Venue: Walton Suite, Guildhall, Winchester
Contact: Claire Buchanan, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 438 Email:
No. | Item |
To confirm a Chairperson for the meeting Minutes:
That Councillor Laming be confirmed as Chairperson for the meeting.
Disclosure of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed. Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Minutes: There were no disclosure of interests made at this meeting.
Additional documents:
Minutes: The Chairperson welcomed all those present to the meeting:
Applicant Lee William Davies – Premises Licence Holder Kalvin Collymore – Business Partner Richard Sims – Advisor representing Mr Davies
Other Persons who have made written representations: Charles Pascall (representation on pages 54-55) Adrian Hutton (representation on page 58) Sorrell Collins (representation on pages 59-60) Emily Horne (representation on pages 61-62) Kate Healey (attended virtually) (representation on pages 63-64) Michael Hobby (on behalf of Winchester Street Pastors) (representation on page 65)
The Licensing Officer introduced the report which set out an application to vary a premises licence under section 34 of the Licensing Act 2003 for Vodka Bar and Nightclub, Upper Brook Street, Winchester, SO23 8AL. The application was to amend the hours for licensable activities; amend the opening hours; remove seasonal variations to the hours; amend the layout of the premises; and add, amend and remove various licence conditions.
The application proposed to amend the hours for licensable activities and the opening hours, including permitting regulated entertainment, late night refreshment and the supply of alcohol until 04:00 hours on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. For clarification, the Licensing Officer drew the Sub Committee’s attention to Appendix 6 which set out a comparison between the current premises licence and the proposals as set out in the application.
The application proposed to amend the layout of the premises to introduce a new welfare/medical room and relocate the toilets, cloakroom and rear door leading to the garden. Prior to submission of the application, a number of conditions had been added, amended and removed by the applicant, following consultation with Hampshire Constabulary and Environmental Health to promote the licensing objectives. The full application was set out in Appendix 1 and the existing premises licence was set out in Appendix 3 to the report.
The Sub-Committee were advised that no representations had been received by Responsible Authorities. 12 written representations had been received from ‘Other Persons’ all against the application, six of whom addressed the Sub-Committee. These representations were set out in full in Appendix 2 and related to all four of the licensing objectives; the prevention of crime and disorder, the prevention of public nuisance, public safety and the protection of children from harm.
In conclusion, the Licensing Officer advised the Sub-Committee that, if minded to grant the application, there were conditions to consider, as set out in Section 5 of the report, which the Sub-Committee could consider and amend as appropriate to promote the licensing objectives.
At the invitation of the Chairperson, Richard Sims, advisor representing the applicant and premises licence holder, Lee William Davies and Kalvin Collymore, business partner, addressed the Sub-Committee to set out the application and responded to questions.
The Chairperson then invited the six ‘Other Persons’ who had made relevant written representations to address the Sub-Committee. Charles Pascall, Adrian Hutton, Sorrell Collins, Emily Horne, Kate Healey (joined virtually) and Michael Hobby (on behalf of Winchester Street Pastors) all spoke in relation to their written representations and answered ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |