Agenda item

Community Safety Partnership Performance Review



1.       That the Committee acknowledge the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) progress report and agree any matters of significance to draw to the attention of the Cabinet Member for Community and Engagement or Cabinet generally.


Councillor Danny Lee addressed the committee and highlighted the following points.

1.    Acknowledged the positive impact of the Community Safety Partnership and its efforts recorded in the performance update report particularly the reduction in Anti-Social Behaviour Reports as indicated in Figure 3 table for Quality of Life.

2.    Concern was expressed about the implications of the upcoming shutdown of the current landline telephone system, with a phase for completion by 2025, and its relevance to Winchester community safety. Particularly how residents would report criminal incidents or obtain blue light medical services during power outages in the absence of landlines.

3.    He queried the contingency plans for maintaining communication in the event of widespread power outages affecting both landline and mobile phone communications, especially considering the lack of battery backup for many mobile phone towers.

4.    Councillor Lee wished to bring these concerns to the attention of the Cabinet and the wider Community Safety Partnership. Her requested reassurances from partners and other agencies that collaborative efforts were underway to develop solutions with clear information and advice for communities to alleviate anxiety, with a focus on promptly supporting the vulnerable and elderly.


These points were responded to by Laura Taylor, Chief Executive.

Councillor Kathleen Becker, Cabinet Member for Community and Engagement introduced the report, ref SC091 which set out proposals for the Community Safety Partnership Performance (CSP) review, (available here).  The introduction included the following points.

1.    That the council fulfilled its statutory duty to tackle crime and disorder through dedicated officer roles. It was also acknowledged the vital role of Ward councillors as the community's observers.

2.    The council's efforts align with the corporate vision to enhance safety for everyone, whether they live, work, or visit the district.

3.    Over the past year, the CSP had seen notable successes, including enhanced enforcement efforts, successful grant applications to the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, and increased collaboration with other local CSPs.

4.    Addressing anti-social behaviour had been a priority, with the partnership engaging in various activities such as additional patrols, distribution of anti-social behaviour (ASB) flyers, and the implementation of acceptable behaviour contracts. Officers had received a nomination for their efforts in the Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour category at this year's Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Awards.

5.    The report also detailed the partnership's focus on domestic violence and abuse, stressing an inclusive approach to support all victims.

6.    An increase in young people coming to the attention of partner agencies post-pandemic had led to a targeted response from the CSP, including outreach projects, mentoring, and early intervention to mitigate negative community impacts.

7.    Efforts were ongoing to gather and compare data with other services to benchmark and enhance CSP performance.


Chief Inspector Korine Bishop also addressed the Committee, and the following points were raised:

1.     The introduction of new policing priorities by the Chief Constable, aimed at simplifying focus areas into the relentless pursuit of criminals, prioritizing victims, and ensuring exceptional local policing.

2.     There was an emphasis on community engagement for effective policing, particularly the importance of crime reporting to identify patterns and allocate resources appropriately.

3.     The overview of crime statistics indicated a decrease in overall crime by 16.1% from the previous year, with shoplifting being an exception due to potential socio-economic factors.

4.     Strategic approaches to tackling shoplifting, including Community Behaviour Orders and partnerships with local businesses and the Business Improvement District (BID) Rangers.

5.     Detailed information on police resourcing across Winchester, including the expansion of response teams and the introduction of designated named officers for various areas.

6.     The "Let's Talk" and the Hants Alert system as new communication initiatives to foster community feedback and priorities were both highlighted, urging the community to report crimes and engage with policing efforts actively.


The committee was asked to acknowledge the Community Safety Partnership (CSP) progress report and to agree any matters of significance to draw to the attention of the Cabinet Member for Community and Engagement or Cabinet generally.

The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report. In summary, the following matters were raised.

1.    Concerns about managing the perception of crime in areas with relatively low crime rates and addressing residents' fears of repercussions when reporting crimes.

2.    Clarification on the measures taken to ensure that reporting crimes through channels like Crimestoppers remained anonymous and safe for the public.

3.    Discussion on improving the response and reputation of the 101 service, especially in areas experiencing high levels of anti-social behaviour (ASB) and criminal activity.

4.    The coordination and cross-referencing of ASB reports between the council and the police, particularly where it affected housing tenants.

5.    Clarification on the best method for councillors to report ASB issues to ensure effective coordination and response.

6.    Clarification regarding the handling of the remaining cases from the reported number of new ASB cases, questioning what happened to those not explicitly addressed in the report.

7.    Further information was requested regarding the national trends of recorded incidents of ASB and comparisons with the local area's data.

8.    Questions regarding the impact of the night-time economy on the number of ASB reports and the relationship with the number of establishments open late at night.

9.    Clarification concerning the effectiveness of Operation Helicon in managing disturbances in the High Street during the evening, especially concerning people sleeping in doorways who may exhibit aggressive behaviour.

10.Further information was requested on the approach to low-level but disruptive offences such as speeding and the use of noise-inducing modifications on cars.


These points were responded to by Councillor Kathleen Becker, Cabinet Member for Community and Engagement, Laura Taylor, Chief Executive, Chief Inspector Korine Bishop and Sandra Tuddenham, Neighbourhood Services and Community Safety Manager accordingly.


The committee agreed to ask the Cabinet Member to consider the following:

1.    That officers liaise with the Local Resilience Forum (LRF) to discuss concerns regarding power outages and the discontinuation of 3G services, particularly affecting emergency alarm systems.

2.    The importance of promoting awareness about the "Hants Alert" and "Let's Talk" initiatives and ensuring this information is shared promptly. That specifically, information on the "Hants Alert" initiative be included in the Democratic Services Update (DSU) and that Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) reporting guidance be shared with all Councillors.

3.    Officers to clarify regarding regarding the resolution of the 100 ASB cases mentioned in section 11.7 of the report and to update.

4.    The committee requested clarification on whether Winchester district crime figures and current trends aligned with national trends.

5.    To explore options for extending cover into early evenings for street patrols to prevent anti-social behaviour and crime in those periods.


Supporting documents:


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