Ian Tait addressed the Forum on this item. In summary, he made reference to the following points:
· Supporter of the market since it moved from Middle Brook Street to the High Street in 2011.
· Initially there had been concerns raised at the time by residents and a number of businesses about the competition the market would have with the High Street. However, over the years existing local businesses had commented that the market had significantly improved trading conditions since it was relocated.
· Markets make high streets more resilient. Winchester has low retail unit vacancy rates as a result and there were major retail and hospitality businesses who were keen to come to the town centre.
· Advocates the return of the market to the upper section of the High Street, outside The Ivy, as he believed the market worked well in that location.
· He suggested the success of the market was also dependant on other aspects, including the cleanliness of public conveniences, market trader parking.
· The deterioration of the farmers market over recent years shows that to thrive and for their continued success markets need to be treated sensitively.
In response to the matters raised by Mr Tait, the Cabinet Member for Business and Culture confirmed that a report had just been considered at Cabinet seeking improvements to the provision of public conveniences in the town centre and the issues regarding market trader parking and the farmers market would be explored further with officers.
The Cabinet Member for Business and Culture introduced the report which set out the Winchester Street Market Operating Policy that provided a framework for the operation of the city street market in response to the review of the city street market and the need to align its operation with the priorities set out in the council plan. It was noted that the Operating Policy, as set out in Appendix 1 of the report, would form part of the specification for the tender process to procure a market operator for an initial term of three years. The forum were asked to comment on the report prior to its consideration by Business and Housing Policy Committee and by Cabinet for approval in October.
Reference was made to the findings and recommendations set out in the independent report carried out by The Retail Group during 2022 which outlined suggested improvements to the market offer, including branding and signage and expansion by incorporating early evening and themed markets.
Members asked a range of comments and questions which were responded to by the relevant Cabinet Members and Service Lead: Economy and Tourism, these included the following matters:
· The difference between the expenditure and income figures in the forecasting budget – it was noted that the market was performing above expectation so the forecast had now been adjusted and would be clarified with the finance team.
· A request that the Equality Impact Assessment be added as a draft to the paper when it is taken to Business and Housing Policy Committee.
· The terms and conditions to be placed in the policy to control the criteria for trading within the size of the pitch space only and the measures taken to enforce this where an infringement takes place.
· Rebranding the quality of the market experience – themes, use of bunting, gazebos, controls over sales, tables and chair’s etc
· The need to remember the historic purpose of a market being where people visit to obtain affordable goods and a cheaper offer than they would experience in a retail store, particularly in light of the cost-of-living crisis.
· The location of the market and how it operates and its ability to adapt to other changes in the area with Central Winchester Regeneration, Winchester Movement Strategy etc as the city landscape evolves.
· Principles to manage the layout of the stalls in the High Street, access space and plans to co-ordinate with pavement licences to enable the flow of footfall.
· That the aspirations and feedback of street market users be considered.
At the conclusion of debate, the forum supported the plans for the evolution of the street market, welcomed the opportunity to continue to see the High Street thrive and thanked officers for the progress carried out to date.
That the comments raised by the forum, as summarised above, be noted.
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