Browse meetings

Planning Committee

This page lists the meetings for Planning Committee.


Information about Planning Committee


Terms of Reference:


Winchester City Council is the local planning authority for the part of the Winchester District which lies outside the South Downs National Park and is responsible for determining planning applications in this area.  The City Council is also working in partnership with the South Downs National Park and is determining the majority of planning applications in the National Park, on behalf of the National Park Authority.


The full list of powers and duties exercised by this Committee, including details of the delegated powers of the Council, are set out in the Constitution of the City Council (Part 3 Section 4 refers).


Registering to speak at Planning Committee:


Public speaking is allowed on individual planning applications, subject to certain restrictions – please contact the Public Speaking Co-ordinator as soon as possible, but prior to the deadline of 4.30pm three clear working days before the meeting date via email:

OR Tel: on (01962) 848 339 to register to speak and for further details.



Quorum = 3 Members


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