Agenda and minutes

z Planning (Viewing) Sub-Committee - DISCONTINUED - Tuesday, 8th January, 2019 12.00 pm

Venue: King Charles Hall, Guildhall, Winchester

Contact: Dave Shaw 

No. Item


Disclosures of Interests


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Councillor Read made a personal statement that he was a member of the same organisation as the applicant, and he had met him once in relation to the taking of possible enforcement action on the site, but this was not a personal interest and he would speak and vote on the application.



Item 1. (RETROSPECTIVE) (AMENDED DESCRIPTION) Proposed use of first-floor mezzanine and partial use of ground floor of (northwest) agricultural storage building for office purposes (Class B1) Meadows Farm, Ervills Road, Worlds End, Hambledon.


1.            (RETROSPECTIVE) (AMENDED DESCRIPTION) Proposed use of first-floor mezzanine and partial use of ground floor of (northwest) agricultural storage building for office purposes (Class B1)

Meadows Farm, Ervills Road, Worlds End, Hambledon.

(Extract from Report PDC1122 Item 14 and Update Sheet 13 December 2018 refers).


Councillor Read made a personal statement that he was a member of the same organisation as the applicant, and he had met him once in relation to the taking of possible enforcement action on the site, but this was not a personal interest and he would speak and vote on the application.


At its meeting held on 13 December 2018, the Planning Committee agreed that the above application be referred to the Planning (Viewing) Sub-Committee for determination in order to assess the impact of the partial use of the agricultural storage building for office use.


Public participation had taken place at the aforementioned meeting of the Committee where Paula Langford-Smith (Denmead Parish Council) and Carolyn Hargreaves (World End Residents Association) spoke in objection to the application and Robert Tutton (agent) spoke in support and answered Members’ questions thereon.  Neil Lander-Brinkley spoke on behalf of Councillor Stallard (Ward Member) with a pre-prepared speech.


Therefore, immediately prior to the public meeting, the Viewing Sub-Committee visited the application site where Members observed the site in order to assess the impact of the partial use of the agricultural storage building for office use.


The Head of Development Management presented the application to re-familiarise Members with the proposal and stated that the application had been taken to the Planning Committee for determination with a recommendation to grant permission.

The Head of Development Management reminded Members that in summary the Update Sheet had referred to comment received from CPRE Hampshire, and conditions relating to hours of operation and lighting details and that an additional objection comment had been received from Denmead Parish Council and that conditions to control the hours of operation alongside lighting (including hours of lighting use) were included to avoid adverse impact on the tranquil nature of the surrounding environment.  There had been no further material changes to the application since the meeting on 13 December 2018.

The Head of Development Management informed the meeting that an additional Condition 7 was proposed regarding light pollution:  That within 3 months of the date of consent, details of measures to reduce light spillage (such as low transmittance glass or screening) must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The measures must be installed and operated in accordance with the approved details and thereafter retained.  It was also explained that the South Downs National Park was approximately 1 mile to the North East of the application site.

At the conclusion of debate, the Sub-Committee agreed to refuse permission for the reasons set out in the resolution below.




That, Planning Permission be refused for the following reasons,  with authority delegated to the Head of Development Management in consultation with the Chairman to agree the precise  ...  view the full minutes text for item 2.

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Members of the public may speak at this meeting, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details - which can also be found on the individual meeting agenda front sheets.


z Planning (Viewing) Sub-Committee - DISCONTINUED on Tuesday, 8th January, 2019, 12.00 pm{sidenav}{content}