Browse meetings

West of Waterlooville Forum

This page lists the meetings for West of Waterlooville Forum.

Information about West of Waterlooville Forum

Terms of Reference


Primary objectives of the fora

The fora have no formal decision making powers, but can make recommendations on suitable arrangements relating to democracy and community representation.

The fora will:

1.    Meet 3 times per year.  Virtual meetings have proved successful and it is proposed that these continue.


2.    Comment and advise on the next stages of the implementation of the MDA.


3.    Monitor and comment on progress relating to the development of the MDA including the implementation of planning conditions and requirements of planning obligations (s106 agreements) and s278 agreements (highway works).


4.    Seek to promote and support community development activities within the development area and provide advice on how these should progress.


5.    Secure the establishment of appropriate local democratic structures for the emerging community.

How this will be achieved

1.    Each meeting will receive the following input:


a.    Update on the physical development of the MDA (from the developer).


b.    Report on the community development activities and any issues arising within the MDA.


c.    Discussion on infrastructure.



Key stages of the fora:

Stage 1 – Planning


Stage 2 - Emerging

Stage 3 - Establishing

Start: Initial master planning

End: Outline planning consent / start on site.


Start: Start on site

End: Establishment of a residents association or parish council as applicable.

Start: Establishment of a residents association or parish council

End: Future community governance agreed and established.

·         Act as a sounding board where ideas, options and issues relating to the development can be considered before becoming part of the formal planning process.

·         Consider and advise upon the infrastructure required


·         Receive updates on the progress of development and compliance with relevant planning conditions and S106/S278 agreements

·         Input into creation of a community development strategy



·         Receive updates on progress in establishing the community and any emerging issues

·         Consider and advise upon a strategy for the ownership and management of the social infrastructure and community assets.

·         Receive updates on the progress of development and compliance with relevant planning conditions and S106/S278 agreements


Lead: Service Lead – Built Environment


Lead: Service Lead – Built Environment

Lead: Service Lead – Community & Wellbeing


The fora will be subject to annual review.


West of Waterlooville / Stage 2/3

·         Winchester City Council                             4 elected representatives (inc. Chair)

·         Havant Borough Council                            4 elected representatives (inc. Vice                                                                      Chair)

·         Hampshire County council                         2 elected representatives

·         Newlands Parish Council                           2 representatives


Lead Officer                                                              Steve Lincoln

Community Worker                                                  TBC



The fora will be quorate if five voting representatives are present.

Method of working and voting rights

All representatives are expected to seek to reach conclusions by general consensus.  Where any voting representatives on the Forum requires a formal vote to be taken, this shall be by a show of hands by those voting representatives present and voting (as per the membership set out above).



Public Participation procedure

There will be a period of 10 minutes maximum at the beginning of each forum meeting when the Chair will invite the public, including local interest groups, to raise any general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the forum. 

An individual speaker will be limited to a maximum of three minutes per agenda item.  Where a number of members of the public wish to speak they will be encouraged to agree the allocated maximum ten minutes between then.

The Chair will retain discretion to manage the public speaking process, and may limit individual speakers to less than three minutes, or take other steps necessary in order to maximise public participation in an appropriate way. 

Members and Officers will not provide an immediate response to public comments raised from the floor.  All comments and queries will be noted and the Chair will invite Officers and/or Members to respond to specific points during the round table debate and discussion amongst forum members that follows.

Members of the public should contact the Democratic Services Officer 3 working days before the meeting (preferably telephone or email) so that as many people who wish to speak can be accommodated during the public participation sessions.

Once the period of public participation has drawn to a close, there will be an opportunity for elected members who are not on the forum (i.e. Cabinet or Ward Members) to speak in advance of questions and debate amongst forum members at the Chair’s discretion.

The forum will then debate the item with any conclusions and recommendations recorded.



Quorum = 5 Members


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