Agenda item

Development update - verbal update - Jeff Davies and Hilary Oliver



Jeff Davis (Tetra Tech) provided the forum with a presentation which had been made available on the council’s website. (available here) The presentation covered a range of issues, which included the following:


1.    Development context and local highways.

2.    Work on the Southern roads around Whiteley Way.

3.    Phase 1 of the bus service which began in January 2023.

4.    The potential proposal for additional double yellow lines to address parking issues.

5.    Issues with legal agreements causing delays in construction, particularly for the strategic cycleway.

6.    Visibility issues and legal complications had delayed the start of certain works until autumn 2024.

7.    Significant culvert replacement works were ongoing, with completion expected by late 2025 or early 2026.

8.    Phase 3 roads (Whiteley Way and Curbridge Way) had opened to through traffic in September 2023.

9.    Housing delivery included detailed planning permissions and ongoing construction, with over 1500 houses occupied.

10.Secondary school construction was anticipated to start in spring 2025.

11.Updates on allotments, play areas, and landscape works were provided.

12.Review of bus services, focusing on optimizing usage and aligning with school journeys.


Hilary Oliver, Implementation Officer, Winchester City Council, addressed the forum and provided updates on the following


1.    Youth sports pitches, community building applications, and allotment development.

2.    The quicker-than-expected infrastructure developments, including adult sports pitches

3.    The secondary school planning application.

4.    The development of footpaths to improve accessibility and support infrastructure for the community.

Members asked several questions and made comments regarding the following:

  1. Regarding cycle path lighting,  it was asked about the non-functional lighting posts on the cycle path from North Whiteley to Botley station.
  2. Regarding water leakage at Campion Road and Curbridge Way, it was questioned why there was water leakage in a newly built area with new water pipes etc.
  3. Path Maintenance and Long-Term Infrastructure Management, it was suggested that a map indicating key infrastructure to ensure long-term maintenance could be useful.


These points were responded to by Jeff Davis, and Hilary Oliver accordingly.


Supporting documents:


m - Development update - verbal update - Jeff Davies and Hilary Oliver{sidenav}{content}