Agenda item

Developer's Progress Report on West of Waterlooville MDA (Report)


The Chairperson welcomed Chris Williams (Grainger plc) to the meeting.


The Forum referred to the update report that was circulated with the agenda pack for information and comment.


In addition, a general update on the latest position and a summary of key items were provided which included details on the following points:


(a)           Planning – delivery of the community areas was progressing. Supporting heavily the development of the community to try and reduce fragmentation. It was the aim to submit plans for the town park phase 2 area to have this in place and useable by Summer 2025, along with the western community nature reserve and additional tree planting in this area would be explored. Phase 6 (local centre including medical areas) masterplan for the whole area to be treated as a single entity would be progressed by the end of 2024.

(b)           The land sale of Phases 10b and 11b completed with Bargate Homes just before Christmas period who would be submitting planning applications for those phases shortly.  Early discussions were taking place with a developer for Phases 8 and 12 with future updates to follow.

(c)           Infrastructure – Discussions were taking place with Hampshire County Council regarding the roads and getting items ready for maintenance and adoption.

(d)           Two new team members appointed: Project Manager and Community Development Manager, both starting in post during mid-March.

(e)           The Grainger Team would be establishing the introduction of surgeries over the next month for the community to have ‘drop in’ sessions on fixed dates to meet with Project Managers and have face to face contact and a direct route for issues to be raised directly with the team for resolution. The surgeries would be open for all parties on the Forum to join should they wish to do so.

(f)             Reference was made to management issues, particularly the space within Phase 3a, where there were ongoing management and snagging matters to be discussed and resolved between Grainger and BDW Homes which the Forum emphasised must be remedied expeditiously.

Members raised questions on matters contained in the update report and the verbal update set out above. These were responded to by Chris Williams and relevant officers present on the following points:


(i)             Grainger clarified that deed of covenant information (in the absence of management packs) was available to residents wishing to sell their properties by contacting Grainger via the Berewood inbox in the first instance.


(ii)            Development of the Local Centre – Concerns were expressed that the development of the centre was taking longer than expected. It was anticipated that the masterplan for Phase 6 would encourage a co-ordinated approach and smoother transition for developers coming in. However, this would also be dependent on the time taken to progress through the planning and consultation process. The delivery of each of the elements within the masterplan were likely to develop at different speeds and would be influenced by external parties.


(iii)          Joint West of Waterlooville MDA Planning Committee – The Forum suggested that the master plan for the local centre be taken to the Joint West of Waterlooville MDA Planning Committee for determination. Members emphasised that the joint committee should be the mechanism used for the consideration of relevant planning applications wherever possible. 





                     That the comments raised by the forum on the matters                              set out above, be noted and the update report from Grainger,                  be received.


Supporting documents:


m - Developer's Progress Report on West of Waterlooville MDA (Report){sidenav}{content}