Agenda item

Minutes of the meeting of the 15 March 2022 and matters arising

i)       Cycle/Footpath network within and across Kings Barton  - Cala / HCC 

ii)     Community centre – Cala




i)       Cycle/Footpath network within and across Kings Barton   


Councillor Cramoysan invited Lucy Taylor to address the Forum during public participation at this point as summarised below:

Speaking as resident of Abbotts Barton with children attending Barton Farm Academy she highlighted the poor condition of the paths to the school.  The rough condition of the paths in some areas made them impassable for pushchairs and were also dangerous for cycling.  The connectivity between paths was also poor and she had not received replies when she had communicated her concerns to Cala.


Ms Taylor’s points relating to the condition of the paths and lack of connectivity were supported by a number of Forum Members.  It was clarified that her concerns related to the two paths – the first was from near Phase 1A up the hill to the Ridgeway, the second was the ridgeway path from Andover Road towards the school.


Ian Curry (Cala) explained that the first path referred to was a temporary link provided in response to requests from the community to offer the most direct route between areas.  There were logistical challenges as routes sometimes crossed land not owned by Cala.   However, he agreed to investigate further whether improvements to the path surface were possible and he would respond directly to Ms Taylor on this as well as liaising with the Forum Chair.


The more general point was raised of Cala providing information on proposals for the timing of the phased delivery and plans/drawings indicating connectivity.  Mr Curry agreed to meet with the Forum Chair to provide further information.


It was clarified that the surface work for the second path referred to had been undertaken by the County Council Countryside Team.  Councillor Porter emphasised that its status was as a footpath rather than a cycle path but agreed that the surface should be suitable for pushchairs etc.  She had arranged a further meeting with the County Council officers on this matter and would report back to Forum Members.


ii)     Community Centre – Cala


Alison Thompson (Cala) provided an update and advised that recent meetings had been held with the Design Review Panel where high level schemes were presented.  Once Cala had been able to assess the comments from the Panel, she would be able to give a clearer timescale on the dates for the public consultation regarding the community centre.  It was likely this would take place before the next Forum meeting in October and councillors would be invited to take part.


In response to questions, Ms Thompson stated that Cala worked with Steve Lincoln (WCC Service Lead – Community) who had presented an update on proposals to the parish council.  She agreed that the building design should be suitable for the end user and confirmed that she would discuss further with Mr Lincoln to ensure that the parish council was further involved at an appropriate time in order to have an input into proposals for the internal layout of the community centre building.


(iii)  Bus service


Councillor Porter reported that an intermediate taxi bus service would be operated connecting both Phase 1A and 1B to Winchester.  The level of usage would be monitored by the County Council’s community bus team in order to ascertain likely future demand.


(iv) Waste plant


Councillor Porter stated that the application had been awarded on appeal to the Inspector and details of the planning application had been shared with the parish council and were available on the county council’s website

The general restrictions were that lorries would be required to use the A34 unless they were travelling from the Winchester town direction.  The hours of operation were also specified.




            That the minutes of the previous meeting of the Forum held 15 March 2022 be agreed as a correct record.


Supporting documents:


m - Minutes of the meeting of the 15 March 2022 and matters arising{sidenav}{content}