That Cabinet recommends to Council:
1. The Capital Investment Strategy be approved including:
a) the Capital Programme and Capital Programme Financing (Appendices A and B to the report);
b) the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement (Appendix E);
c) the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy (Appendix G); and
d) the prudential indicators detailed in the report and Appendix F.
Councillor Power (Cabinet Member for Finance and Value) moved that the recommended minute of Cabinet be approved and adopted (seconded by Councillor Tod, Leader & Cabinet Member for Asset Management).
Council proceeded to ask questions and debate the matters in the recommended minute of Cabinet and the report.
That the recommended minute of Cabinet held 9 February 2023 (as follows) be approved and adopted:
1. The Capital Investment Strategy be approved including:
a) the Capital Programme and Capital Programme Financing (Appendices A and B to the report);
b) the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy Statement (Appendix E);
c) the Flexible Use of Capital Receipts Strategy (Appendix G); and
d) the prudential indicators detailed in the report and Appendix F.
Supporting documents: