Agenda item

Winchester City Street Market Management Contract and Operating Policy (report reference: CAB3427)



Councillor Thompson, Cabinet Member for Business and Culture; introduced the report, ref CAB3247 which set out proposals regarding the Winchester City Street Market Management Contract and Operating Policy, (available here). The introduction included the following points.

  1. That the current market contract had expired several years ago, and it was now time to procure a market operator for an initial three-year term.
  2. That the Retail Group's 2022 report contained several recommendations for market improvements, including better signage, branding, and expansion of the market with early evening and themed markets.
  3. That there was an opportunity to incorporate these recommendations into the new contract and operating policy, especially with the availability of funds for rebranding.
  4. There was the potential for themed markets like a Makers Market to leverage the creative sector and a Young Person's Market to encourage student and young entrepreneur participation.
  5. The importance of a vibrant market in the city centre to enhance footfall, support local businesses, encourage startups, and promote small businesses' growth.

Councillor Lee addressed the committee, and made several points that could be summarised as follows:

1.    That regarding the tender exercise, whether other issues beyond price, such as environmental factors should be given greater prominence. For example, only 10% of the evaluation weighting was allocated to environmental considerations, and whether these percentages should be increased.

2.    He referred to the United Nations Environment Programme's draft Global Plastics treaty highlighting the potential to reduce single-use plastics in the street market.

3.    That there was a need for clarification on waste and packaging considerations within the evaluation process.

Andrew Gostelow,Service Lead - Economy & Tourism provided members with an update and the committee was asked, prior to the Cabinet meeting on Tuesday, 17 October 2023 to:

1.    Comment on the proposed council vision for the Winchester City Street market and the draft Winchester City Street Market Operating Policy.

2.    Comment on the market trader selection process and assessment criteria; and

3.    Comment on the framework communications and transition plan.

The committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the report. In summary, the following matters were raised.


1.    The importance of ensuring alignment between the council's vision and the current operator's capabilities and whether excessive rules might hinder their effectiveness.

2.    That consideration be given to affordability as part of the qualitative assessment to maintain the traditional role of markets as places for affordable shopping.

3.    A question was asked about the feedback and readiness of current market traders regarding the proposed rules and guidelines.

4.    That there were potential barriers to business startups and innovation posed by the application process and whether steps could be taken to enable innovation.

5.    Regarding the communication and engagement plans for the transition, including how the tendering process would be conducted to procure a new or the same operator under the new terms and conditions.

These points were responded to by Andrew Gostelow, Service Lead - Economy & Tourism. and were noted by Councillor Thompson, Cabinet Member for Business and Culture. The Chairperson summarised the views of the committee.


The committee resolved that the cabinet consider the following points as part of its consideration of the report on 17 October 2023.

1.    The importance of flexibility in the relationship between the city council and the market operator while adhering to set conditions.

2.    The importance of encouraging startups and the possibility of relaxing criteria for new businesses to lower overheads.

3.    That within the market trader selection process, there should be an emphasis on green credentials and alignment with the council's net zero objectives.

4.    That there was a desire to provide a range of market options addressing both quality and affordability for residents.

5.    That there were no significant comments on the framework, communications, and transition plan.

That the Cabinet Member and officers note the comments of the committee

Supporting documents:


m - Winchester City Street Market Management Contract and Operating Policy (report reference: CAB3427){sidenav}{content}