Agenda item

Developer and Implementation Officer Update

Verbal Update and Report Ref NWDF18 and appendices attached.


Jeff Davis of Tetra Tech provided the forum with a presentation which was available on the council’s website here. The presentation covered a range of issues which included the following.


1.    Highways: Bluebell Way (North), Bluebell Way (Central) and Bluebell Way (Cornerstone Primary School).

2.    Footpath 9.

3.    Off-site Whiteley Way works.

4.    Station Hill - Whiteley Way / Curbridge Way to Whiteley Way.

5.    Housing Delivery.

6.    Open Space delivery.


Hilary Oliver, Implementation Officer, Winchester City Council addressed the forum and referred members to the report, ref NWDF18, available on the council's website here. 


Members asked several questions and made comments regarding;


1.    the off-site Whiteley Way works and details regarding works to R1A

2.    the latest timeline for the signing of the Open Space agreement

3.    the latest timeline for the construction of the section of the footpath from Cornerstone Primary school

4.    an update on the litter clearance across the site

5.    the latest timeline for the opening of the play areas.


These points were responded to by Mr Davis and Ms Oliver who undertook to review any unresolved points raised and respond to members following the meeting.

Supporting documents:


m - Developer and Implementation Officer Update{sidenav}{content}