Presentation from the Head of Landscape & Open Spaces
The Forum received a presentation from the Head of Landscape & Open Spaces and the Recreational Spaces Officer, regarding the Consultation Event that had taken place on Tuesday 17 July 2018. (A copy of the presentation is available on the Council's website).
Members welcomed the presentation and thanked officers for their work to date on the project. A number of questions and comments were made and were responded to as set out below:
There was a concern over the amount of dog mess on the site, particularly near the entrance. In response, it was clarified that there are a number of bins on site however the siting of them near the entrance would be reviewed.
Clarification was requested regarding the proposal for 20 parking spaces, whether that number had been finalised and what was the response to that figure at the consultation event. Additional comments were made that a safe and manageable number of spaces was important. Officers advised that the allocation of 20 spaces has been part of the engagement event and the aim was to formalise existing parking arrangements by allowing 20 spaces to be formalised. This was considered to be an appropriate number as it allowed users such as the Girls football club, sufficient spaces for essential parking, whilst restricting wider parking. A recent event had shown that it worked extremely well, for example when managed by the Girls football club.
Officers were asked whether the Access Arrangements piece of work identified for Phase 3, could be brought forward to complement the earlier changes to parking. In addition, it was suggested that moving the green waste bins could help with access. Officers responded that they would be happy to look for any opportunities or quick wins in this area.
Some members of the Forum, whilst welcoming the proposals, expressed some concern that they felt improvements could be made through a more joined-up master planning approach with the Leisure Centre project and asked questions regarding the integration and linkages between the two projects. Officers reassured members that they have been working closely with colleagues in the Leisure Centre (Project) Team and felt that a joined-up approach is being achieved. Members were also advised that the Leisure Centre Design Framework did encompass this area.
A number of questions were asked regarding the requirement for a Pavilion, the budget for the Pavilion Architects and whether it was inevitable that there was to be a recurring charge made to the Town Forum, for example, for a proper management plan. Officers advised that there was a clear need for a pavilion stated by users and residents and agreed to report back at a future meeting of the Forum.
A general question was asked regarding the Council's approach to commercial organisations using open spaces for free.
Officers were advised that some residents had reported to members that the survey letter had been received without a return envelope included. Officers apologised and confirmed the alternatives were available such as email or telephone.
The forum congratulated officers on the work undertaken to date and the ambition of the future plans whilst acknowledging the challenge of increasing the use of the site, whilst also improving the environmental and biodiversity elements of the site.
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