Agenda item

Developer and Implementation Officer Update



Jeff Davis (Tetra Tech) provided the forum with a presentation which was available on the council’s website here. The presentation covered a range of issues which included the following.


  1. Phase 1 - Bluebell Way including bus services, Southern Local Centre and Cornerstone Primary School.
  2. Footpath 9 including details on design and construction.
  3. Phase 2 - Off-site Whiteley Way including the letting of works and target start and completion date.
  4. Phase 3 - Station Hill -Whiteley Way / Curbridge Way to Whiteley Way including works underway and target completion dates.
  5. Housing delivery, including permissions granted, houses started and occupations.
  6. Open Space Delivery including an update on allotment 1, Locally Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) 2 and LEAP 3 completion and the Autumn/Winter landscape works.


Hilary Oliver Implementation Officer, Winchester City Council addressed the forum and referred members to the report, ref NWDF19, available on the council's website here. She also responded to the questions that had been pre-submitted by Whiteley Town Council and these questions and responses would be attached to these minutes.


Members asked several questions and made comments regarding;


  1. When would pedestrians and/or cyclists be able to access Cornerstone School from Whiteley Meadows.
  2. The reasons for the delay to the phase 3 roadworks, i.e., Whiteley Way, and Curbridge Way.
  3. The reasons for the delay to other roadworks in the area, for example, Junction 9 and Parkway Junction, and Rookery Avenue. 
  4. The responsibility for maintaining and/or cleaning the cycleway along Botley Way.


These points were responded to by Mr Davis and Mr Alborough who undertook to review any unresolved points raised with colleagues and respond to fourm members following the meeting.

Supporting documents:


m - Developer and Implementation Officer Update{sidenav}{content}