Ian Tait addressed the committee on this item.
In summary, Ian Tait made reference to the following points:
· The history of a high volume of trade waste bins stored in Hammonds Passage – it took until 2018 with the development of the Trade Waste Action Plan to get the bins removed, similarly in Parchment Street.
· Recently problems have been recurring in The Square from businesses.
· Planning process has been used to ensure conditions were in place for the storage of rubbish internally, but this is not always followed or enforced.
· A focus with officers and the BID was required to ensure the businesses follow a protocol for the storage of bins indefinitely.
The Chairperson welcomed Sarah Davis, BID Manager to the meeting who provided an update regarding bins, refuse and waste from businesses in the town centre and highlighted concerns regarding storage issues and the volume of bins kept with 112 food outlets in the city centre and most using more than one bin.
The impending bin store facility at Cossack Lane was welcomed by BID and it was emphasised that there was a need to raise awareness to ensure bins were stored in an appropriate manner going forward to keep the town centre clean, free of bins and clutter and the associated repercussions of this.
The committee proceeded to ask questions and comment on the following matters which were responded to by Sarah Davis and the Head of Programme: Place.
(a) It was reported that ward councillors in town wards received regular reports as a result of the lack of bin storage from residents and businesses and questioned what appetite there was among businesses in the town centre for a fundamental change to the way in which waste was collected.
(b) A complex situation that required input from various authorities with their associated powers i.e highway obstruction, environmental health issues, change of use requiring planning permissions etc – what could BID do to encourage businesses to better manage the disposal of waste and reduce food waste going forward. Areas to explore included improved education on ‘recycle, re-purpose, re-use and reduce’, the streamlining of suppliers and business sign up to apps such as ‘Too Good To Go’ to reduce end of day food waste.
(c) Clear guidance for all businesses on how and when bins should be put out for collection and stored in the meantime and of the potential of resulting penalties and enforcement action that could be taken against persistent offenders that do not follow the process.
(d) The need to reduce the number of bins used by each business going forward – a possible charging scheme for commercial bin store and maintenance use to ensure bins are stored appropriately by businesses at a defined number in order to prevent penalties for inappropriate storage being applied.
(e) Changes to bin storage at God Begot House were still being investigated following archaeological works to establish if this was feasible and an additional bin store had been constructed at Cossack Lane.
(f) Detailed discussions with individual businesses using an increased number of bins.
(g) Streetscene Officer post currently vacant and in the process of recruitment will work with businesses on this matter going forward.
(h) Early campaigning and raising awareness for the preparation of businesses with the introduction of new food waste and recycling requirements coming into force for businesses in 2025.
(i) Shared responsibility for the disposal of refuse.
(j) Methods of communication.
(k) One-stop shop for contracts with negotiation.
At the conclusion of debate, the forum thanked Sarah Davis for attending the meeting to provide an informative update and welcomed the collaborative work that would take place progress this matter going forward.
That the update be received, and the comments raised by the committee, as summarised above, be noted.