play for children at KGV playing field and queried the lack of consultation with HCFfA on the proposed changes at KGV made at short notice, as set out in the briefing paper.
Emma Back stated that she welcomed the Playing Pitch Strategy but queried why a hockey requirement had been left out of the Executive Summary, as set out in the report and sought clarification on the community use facility agreement in this respect.
Ms Back considered the boxing club to be a very exciting proposition and stated that she was keen to work with the community on site to expand provision by working with young people and for groups created by the project to work together to input into the design and layout of the facility and for it to operate efficiently to ensure running costs were covered.
In response to the questions raised by Ms Back, the Head of Landscapes and Open Spaces clarified that work had been carried out on the design and that reference to hockey had been omitted in error which would be added in alongside football and cricket.
District Wide Playing Pitch Strategy PDF 95 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: (Report CAB3032 refers)
The Forum gave consideration to the report which outlined the purpose of the Playing Pitch Strategy (PPS) for approval by Cabinet at its meeting 20 June 2018. The report informed the decision making regarding the provision of sports pitches for public use across the Winchester District An assessment of play pitches for the period 2018 to 2031 (in line with the adopted Local Plan).
The Forum received a presentation by the Head of Landscapes and Open Spaces which outlined the detail, aims, objectives and salient points of the Playing Pitch Strategy. Reference was made to the four key purposes, the current and future findings and the key recommendations and delivery.
It was reported that, once approved, officers would liaise with all providers on the Playing Pitch Strategy to establish provision going forward.
Members welcomed the document and raised a number of questions in relation to vandalism, housing provision and open space, unusable nets at the Cricket pavilion and the inclusion of Sir John Moore Barracks in the PPS which were answered accordingly, as set out below
· That the PPS focussed on grass playing pitches. There were currently no tennis of netball courts included. However, this would be looked at as part of the Built Facilities Strategy.
· In respect of Sir John Moore Barracks following discussion at the Worthy Down Camp, the Head of Landscapes and Open Spaces advised that she would find details on this matter and send this onto Councillor Hiscock in due course.
· It was noted that pitches would be marked out and that it was not the intention for these pitches to be ‘over marked’ but provision would be made for designated areas to be kept available for a flexible multi use.
· The Head of Landscapes and Open Spaces to review the specifics in relation to the provision of Hockey in the PPS.
That the content of the report and presentation be received and the comments of the Forum be noted |
KGV Recreation Facilities PDF 55 KB Briefing Paper Minutes: (Briefing Paper)
The Landscapes Project Officer introduced the briefing paper outlining the recreation facilities at the King George V playing fields and provided a summary of how the build of the new Leisure Centre impacts on the KGV park. In response to the points raised by Emma Back (SALT) during public participation, Councillor Burns made reference to the proposals which she stated conflicted with the original deed of dedication for recreational use of the area, in perpetuity, in memory of King George V. She advised this matter would be addressed and resolved with Fields in Trust and the Council’s Legal Team in due course.
In response to questions it was noted that the Council was committed to engagement on the Pavilion Project before the Summer holiday period commenced; this would help to scope out the project, the objectives and assist in the design of the multifunctional Pavilion going forward. The Head of Programme advised that wide consultation would be carried out and the views and involvement of sports clubs, along with residents, community groups, stakeholders and organisations was welcomed.
Members expressed concern regarding the need for improved governance and were asked to consider how the Town Forum could be adequately engaged on the proposals for the site going forward as capital revenue funders and were reminded that the Cabinet (Leisure Centre) Committee had also been established to oversee this process.
In conclusion, it was noted that the Town Forum wished to have an active role in shaping the project and considered the willingness to engage constructively to be crucial, with the involvement of the Town Forum, community forums and sports clubs as part of the partnership.
That the comments of the Forum, as set out above, be brought to the attention of Cabinet.
Work Programme and Appointments 2018/19 PDF 105 KB Minutes: (Report WTF262 refers)
The Forum gave consideration to the report which set out the draft work programme for the Forum for the new Municipal Year 2018/19 and asked Members to consider its appointments to the Informal Groups established during the previous Municipal Year. The report outlined the previous membership and terms of reference of these Groups.
In respect of future work programme items for consideration, it was suggested that the Town Forum consider Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) proposals when appropriate going forward and that this also be brought forward for next years work programme.
In respect of the Town Forum (North Walls) Informal Group, it was noted that this Group would be an interface between the North Walls and River Park areas and will now look at information gathering work, recognising the need to align with Cabinet in commissioning work. This Group would continue to be supported by the Head of Landscapes and Open Spaces.
The Forum noted that the Local Democracy and Decision Making Informal Group had not met during 2017/18 and it was proposed that this Group be renamed Town Forum (Engagement) Informal Group, looking particularly at three areas: Local Plan Refresh; Governance and the output of the Movement Strategy (including public transport and the night bus service), together with looking at using information of community integration. The Forum concluded that this Informal Group would involve all the Members of the Town Forum as a whole.
In respect of the Town Forum (Town Improvement) Informal Group, this Group be deleted as papers relating to this matter were coming forward directly to the Forum for consideration.
In conclusion, the Report requested that Members re-appoint various informal groups of the Forum and these were agreed as set out below, subject to the amendments set out above.
1. That the detailed work programme for the Forum for the 2018/19 Municipal Year, as set out in Appendix 2 to the Report, be agreed, having regard to the discussion outlined above; and
2. That the following Informal Groups be appointed for 2018/19 with membership as outlined below:
(i) Winchester Town Forum (Account Informal) Group: Councillors: Weir (Chairman), Learney, Mather and Murphy
(ii)Winchester Town Forum (Town Account Grants) Informal Group: Councillors Scott (Chairman) Berry, Becker and Learney.
(iii) Winchester Town Forum (St Maurice’s Covert) Informal Group: Councillors Hutchison, Berry, Mather, Murphy and Tod
(iv) Walking Strategy Group: Councillor Hiscock.
(v) Winchester Town Forum (North Walls) Informal Group: Councillors Burns, Becker, Hutchison, Thompson and Weir
(vi) Winchester Town Forum (Engagement) Informal Group: All Members of the Town Forum. |