Agenda item

Waterlooville Town Centre Regeneration Update (Presentation)


The Chairperson welcomed Stuart Palmer and Laura Jones (Havant BC) to the meeting who gave a presentation which provided an update of the regeneration project's progress, including public meetings, community events, procurement of a masterplan, and interventions.


The presentation set out the following matters:


(a)       Master Plan Recap: The importance of a masterplan, highlighting its    role in setting a vision for the future, attracting investment, and       facilitating bids. Stuart Palmer emphasised community         involvement in its creation.


(b)       Key Master Plan Findings: Stuart Palmer outlined key findings from      the master plan, focusing on:

·       Connections: The need for improved connectivity within the town centre.

·       Aesthetics: The desire for an enhanced aesthetic appeal.

·       Public Realm: The importance of improvements to public spaces.

·       Green Infrastructure: The need for more green spaces.

·       Events and Activities: The desire for increased events and activities to attract visitors.

·       Land Assembly: The need to address land assembly challenges.

          Actions Taken based on the Master Plan:

·       Aesthetic Improvements: The interventions taken to enhance the town centre’s aesthetics, including:

·       Shopfront Improvement Scheme: Offered grants to businesses to improve shopfronts, with 12 businesses receiving funding.

·       Wellington Way Improvements: Implemented improvements to Wellington Way, including the placement of a cannon and flower planters, with plans to add more.

·       Engagement with Building Owners: The ongoing dialogue with building owners about maintenance to ensure a cohesive aesthetic.

·       Street Art Programme: A street art programme was in development, but its implementation was being coordinated with the art project in the West of Waterlooville development to ensure a consistent narrative.

·       Street Cleansing: The jet-washing project for the High Street was underway, with a slight delay due to full drains.


(c)       Public Realm Improvements: Efforts to enhance public spaces,    including:

·       Public Toilet Refurbishment: Planning was in progress for a public toilet refurbishment, with public consultation scheduled for December/January.

·       Events Calendar: A calendar of events for the next year was being developed, building on the success of a car show held in May.

·       Waterlooville Business Association: A new Waterlooville Business Association was formed to facilitate collaboration on events, public realm improvements, and other initiatives.

·       Pop-up Shop: A pop-up shop was set to open in Wellington Way in mid-November, providing opportunities for small businesses.


(d)       Economic Development Initiatives: The programmes to support local businesses were highlighted:

·       Shopfront Improvement Scheme (Phase 2): The second phase of the Shopfront Improvement Scheme was oversubscribed, with six businesses receiving funding agreements.

·       Grant Recipients: Laura Jones briefly mentioned several grant recipients and their businesses, including The Exchange, Barbers Beauty Paws Dog Grooming, Mini Town, and Balance Wellness Club.


(e)       Master Plan Update

     Stuart Palmer provided an update on the master plan, stating:

·       Adoption as SPD: The draft master plan was being reviewed by planning colleagues to be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for added weight.

·       Public Consultation: Consultation on the SPD was scheduled for January, alongside the draft local plan.


At the conclusion of the presentation, the Forum raised a number of questions which were responded to by the relevant officer’s present on the following points:


(i)       A3 Classification - Councillor Read asked about the status of the A3       road classification through Waterlooville. Stuart Palmer advised he   would investigate the road classification but noted that the bus route          area was under review for improved flow. Councillor Crichton clarified that the A3 was still classified as a road, requiring permission from           Hampshire Highways for activities such as Christmas lights. He      suggested investigating declassification, as it limited town centre development.


(ii)       Progress Update and Meeting with the Member of Parliament - Councillor Harrison commended the positive developments and   mentioned an upcoming meeting with Suella Braverman MP, to discuss           further support.


(iii)      Joint Planning Committee - Councillor Crichton emphasised the need        for the Joint West of Waterlooville MDA Planning Committee between        Havant Borough Council and Winchester City Council to address the    cross-boundary nature of the West of Waterlooville development. He           suggested that applications like the upcoming health centre should be     considered by the joint committee.



                               That the presentation be received and the                                                    comments of the Forum, as set out above, be noted.


Supporting documents:


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