Proposal Description: Facilitation of Land into five serviced plots for Custom/Self Build housing.
The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which updated the committee on several matters as follows.
Regarding the sustainable transport section of the report, further information was provided by the applicant and the Planning Authority had received final comments from the Highways Authority.
The trip rates provided in the highways technical note were acceptable and the Highway Authority raised no concern over the impact on the local highway network in this regard. However, the documents provided do not show the full extent of the visibility splay and it was therefore not possible to confirm the splays were acceptable and achievable.
Vehicle tracking for two private cars to pass each other at the access had also not been provided. Tracking had not been provided showing a refuse vehicle accessing and egressing the site in a forward gear.
As a result, highway concerns had not been addressed and the proposal had not demonstrated access to, and movement within, the site could take place in a safe and effective manner, contrary to policy DM18 of the Local Plan Part 2.
A fourth reason for refusal was therefore included:
4. It has not been demonstrated the proposal allows for access to and movement within the site in a safe and effective manner as visibility and vehicle tracking had not been addressed. The proposal was therefore considered to detrimentally and harmfully impact Highway safety contrary to policy DM18 of the Local Plan Part 2.
During public participation, Paul Richard (architect) spoke in support of the application and Councillor Denise Searle, on behalf of Denmead Parish Council spoke against the application and answered members' questions.
Councillor Brook spoke as a ward member and expressed several points, summarised as follows:
The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application and received additional advice from the committee’s legal officer concerning information within the officer report which had been questioned during public participation.
The committee agreed to refuse permission for the reasons set out in the report and the update sheet. In addition, the committee agreed to amend refusal reason 1 to confirm that the application was also contrary to the Denmead Neighbourhood Plan.
Supporting documents: