Amanda Morris, Hampshire County Council provided the forum with a presentation concerning the North Whiteley Travel Plan. The presentation covered a range of issues including:
1. background of the travel planning team
2. activity to date at North Whiteley including the myjourney website: https://myjourneyhampshire.com/moving-home/north-whiteley/
3. activity at Whiteley Primary school and Cornerstone Primary school
4. plans for a resident’s travel survey
5. plans for future car clubs
6. residential travel financial incentive
7. bus service extension
8. plans for a future annual update
9. the Breeze app
10.programme delays.
Members asked several questions and made comments regarding:
1. details of bus service improvements, extensions and associated timings including Sweethills Crescent
2. the issues being experienced regarding the installation of both temporary and permanent bus stops and how to resolve
3. the placement of a bus stop at Kings Corner, Botley
4. bus services to the Community and Queen Alexandra Hospitals
5. car clubs and enabling the use of electric vehicles.
These points were responded to by Ms Morris who undertook to review any unresolved points raised with colleagues and respond to members following the meeting.
Following the discussion around bus routes, stops and shelters, the chairperson agreed to discuss matters further with the relevant officers and members.