Agenda item

Tesco Stores Ltd, Easton Lane, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 7RS Case number: 22/00230/FUL (Ward: St Bartholomew)



Proposal Description: (amended plans 25.03.2022) Erection of a freestanding restaurant with a drive-thru facility, car parking, landscaping and associated works, including Customer Order Displays (COD) and Play Frame (Class E/Sui Generis).

The application was introduced. Members were referred to the update sheet which provided additional information regarding the following matters.

  1. The Ward Councillors' reasons for requesting the application be determined by the committee.
  2. Compliance with the council’s waste management strategy.
  3. Compliance with the council's Air Quality Supplementary Planning Document.

In addition, the following update to Conditions and Heads of Terms was provided.

Conditions updates 

  1. Condition 06 to include at the end: Demolition and construction work shall only take place in accordance with the approved method statement.  
  2. Additional conditions 14   The development shall be carried out in accordance with the measures set out within the Construction Environmental management plan NB8901, Biodiversity Net gain calculations report Version 1/Aug 2022 (Practical Ecology) and the Preliminary ecological appraisal report Version 2/July 2022 (practical Ecology). Thereafter, the compensation measures shall be maintained and retained in accordance with the approved details for the lifetime of the permission. 

Reason: To provide adequate mitigation and enhancement for protected species. 

Additional Heads of Terms for S106 

  1. Securing of a S278 legal agreement with Hampshire County Council Highways Authority prior to the development being occupied (and use commenced), for the pedestrian crossing point and highway/cycleway improvements to the site. 
  2. Implementation of the Delivery Management plan ADL/CC/3610/16A;  
  3. Implementation of the requirements of the Transport Assessment ADL/CC/3610/16B 
  4. Implementation of the requirements including bond and monitoring, of the Travel Plan ADL/CC/3610/16A  for the lifetime of the permission 

During public participation, Andy Key and Councillor Susan Cook spoke in objection to the application.

Councillor Paula Ferguson spoke as a ward member against the application and expressed several points on behalf of residents and the other St Bartholomew ward members. Councillor Ferguson made several points which could be summarised as follows:

  1. The ward members had looked closely at the application and had engaged with representatives of McDonalds.
  2. They recognised that the application could provide a range of job opportunities for local people and that some local people may welcome a new fast-food restaurant. 
  3. Many residents were concerned about the impact of additional traffic in an already busy area.
  4. It was felt that the transport assessment did not adequately take into account traffic on surrounding roads for example Easton Lane and Wales Street and it ignored the risk of people cutting through the Winnal Estate.
  5. In addition to an increase in road congestion, the application would also increase local levels of noise pollution, air pollution and litter.
  6. It was understood there was a desire to open 24 hours a day and there were concerns about the nighttime traffic this would generate both from restaurant customers and delivery vehicles.
  7. This proposal could create an unofficial service station and would encourage vehicles to exit the M3 at junction 9.
  8. That this proposal ran contrary to the aims of the Winchester Movement strategy and the locally declared climate emergency by encouraging additional car journeys.

The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.


The committee agreed to grant permission for the reasons and subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and the update sheet.

Supporting documents:


m - Tesco Stores Ltd, Easton Lane, Winchester, Hampshire, SO23 7RS Case number: 22/00230/FUL (Ward: St Bartholomew){sidenav}{content}