Agenda item

The Future of the Forum (Verbal Update from The Service Lead: Built Environment, Winchester City Council)



Julie Pinnock, Corporate Head of Planning and Regulatory Services provided an update on recent progress. She highlighted the North Whiteley Forum's terms of reference, which stipulated three meetings per year to discuss strategic matters and aid in establishing local democratic structures for the emerging community. It was determined through a previous governance review that Whiteley Town Council would oversee the area. She advised that following a query at a previous Forum meeting regarding the future of the forum, a proposal was under consideration to transfer control of the Forum to the Town Council. This transfer may involve procedural considerations, potentially through cabinet endorsement.


Councillor Mike Evans reported on recent discussions involving the Leader of Winchester City Council and officers. The Town Council's primary focus centred on ensuring the proper delivery and ownership of infrastructure to support and integrate new and existing elements into Whitely. A draft set of terms of reference was created, scheduling three annual in-person meetings on specified dates (16th April, 16th July, and 10th December) at the Solent Hotel in Whiteley. Additionally, informal monthly catchups with the Consortium and Officers were planned to monitor and discuss the progress of transfer of land and facilities to Whiteley Town Council.


Councillor Tod advised that the forum was established by the cabinet in 2009, and an update agreed by the cabinet in May 2023 stated that dissolution would be governed by the revised constitution. In line with the council's revised constitution, the Forum continued until it was deemed that adequate and appropriate governance was in place, considering the views of local ward councillors, specifically, the three councillors for Whiteley and Shedfield Ward. Councillor Tod suggested that if the Forum had a viewpoint on its dissolution and transfer to the Town Council, it would be beneficial to hear it. Otherwise, the final decision on dissolution would likely rest with the Winchester City Council Cabinet to determine if adequate and appropriate governance was established.


Members raised questions and made comments on the following:


  1. Uncertainty about the future committee's composition, specifically relating to the Whiteley and Shedfield Ward Councillors.
  2. The potential costs of holding future meetings at the Solent Hotel.
  3. Clarification on the criteria used to ensure governance compliance was met or completed.


After further discussion, it was noted that:


  1. The Town Council was able to take over the Forum's management.


  1. Officers were currently assessing if adequate arrangements existed for transferring authority. This assessment particularly concerned the engagement and involvement of ward members. Proposed governance arrangements by the Whiteley Town Council would be reviewed by all present members.


  1. Further clarification would be sought from the Monitoring Officer to determine whether this decision required a cabinet decision or if providing notice now complied with the Constitutional requirements.


The Forum would convene again on the 15th of February 2024 to continue discussing this topic.



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