At the invitation of the Leader, Councillors Horrill and Lee addressed Cabinet as summarised briefly below (their comments related to both this item and report CAB3456 considered in the minute below).
Councillor Horrill
She welcomed the recent meeting with Councillor Tod to informally discuss the appointments to be made in advance of the meeting and highlighted that this impacted on which bodies her group had put forward nominations for. She emphasised the importance of the commitment in the revised constitution that councillors appointed to key external bodies report regularly to council.
Councillor Lee
He concurred with the points made by Councillor Horrill in relation to the meeting with Councillor Tod and the importance of receiving reports from councillors to full Council.
Councillor Tod thanked the councillors for their comments. He advised that an addendum containing nominations received from the three political groups had been circulated to those present.
In relation to the Carbon Neutrality Open Forum, Councillor Learney confirmed that all members were invited to all meetings. However the expressions of interest from the conservative and green political groups would be noted.
Cabinet agreed to the following for the reasons set out in the report and addendum and outlined above.
1. That the following appointments to Cabinet Committees, informal group and fora be made for the 2024/25 Municipal Year:
(a) Cabinet Committee: Local Plan
Cabinet Member for Place and Local Plan (Chairperson), Councillors Learney and Tod
Non-voting invited councillors: Councillors Brophy, Horrill, Lee, Rutter & Williams, (deputies: Godfrey, Laming and Wallace)
(b) Cabinet Committee: Regeneration
Leader and Cabinet Member for Asset Management (Chairperson), Councillors Cutler, Learney and Thompson
Non-voting invited councillors: Councillors Aron, Bolton, Godfrey & Reach (deputies: Horrill & Laming)
(c) Cabinet Committee: Housing
Cabinet Member for Housing (Chairperson), Councillors Becker and Cutler
Non-voting invited councillors: Councillors Horrill, Power, Scott and White (deputies: Batho, Lee and Miller)
Non-voting TACT representatives: Two representatives to be nominated by the TACT Board (names to be confirmed)
(d) TACT Board
Councillors Westwood and Horrill
(e) Carbon Neutrality Open Forum
Councillors Learney (Chairperson)
(f) Equality, Diversion and Inclusion Forum
Councillors Becker (Chairperson), S Achwal, Bennett, Brook and White (deputies permitted from any group with the agreement of the chair)
(g) Winchester Sports and Leisure Park Advisory Board –
Councillors Becker(Chair), Aron, Horrill and Reach
(h) Central Winchester Regeneration (CWR) Project Board –
Councillors Tod and Cutler
(i) Strategic Asset Purchase Scheme Board
Councillors Tod, Cutler and Thompson
(j) Treasury Investment Group
Councillors Tod, Cutler and Thompson
(k) Kings Barton Forum
Councillors: Cramoysan (Chairperson), Batho, Cunningham, Eve, Godfrey, Morris and Porter, (Deputies: Horrill, Learney and Rutter)
(l) West of Waterlooville Forum –
Councillors: Cutler (Chairperson), Bennett, Chamberlain and Langford-Smith (Deputies: Brook, Clear and Porter)
(m) North Whiteley Development Forum –
Councillors: V Achwal (Chairperson), S Achwal, Lee, Miller, Porter and Small (Deputies: Bolton, Chamberlain and Latham)
2. That the following roles be appointed to (paragraph 4.3 refers):
a) Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Member Champion – Councillor Bennett
b) Lead Cabinet Member for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Councillor Becker.
3. That Councillor Tippett-Cooper be appointed as “Sanctuary Champion” (paragraph 4.1 refers).
4. That Councillor Laming be appointed as “Armed Forces Champion” (paragraph 4.2 refers).
5. That the good work of the Whiteley Forum is noted and that the six month trigger for dissolution of the forum has been reached and terms of reference are to be agreed with the Whiteley Town Council for ongoing public engagement during the continued development in the area.
Supporting documents: