Venue: This meeting will be held virtually and a live audio stream can be listened to via
Contact: Dave Shaw, Senior Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 221 Email:
No. | Item | |
Chairpersons Welcome Minutes: The meeting was held virtually and the Chairperson welcomed representatives to the meeting.
Apologies and Deputy Members To record the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members (where appropriate).
Minutes: Apologies were received from: Councillor Hughes, Hampshire County Council; Councillor Patel, Havant Borough Council; Councillor Robinson, Havant Borough Council and Councillor Berry, Newlands Parish Council |
Disclosures of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed. Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct.
Minutes: Councillor Read made a personal statement that he was a Newlands Parish Council Councillor.
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 3 November 2020 WWF117 PDF 275 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 3 November 2020, be approved and adopted.
Public Participation To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum. This period is for a maximum of 10 minutes.
NB members of the public are required to register with Democratic Services three clear working days before the meeting (see below for further details).
Minutes: Rebecca Marsden spoke under public participation.
In summary, Ms Marsden referred to several issues within the development. These included the Section 104 adoption of drainage and progress with the resolution of the drainage issues due to problems with the pumping station; her contact with the Consumer Council for Water in respect of the adoption of the drainage; the adoption of the roads and clarification as to whether the Highways Section 220 Advance Payments Code Notice dated 09/01/09 was signed. In addition, a management map had previously been promised by the Parish Council and that it would be shared with residents. Further, the industrial land had neighbouring residents that would be effected by the planning application and therefore the application should be advertised for their engagement. In concluding, Ms Marsden suggested that Havant Borough Council public open space should be adopted by the Borough Council rather than by another organisation. This was put forward due to the possible impact on the residents of shared ownership properties that wished to staircase their ownership and whether it would also be in the best interest for residents in terms of having to pay additional precepts at the termination of the Section 106 monies and also for better accountability to local residents.
The Chairperson thanked Ms Marsden for participating and informed the meeting that in respect of the Section 104 Agreement, Taylor Wimpey’s adoption manager was today meeting with Southern Water to discuss the adoption and the outcome would be reported to Forum participants.
West of Waterlooville Major Development Area (MDA) - Verbal Progress Reports - Grainger - Taylor Wimpey Minutes: Grainger Grainger development update – Jenni Upstill (Grainger) provided an update. Reference was made the following: There were three current planning applications – Berewood nature reserve, the sports pavilion and the phase 2 of Town Park. In reference to infrastructure works: · The final landscaping was taking place on the River Wallington. · The entrance roundabout would be resurfaced at some point in the future. · The SUDs on the Lark Field (phase 3 b) was ongoing, to be completed possibly in April. The western link road work was on schedule. Stakes Hill roadworks had been deferred to September. The double yellow line and parking bay strategy on Grainger Street and Houghton Avenue had been submitted to Hampshire County Council for approval. Future road adoptions were in discussion with Hampshire County Council. In terms of phasing, the next phases to be sold were Lark Fields (3b) and Woodland Edge (5a). Grainger were currently in talks with developers and works were anticipated to commence on site at the end of the year. The second primary school was anticipated to open in September 2024, to be delivered by Hampshire County Council. The business case had been delivered to the NHS for the Health Centre and a reply was awaited. Up-coming events included sporting events in the Park over the Easter period. The local elections on 6 May would use Portacabins in the Community Hall Car Park. The River Wallington and Elm Green play areas would be completed in April/May and would have an official opening in the summer. The Grainger website and branding had been updated – and also a wayfinding and signage strategy was being undertaken. Grainger had been working with the house builders on employment skills and sending out packs to local community groups. Arising out of questions from members of the Forum, the following issues were discussed: B2150 review. Councillor Clear updated the meeting on her correspondence with Hampshire Highways on this matter. The County were unclear as to what action they were being asked to undertake and the meeting was asked to clarify. The Forum requested an overall review of the road from the ASDA roundabout to the Taylor Wimpey entrance. The new crossing was questioned as to whether it was in the correct position but had now been installed, but the review was required as the development would be for 3500 dwellings and would have a potential problem of movement on that road, due to the congestion and delays. The review would include the possible Sickle Way Closure (and impact on emergency services) and the Sunneymead Drive mini roundabout. It was noted that the County Council were considering highways matters as part of the Aquind application. Brambles Farm Access to Wellington Park (which was on a long lease from Havant Borough Council to a company). Mr Crichton informed the meeting that he had visited the site with Havant Borough Councillor Robinson, who was generally supportive of the process of creating the access and would raise it with the Borough ... view the full minutes text for item 6. |
Any Other Business Minutes: At the invitation of the Chairperson, Councillor Porter, Winchester City Council’s Cabinet Member for Built Environment and Wellbeing, spoke on the future of the Joint West of Waterlooville MDA Planning Committee and also of the Forum.
In summary, Councillor Porter explained that there were three Major Development Areas within the Winchester District with different terms of reference and different focus on how their meetings were carried out. There were officers at District and County level to offer support, but no longer an Implementation Officer for the West of Waterlooville MDA. There were also challenges ahead with the introduction of the new planning system.
Councillor Porter continued that there might be a need to retain the Joint Planning Committee and the Strategic Director (Resources) at Winchester had been asked to consider this as part of the current review of the City Council’s constitution to be undertaken after the elections in May 2021.
In respect of the Forum, the community aspect was important. Living well and the provision of community facilities was a part of Winchester Council’s Plan. As part of the constitutional review there was also a need to find a way to allow the Forum to evolve into being a community forum whilst retaining its rigorous governance on matters such as planning obligations and other matters such as road adoption and considering traffic congestion. It was acknowledged that the involvement of Hampshire County Council in, for example, a West of Waterlooville Community Forum was important.
Members of the Forum were supportive of engaging with all constituent parties in finding a satisfactory solution towards improved community participation, which may include meetings having a later commencement time to allow working members to attend.
That the proposed actions of the Winchester City Council Cabinet Member for the Built Environment be noted.
The meeting commenced at 11.00am and concluded at 12:20pm