Agenda item

Developer and Implementation Officer - A verbal update


Jeff Davis (Tetra Tech) provided the forum with a presentation which had been made available on the council's website. (available here) The presentation covered a range of issues, which included the following:


  1. An overview of Highways works.
  2. Phase 1 - Bluebell Way, including bus services, and Southern Local Centre.
  3. Strategic Cycleway: Footpath 9, including details on design and construction.
  4. Phase 2 - Off-site Whiteley Way, including legal agreements, the letting of works, and target start and completion dates.
  5. Phase 3 - Station Hill -Whiteley Way / Curbridge Way to Whiteley Way, including works underway and target completion dates.
  6. Housing delivery, including permissions granted, houses started, and occupations.
  7. Open Space Delivery, including an update on allotment 1, Locally Equipped Area for Play (LEAP) 2 and LEAP 3 completion, and an update on planned landscape works.
  8. Bus Service, including service 28/28A, bus stops, and shelters.
  9. Errant Parking Issues, including temporary measures close to Cornerstone School and along Whiteley Way and consultation regarding further measures such as double yellow lines.


Hilary Oliver, Implementation Officer, Winchester City Council, addressed the forum and updated members on several issues including the following:


  1. Progress on the completion of Allotment 2 and Allotment 3.
  2. Progress of the installation of a temporary community centre.
  3. An update regarding the Skills Academy.
  4. An update regarding the landscaping programme and that planting work was ongoing.
  5. An update regarding the planned installation of mobile telephone masts.
  6. An update regarding the completion of the footpath between Curdridge Way and Ridge Lane.
  7. That updates had been provided from Hampshire County Council regarding M27 Junction 9, bus passenger numbers and the travel plan. These updates had been circulated to all members and were available here.


Members asked several questions and made comments regarding the following:


  1. That the opening of the path to the school was a priority, and a date for its opening was requested. Members wished to provide any support necessary to achieve this.
  2. That regarding the opening of Whiteley Way from Whiteley Meadows to Woodland Chase concerns about consistency amongst developers and safety for residents were raised. Particular concerns were raised regarding the bollards along Woodland Chase which needed to be resolved urgently.
  3. Members discussed the use of double yellow lines and felt that unless these were enforceable with a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO), they may not effectively address the parking issues.
  4. That clarification was sought regarding the contents and features of the upcoming community centres, especially the southern local centre.


These points were responded to by Jeff Davis, Ray Alborough and officers accordingly.

Supporting documents:


m - Developer and Implementation Officer - A verbal update{sidenav}{content}