Agenda item

Grainger progress report on West of Waterlooville MDA (July Report and Newsletter)


The Chairperson welcomed Chris Williams (Grainger plc) to the meeting.


The Forum were referred to the update report and the latest newsletter both circulated with the agenda pack for their information and comment.


It was noted that there had been several updates to the report that had occurred since the report had been prepared due to staffing changes, these latest updates included:


(a)           Chris Williams (focussed on infrastructure) and David McCarthy (focussed on land sale) would be taking project lead roles within Berewood going forward.


(b)           The land sale of Maple Grove and Dobbington Glen (Phases 10b and 11b) has been completed and are with Bargate Homes for development


(c)           Regarding facilities, the Southern Primary School application has been submitted and is being worked through and the northern allotments are due planning just after Christmas for delivery in early 2024.


(d)           The planning elements related to the school extension land and blue star land - both were due back in the next 2-3 months.


(e)           Infrastructure update:


(i)             The western link road has now been completed but is not currently open for public use; only construction access at present. This would be opened for use once parcels linked to this road become occupied.


(ii)            Discussions still taking place with Hampshire County Council (HCC) regarding the southern access junction – looking at how to deliver works as an existing culvert within the network at Ladybridge Road and London Road, this was in the early stages of review.


(iii)          Phase 1 (Grainger Street) is currently on maintenance within Berewood and due to be adopted by May 2024.


(iv)          Proceeding with the adoption of phase 1.


(f)             Community update:


(i)             It was reported that the Community Development Manager had recently left and recruitment was currently taking place with the position expected to be filled by Christmas.

Members raised a number of questions on matters contained in the update report and following the verbal update set out above. These were responded to by Chris Williams and relevant officers present on the following points:


·       The present state of pavements at Berewood – Councillor Robinson expressed concerns regarding the hazardous conditions of the pavements following a visit she had carried out with a fellow councillor which had resulted in the other councillor falling and injuring herself and queried why the pavements and roads at Berewood Green have not been completed before occupations took place.


In response, Chris Williams advised that the entry structure elements (main infrastructure) were installed, operated and maintained by Grainger. The house builds where developers had purchased these parcels of land were the developers’ responsibility. In order to ensure that developers completed their parcels including pavements and road surfaces to finish levels as quickly as possible, Grainger were attempting to get their main infrastructure adoptions in place to give developers comfort to install the finishes to their roads and footpaths.


In addition, Chris Williams advised of the latest position regarding the road/pathway surfacing and the latest road adoptions at the various phases.


Members of the Forum expressed their concerns for residents, some of whom had been living in these areas for 3-4 years, with poor infrastructure and an acceptable solution to this matter needed to be reached in the interim period and at the earliest possible opportunity by working together to achieve suitable measures.


Following questions from Councillor Crichton, Chris Williams clarified that Grainger Street (Phase 1) was under a S104 agreement which was adopted on 21 October 2021. 




1.       That the comments raised by the forum on the matters set out above, be noted and the update report and newsletter, be received.


Supporting documents:


m - Grainger progress report on West of Waterlooville MDA (July Report and Newsletter){sidenav}{content}