Agenda item

Public Participation.

To receive and note questions asked and statements made from members of the public on general matters of interest and/or matters relating to the work of the Forum


Members of the public and visiting councillors may speak at the forum, provided they have registered to speak three working days in advance. Please contact Democratic Services by the deadline stated at the top of this agenda via or (01962) 848 264 to register to speak and for further details.


Mr Allen addressed the meeting on two points regarding Bluebell Way. Mr Allen felt that a lack of effective traffic calming measures was causing numerous issues such as vehicle speeding, vehicle noise nuisance, and general safety concerns. Mr Allen also raised concerns regarding the signage on the local shared cycle/pedestrian paths which he felt did not clearly indicate a shared pedestrian/cycle path.  Mr Alborough from Hampshire County Council (HCC) responded to the points raised by Mr Allen. He advised that HCC appreciated residents' concerns regarding speeding and was now requiring the development consortium to provide an additional traffic calming feature, negotiations were ongoing over this. Regarding the cycle path signage, Mr Alborough confirmed that the signage installed was in line with the national guidance however he would be discussing the issues raised by Mr Allen with the development consortium following this meeting.


A question had been received from a resident of Thyme Avenue which officers read to the meeting. In summary, the question was: "what future preventative measures are being proposed/ put in place and when please to prevent vehicles parking at the beginning of the newly opened part of Whiteley Way after the roundabout next to Tesco’s which leads into the New development being built by Taylor Wimpey.” Mr Alborough from Hampshire County Council (HCC) responded and advised that the road referred to was a private road and so was the responsibility of the development consortium. However, he advised that HCC were in the process of creating a list of roads that would be subject to a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and that he would suggest adding this road to the TRO to discourage parking on it.


Councillor M Evans advised that several Whiteley residents had contacted him with concerns about a section of Bluebell Way, namely at the Silver Birch Way junction. The concerns related to cars parked on one side of Bluebell Way causing a blind spot when turning right at that junction onto Bluebell Way. Councillor Evans agreed to share further information with Mr Alborough following this meeting.




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