Venue: D Day Memorial Hall, Southwick, Fareham, PO17 6ED
Contact: Dave Shaw, Principal Democratic Services Officer Tel: 01962 848 221 Email:
No. | Item |
Appointment of Vice Chairman for the 2018/19 Municipal Year Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Councillor Wade be appointed Vice Chairman of the Forum for the 2018/19 Municipal Year.
Apologies and Deputy Members To record the names of apologies given and deputy members who are attending the meeting in place of appointed Members (where appropriate). Minutes: Apologies were received from Havant Borough Councillors Christie and Milne and Winchester City Councillor Clear and Deputy Member Evans.
Disclosure of Interests To receive any disclosure of interests from Members and Officers in matters to be discussed. Note: Councillors are reminded of their obligations to declare disclosable pecuniary interests, personal and/or prejudicial interests in accordance with legislation and the Council’s Code of Conduct. |
Minutes of the previous meeting held on 22 March 2018 WWF104 PDF 91 KB Minutes: Mr David Crichton clarified that on page three of the minutes the reference to the safe crossing of Hambledon Road should refer to Charlesworth Drive.
That subject to the amendment on page three of the minutes that the reference to the safe crossing of Hambledon Road should refer to Charlesworth Drive, the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 22 March 2018, be approved and adopted.
Public Participation To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum. This period is for a maximum of 10 minutes. Minutes: Mr David Crichton made reference to the minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2018. He stated that two actions had not been completed: one was the signage to the recycling centre in the Taylor Wimpey development, where a temporary sign was required, and the second was the continued issues of safety on Hambledon Road. In respect of Hambledon Road a traffic speed reduction, currently being considered by Hampshire County Council from 40 miles per hour to 30 miles per hour throughout Waterlooville, would be beneficial.
Mr Crichton continued that access from Wellington Park to Brambles Park was due to be created by Section 106 money, but there was no land available to facilitate the link. An alternative route could be along Hambledon Road, and he questioned whether Section 106 money could be used for this purpose.
In respect of the service charge for water on the Berewood estate, ownership had now been confirmed by Grainger and this may result in SEE Water ceasing charges to residents and providing rebates.
The Chairman commented that meetings had been held between ward councillors and Hampshire County Council’s Highways on the subject of traffic improvements to the B2150. The County Council was continuing to collect traffic information for the entire B2150 so that a comprehensive approach could be taken towards improvement.
Mr Tilbury confirmed that Section 106 money was available should land become available to improve links through to the Brambles Business Park.
Councillor Hughes added that County Highways were considering the local road network as a whole (including Ladybridge roundabouts and Stakes Lane) to take a strategic approach. The traffic information was required to be updated as it dated back to the masterplan.
Mrs Stickland added that Taylor Wimpey had the provision of signs to direct traffic to the waste recycling centre in its work programme and would request temporary signs in the meantime.
John Balcombe, Berewood resident, stated that rubbish was being left by the picnic tables in the Town Park and that litter bins should be provided so that they could be collected and emptied.
Councillor Brook responded that the City Council’s contractor, idVerde, were at present considering the provision of litter bins and the best place for their location and an emptying regime. Councillor Hughes added that community litter picks were also effective.
Progress Report on West Of Waterlooville MDA WWF105 PDF 50 KB (Representatives of the developers will be in attendance to present and answer questions). Minutes: Mrs Stickland introduced the report.
Mrs Stickland informed the meeting that Mr David Parker has sent his apologies for the meeting and would be leaving Taylor Wimpey next month. Mr Parker had confirmed that the signage would be carried out by Taylor Wimpey to direct traffic to the recycling centre. There was CIL money for a road crossing near McDonalds, but this would not be completed imminently.
In respect of the Grainger development, Mr John Beresford had now left the company.
The Chairman enquired whether the planning applications for phases 9B, 10A and 9A, referred to in the report, had been notified to the parish councils. Mrs Stickland confirmed that they had and added that the close of comments on the applications would be 11 July 2018.
It was agreed that a map of the footprint the new parish council area should be circulated to members of the Forum for their information.
The Chairman raised the issue of vehicles accessing the recycling centre from the west using C class roads and not from the motorway as had been agreed. It was also noted that now that the access bridge had been opened access to the recycling centre should not be via residential roads within the development. In addition, there was inconsiderate car parking in the elbows of Darnel Road. It was agreed that these matters are raised with the interested parties involved.
That the report be noted.
Proving layout for the Berewood part of the MDA - presentation by Grainger Minutes: Mrs Lee introduced the item and stated that Grainger had completed a proving plan to recheck all aspects of the masterplan requirements on a phase by phase basis. This demonstrated that a total of 26 or thereabouts additional dwellings could be accommodated over the remaining phases of development, which was within the limits of the Environmental Statement submitted with the masterplan. She reassured the Forum that there was no ‘planning creep’ in individual applications.
Chris Fletcher, representing Grainger, provided background to the current management structure at Grainger. He continued that to date 1135 dwellings had been sold, with 500 occupations. The phases of development were continuing over the next 2 to 3 years with Barretts on phase 3(a); Redrow on phase 13(a) and planning applications relating to phases 9B, 10A and 9A. The community was beginning to develop its own character and the Town Park would be important in this respect.
The current programme was as follows:
Redrow phases 9A/B and 10A The employment land River restoration phase B Next residential land sale – September 2019 – phases 3B and 8, which would enclose the Town Park Town Park phase B – 2019 The southern access junction improvements 2020 Local centre – September 2021
Drawings of the nature reserve and wildlife area’s indicative locations were displayed at the meeting and Grainger’s representative confirmed that the master plan was being observed and would be brought to the attention of prospective developers when land was sold.
In reply to Members’ questions, Mr Fletcher stated that with the exception of Phase One (that included the school) when each phase was completed an application was submitted to Hampshire County Council for its adoption. The future management of the Town Park, nature reserves and sustainable urban drainage solutions would be adopted by a third party (most probably a public body) following formal discussions. An additional question related to the use of the name Berewood Park (which would be consulted upon).
That the presentation be noted.
Pre-application discussions regarding the Taylor Wimpey employment land Minutes: Mrs Stickland stated that an architect involved in pre-application discussion had provided illustrative information and a concept design for the commercial units proposed for the Taylor Wimpey employment land and this was displayed at the meeting.
Unit 1 was located immediately to the south of the Vale Care Nursing Home, Darnel Road, and Unit 2 (to the south of Unit 1) would include a speculative business park. Both units would be B1 use and B8 use warehousing. The same architect was being employed for both developments. Pedestrian access to the park from Darnel Road would be maintained so that the link to the western open space was maintained. Landscaping would be incorporated within the development and the height of the units would be stepped down opposite the Care Home and would also be stepped back from the residential development. A planning application was awaited from the developer and this would be submitted to the Joint West of Waterlooville MDA Planning Committee.
In answer to a question from Mr Crichton, Mrs Stickland stated that the development of the employment land should not delay the surfacing of Darnel Road. RESOLVED:
That the presentation be noted |
Update report of the West of Waterlooville Advisory Group - Councillor Cutler Minutes: Councillor Cutler advised that he was not the chair of the Advisory Group.
He explained the origins of the Advisory Group and its relationship with the Denmead and Southwick Parish Councils. The Advisory Group had adopted within its membership local residents to improve its ability to provide feedback. It was the driver for the new parish council and had also requested the governance review. From 1 April 2019 the new parish council would replace the Advisory Group.
It was important that the new parish council evolved so that it was competent at its inception, as it would have considerable work to undertake. The Advisory Group would act as an informal ‘shadow parish council’ until the new parish council was established and would consider matters such as the precept that was required and the training of the prospective parish councillors. The composition of the shadow parish council remained under review and was required to be resolved before the next Advisory Group meeting.
Neil Lander- Brinkley commented that the formation of a shadow body was a standard way for transition and similar bodies had been set up in unparished areas, for example at Queen’s Park in London.
That the update be noted.
Progress Report From the West of Waterloville Arts Advisory Panel WWF106 PDF 191 KB Minutes: Councillor Brook stated that at the opening garden party for the Newlands Walk Park Play area would be held on Saturday 7 July at 12:00. The opening would be undertaken by the Mayor of Winchester and the deputy Mayor of Havant Borough Council.
The magnetic fields of the pylon electrical wires close to the playing area had been tested and were well within relevant safety standards. Signage would be erected to advise against the flying of kites in the vicinity of the pylons.
Measures were being taken to try to reduce the cost of the boat pond and the planting of saplings would take place in the autumn of 2018.
That the report and update be noted.
To note the future programme of meetings of the West of Waterlooville Forum for 2018/19 The following meetings are scheduled to take place at the Wellington Vale Care Home, Darnel Road, Denmead, Waterlooville, PO7 7TY as follows: – • 2:00pm Tuesday 6 November 2018 • 11:00am Tuesday 12 March 2019 Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the meeting dates be noted as follows:
2:00pm Tuesday 6 November 2018 11:00am Tuesday 12 March 2019.