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Cabinet Committee: Regeneration

This page lists the meetings for Cabinet Committee: Regeneration.


Information about Cabinet Committee: Regeneration



a.    The Committee’s membership will be the Leader and Cabinet Member for Regeneration (Chairperson), plus 3 other Cabinet members (4 voting members).

b.    In the event of any member of Cabinet not being available for a meeting of the Cabinet Committee another member of Cabinet may deputise where no conflict arises.

c.     In addition, 4 other members will be invited to attend and offer views at meetings of the Committee (4 non-voting members). 


Delegated Matters


a.    To oversee the Regeneration projects of the Council and to ensure that the objectives established by Cabinet are met, and in particular:

(i)             to exercise those financial management and procurement powers of Cabinet set out below in respect of the major regeneration projects;

(ii)            to agree the Project Plan and monitor progress of the project against that Plan including key milestones;

(iii)          to agree progression to the next stages of design as set out in the Project Plan;

(iv)          to ensure effective actions are in place to address key risks;

(v)           to consider and agree methods of consultation and engagement;

(vi)          to consider and agree a communication strategy;

(vii)         to approve, where applicable, the Outline, Strategic and Full Business Cases;

b.    To exercise the powers of Cabinet under the Financial Procedure Rules in respect of each regeneration project. in respect of each regeneration project.

c.     To exercise the following powers of Cabinet under the Contract Procedure Rules in relation to the procurement of contracts for works, goods, software or services in connection with the Project:-

(i)             approval of price/quality evaluation criteria;

(ii)            approval of short-listing procedures, short-list selection and approved lists of contractors, including the authorisation of any departures from Contract Procedure Rules;

(iii)          award of Contract.

d.    To consider and approve the submission of any planning applications to the council as Local Planning Authority to take forward the Project.

e.    To agree any land disposals (including, sales, leases and grants of easements) at best consideration or where the undervalue does not exceed £100,000, to take forward the Project.

f.      To agree any land acquisitions (including acquisitions of freehold/leasehold land, and easements) to take the Project forward, within the budget allowed for the Project.


Referred Matters


To advise Cabinet on:

a.    Any proposals in which the limitations set out above in the Delegated Matters would be exceeded or where risks are considered needed to be raised with Cabinet.

To advise Cabinet and Council on:

a.    Approval of a capital or revenue virement or supplementary capital or revenue estimate over £250,000.

b.    Any other matter as considered appropriate by the Cabinet Committee.


The quorum is 2 voting members.


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