Agenda item

Update on the North Whiteley Governance Review from Winchester City Council.



Neil McArthur, Service Lead – Legal (Interim), Winchester City Council provided the forum with a presentation (available here) and a verbal update concerning the latest position regarding the Community Governance Review (CGR). The update covered a range of issues including the consultation process, the results from the consultation, the proposed boundaries and the next steps.


Members asked several questions and made comments regarding:


  1. The transfer of funds from Curdridge Parish Council to Whiteley Town Council.
  2. Issues around the setting of council tax precept.
  3. Understanding the number of residents in the newly parished area.
  4. Clarifying the issues that would prevent the new council from being formed in April 2023.
  5. The use of interim arrangements should they be required.
  6. Whether there would be any impact from the change to parliamentary boundaries.


These points were responded to by Mr McArthur.


Supporting documents:


m - Update on the North Whiteley Governance Review from Winchester City Council.{sidenav}{content}