Browse meetings

Winchester Town Forum

This page lists the meetings for Winchester Town Forum.

Information about Winchester Town Forum

Terms of Reference - Summary


To act as a consultative and advisory body regarding issues affecting the five Winchester Town District Wards which, on occasions, may also include ‘cross-boundary’ matters involving adjoining areas (e.g. Badger Farm and Olivers Battery) and the Littleton Parish Ward area of the parish of Littleton and Harestock. For further information please refer to the council’s constitution, as set out in the extract below.


4 Winchester Town Forum


4.1 To consider the draft capital and Revenue Budget for the S35 Town Account each year and to make recommendations to Cabinet and Council.


4.2 Within the Council’s Budget and Policy framework and the framework of the S35 Town Account Revenue Budget:


a. To incur expenditure;

b. To set fees and charges;

c. To make decisions in connection with the operation or management of property or facilities;

d. To make arrangements for special events;

e. To scrutinise budget and other performance monitoring reports;

f. To authorise incurring expenditure up to a limit of £50,000 on Town Account capital schemes within the approved capital programme under Financial Procedure Rule 7.4.

g. To authorise virement of a sum of £25,000 or less in total in any one year between budget heads subject to: (i) The virement being in respect of a budget within the S35 Town Account and that the base budget is not increased; and (ii) Where in the opinion of the Section 151 Officer the provisions of the Council’s Financial Procedure Rules (Rules 8.4 (a) to (d) and 8.5) on virement are met.

h. To consider the programme of schemes within the Town Wards to be funded from the Open Spaces Fund each year, including any other funds specifically allocated to the programme of schemes within the Town Wards, particularly the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), and to make recommendations to Cabinet and the Cabinet Member.

i. To act as a consultative and advisory body regarding issues affecting the five Winchester Town District Wards which, on occasions, may also include ‘cross-boundary’ matters involving adjoining areas that will have an impact in the town area. Part 3.3 The Regulatory Committees and Other Non-Executive Decision Making Committees Page 77 of 253

j. Council officers shall ensure that the Town Forum is consulted on local and cross-boundary matters on the same basis as Parish Councils and Town Councils, except on regulatory matters, in particular planning or licensing applications, where Parish Councils and Town Councils are statutory consultees and ward Councillors are consulted in their own right.

k. To forward any recommendations for action principally to Cabinet, but also to one of the regulatory Committees and/or Council when appropriate.

l. To promote community engagement and discussion within the Town Wards by undertaking consultation exercises or encouraging the formation of community groups. m.To collaborate with neighbouring Parish and Town Councils on items of common interest.

PROVIDED THAT these provisions shall not be exercised on behalf of any parished areas, such as that part of St Barnabas Ward that is within the Parish of Littleton and Harestock (Harestock Parish Ward).



Public Participation


A public question and comment session is available at 6.30pm for a 15 minute period. There are a few limitations on the questions you can ask. These mainly relate to current applications (including grants), personal cases and confidential matters. Please contact the Democratic Services Officer in advance of the meeting for further details. If there are no members of the public present at 6.30pm who wish to ask questions or make statements, then the meeting will commence.


Quorum = 5 Members


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