Decision details

General Fund Budget Options & Medium Term Financial Strategy

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


1.     That the projections set out in Appendix A to report CAB3318 which delivers a balanced budget for 2022/23 be noted and the proposal that £1.0m of Transitional Reserve be used if required to address the forecast deficit for 2023/24 be supported.


2.     That the Medium Term Financial Strategy be approved, as set out in sections 17-22 of report CAB3318.


3.     That one off provision of £200k be included in the 2021/22 budget, funded by the forecast surplus for the year, to provide additional short term capacity and support for teams experiencing additional demands on core services.


4.     That “one off” provision of £1m be approved to provide funding for additional project delivery resources to support regeneration work in the district, with £400k funded from the forecast surplus for 2021/22 and the remaining £600k from the Transitional reserve.


5.     Approve a contribution of £75k, (subject to agreement of grant terms and conditions and funded from the Grants reserve), to the Hampshire Cultural Trust towards the development of an Anglo-Saxon experience attraction in the city in 2022, in recognition of the positive impact this initiative will have in supporting high street recovery and visitor numbers to the city.


6.     That the proposal to spend £300k of the Tranche 5 Covid grant fund to upgrade the Council’s IT desktop infrastructure to support “agile/flexible working” proposals be approved.


7.     That a detailed report be prepared on the basis of an average 3% increase in fees and charges (other than parking and garden waste subscriptions) and brought to the next Cabinet meeting for determination.


8.     That a £10 discount to garden waste subscriptions for residents in receipt of Council tax reduction be approved.


9.     That a detailed budget be prepared for consideration by Council in February 2022 based on the above assumptions, final spending review announcements and including the following options:

a.    That there will be no increases to off-street parking charges Winchester’s central AQMA parking zone.  Detailed proposals for the central Air Quality Management zone will be brought forward at a later date;

b.    That no increase is made to Green Waste collection subscriptions for the 2021/22 financial year;

c.    That other fees and charges be subject to recommendation 7 above;

d.    That, subject to referendum limits, Council tax be subject to an overall combined town and district £5 increase for 2022/23 (approx. 2.97%) and that Cabinet indicate whether consideration should be given to a lower district charge.


Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000;

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Contact: Liz Keys, Director (Finance) Email:

Report author: Liz Keys

Publication date: 20/10/2021

Date of decision: 20/10/2021

Decided at meeting: 20/10/2021 - Cabinet

Effective from: 29/10/2021

Accompanying Documents:


General Fund Budget Options & Medium Term Financial Strategy{sidenav}{content}