Proposal Description: Item 6: Erection of 1No. new detached bungalow along with car parking and use of existing access onto Lovedon Lane
The application was introduced. During public participation, Christopher Pocock and Mike Collis spoke in objection to the application and Philip Dudley (agent) spoke in support of the application and answered Members’ questions thereon.
In summary, Councillor Porter spoke in objection to the application and raised the following points:
· Fellow ward member, Councillor Cramoysan, had raised objection to the application online. This objection was based on the adverse impact of the new house on all the neighbours and the character and appearance of the area.
· Considered the principle that background development of this kind was typical in this area as characterised by Mountbatten Place and Fryers Close, as referred to in the report, to be incorrect. Mountbatten Place was built on land partitioned off decades ago linking to the main Council estate with a two-vehicle width entrance onto Fraser Road and Fryers Close was developed from long gardens by the demolition of Lovedon Lane homes using the space created as an entrance to the cul-de-sac. Neither detracted from the development of Lovedon Lane
· Windfall gain in The Worthys had been achieved by demolishing the original house on the plot and replacing with several others on the same site.
· Stated that the application did not achieve a well-designed beautiful place and risked a new precedent for being able to shoehorn a property into the rear of another by using the small amount of side land as a narrow drive which was not sustainable.
· The proposal provided poor vehicular, pedestrian and emergency access.
· The proposed bungalow was a disproportionate size to the plot. The design did not reflect the architecture of the front properties with a different roof pitch to nearby Fryers Close dwellings which will feel uncomfortable and cramped and restrict light into gardens, especially in winter months.
· Restricted entrance with inadequate turning room for larger delivery vans.
· The choice of driveway materials was considered crucial as noise from turning vehicles would impact on neighbours at 72 Lovedon Lane and Fryers Close. In addition, the humming noise from the air source heat pump may be heard by neighbouring properties, potentially creating a noise disturbance which should be restricted by condition.
· Noise and pollution from vehicular movements during construction and occupation would affect the health and wellbeing of residents, particularly those with existing health conditions.
· Boundary treatments and the close proximity of the driveway from 72 Lovedon Lane, resulting in privacy issues for those residents.
· Sunlight – the proposed hedges were not in the control of the applicant, but the roofline would shade gardens in Fryers Close and added trees would shade the new garden during the summer.
The Committee proceeded to ask questions and debate the application.
The committee agreed to refuse the application for the following reasons:
(i) The position of the proposed dwelling, to the rear of existing properties in Lovedon Lane and Fryers Close, and the requirement to access along the side boundary of the adjoining property to the north for its full extent, including the position of the turning areas and proposed parking spaces adjacent the rear private useable areas of residential gardens, would result in harmful amenity issues for occupiers, as reflected in policy DM18(ii Access and Parking) and issues of character in response to the environment contrary to policy DM16(i Site Design Criteria). The precise wording to be delegated to the Chair of Planning Committee in consultation with the Service Lead: Built Environment.
Supporting documents: