Arising from the minutes of the previous meeting, various points were raised as follows:
· Cemeteries Update – Andrew Biltcliffe provided a verbal update on progress with the project following the last meeting and confirmed that Havant Borough Council had limited cemetery burial space. It was reported that, as part of the s106 agreement for the site, there was provision to obtain land to the north of Rowans Hospice (site within Winchester City Council) to be used for this purpose. To secure this, approval was required from Planning and the Environment Agency for the use of that site as a cemetery by 31 March 2024 and discussions were on going regarding site viability. Grainger had been undertaking ground water monitoring on the site since October 2022 to establish its suitability for burials and this data would be shared with the council in due course.
· Public open space in Wellington Park (Havant area) – Councillor Crichton referred to a recent reply received from Havant stating that they were now in negotiation with Taylor Wimpey. He also made reference to the failure to replace tree and shrub planting along the Old Park Farm stream and asked that, as part of Havant’s discussions with Taylor Wimpey on the adoption process, they ensure that remedial work is carried out. In response, Louise Weaver stated that she had received an update from Havant’s Estates Team regarding the transfer of the land, prior to this taking place there would be an inspection process and any original planting that had failed would have to be suitably replaced prior to the council taking on the open space land. Councillor Lloyd to liaise with Councillor Crichton on the details of this.
· Local Plan Consultation Update – Councillor Read queried the accuracy of the potential further 250 homes on the Winchester part of the West of Waterlooville development, referred to in the previous minutes.
In response, the following update was provided by Toby Ayling after the meeting: ‘I confirm, the minutes are correct, we are investigating the potential for another 250 homes in that part of West of Waterlooville which falls within Winchester District - our working assumptions for the sources of the additional 250 units are as follows:
+125 units available to be completed at April 2021 (above the estimated capacity at that time) as a result of Grainger’s ‘proving plan’ which they are implementing within the existing planning consent (most of the increase was through the ‘private rented scheme’ of 104 units which has been completed);
+30 units on land previously reserved for the extension of the existing school (we understand Hampshire County Education believe sufficient places can be delivered at the second school, and hence this site reserved for expansion is not now required);
+45 units by counting (a proportion of) the older persons housing already planned in the local centre; and
+50 units at the entrance to Waterlooville on land previously identified for town centre uses (hotel, pub, etc).
This has yet to be finalised. Grainger are doing further testing of the capacity to look in more detail at matters such as access, nitrates, biodiversity net gain, etc. and we will consider further our approach to this in light of that work and the responses to the recent Regulation 18 draft Local Plan consultation.’
· Outstanding s104 and s106 agreements – Councillor Read stated that he was due to meet with the Strategic Director at Winchester in the coming days to discuss the s104 agreement which may be slightly delayed beyond the 31st March deadline.
· Signage – Councillor Berry requested an update regarding the ongoing request for the provision of welcome signage for Newlands. Steve Lincoln stated that welcome signage referring to the parish would be the responsibility of the Parish Council but a follow up on this outstanding matter would be confirmed back to Councillor Berry shortly.
· Taylor Wimpey – Councillor Crichton reported that two areas within the Taylor Wimpey part of the development in respect of the two planning applications put in by Dicentra in relation to the bulk of the industrial land have now been signed off and are in the process of acquiring the land from Taylor Wimpey and intend to start work on the development of those facilities. Part of the requirement they have is the implementation of Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) on Darnell Road and as part of the discussion with Hampshire Highways, the TRO’s will be implemented along the road and can then be enforced. In response, Councillor Stallard reported that she was making enquiries at HCC about the validity of the statement made about TRO’s being enforceable before the roads are adopted, which was being investigated by the Director of Hampshire Highways but had not yet been confirmed.
That the minutes of the previous meeting, held on 1 November 2022, be approved and adopted.
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