Agenda item

Notices of Motion.

To consider the following Motion to be proposed by Councillor Danny Lee (seconded by Councillor Malcom Wallace):


Title: Accelerating Climate and Nature Emergency Actions



Winchester City Council's Carbon Neutrality Action Plan aims to meet our net zero targets by 2024 for the Council and 2030 for the District.

Achieving net zero locally is projected to cost half as much as a national approach while tripling financial returns(i) and delivering three times faster(ii).

Despite this, national preparation for climate change impacts remain inadequate.


Office for Environmental Protection (OEP) has raised significant concerns about failures to properly implement regulations which means key Environmental Plan and local targets for improvement are likely to be missed(iii).

Central government must enhance collaboration with local governments to deliver faster for the Climate and Nature crises(iv).

The most significant climate impacts affect our most vulnerable populations, who are least able to adapt(v).

Degradation of natural habitats affects community well-being, contributes to climate change by releasing stored carbon. Restoration and protection of these habitats are crucial for mitigating climate change and maintaining biodiversity(vi)?.

It is crucial for the new UK government to prioritise climate change with additional resources to expand local actions and meet UK's net zero targets and Nature targets.

This Council Notes:

·       Our State of Nature is struggling to recover, and global warming temperatures have exceeded 1.5oC across an entire year and are now breaching 2.0oC(vii).

  • The importance of local initiatives to contribute to the UK's commitment to net zero by 2050 and a 78% reduction in emissions by 2030 from 1990 levels(viii).

·       The Government Net Zero Strategy estimates c82% of the UK’s emissions are “within the scope of influence of local authorities”

  • Studies indicate that local authorities could save the UK approximately £140 billion and deliver substantial energy and social benefits through localised climate and nature initiatives- an additional £400 billion in wider co-benefits(ix).
  • Local authorities need additional funding to enhance their contributions to the UK’s net zero and nature protection goals(x).
  • A local climate 'test' applied to all government policy/funding decisions would support rather than conflict with local action.  Ensures national policies align with and reinforce local climate initiatives. Thus, creating a cohesive approach to enable local authorities’ climate goals for faster more efficient and effective delivery? (as proposed by the LGA) (xi)
  • Local Nature Recovery Strategies (LNRS) can play a pivotal role in safeguarding our natural environment, ensuring sustainable development, and enhancing habitat value for carbon sequestration/associated ecosystem services and the well-being of our communities with long-term environmental, economic, and social benefits(xii).
  • An enhanced local focus on climate and nature through a government policy reset with new support could:
    • Address climate change and nature crises more equitably and promptly, with improved consideration of impacts on different community segments.
    • Improve adaptation plans for a 'Just Transition' in housing and business sectors, increasing resilience against extreme climate events and bolstering both natural and built environments. This includes:
  • Promoting energy-efficient housing, protection from heatwaves, walkable neighbourhoods, nature-based solutions for flooding, reduced traffic pollution, and addressing health inequalities.
  • Facilitating closer coordination with partners for more effective local actions.

The Council Resolves To:

  • Urge the new Government to form a partnership with councils to fast-track local decarbonisation with nature protection, restoration, and adaptation.
  • Request the Council Leader to write to our local MP and encourage Group Leaders to lobby their national parties to support these initiatives in a revitalised national-local government relationship.
  • Ask HCC to work closer with Districts to accelerate delivery of Net Zero and Nature restoration.


(i)           & (Local Government Association)?





(vi)                BMJ Gut)


Extreme heatwaves, droughts, wildfires and floods


(ix)                (Local Government Association)?? (Local Government Association)?.

(x)                   (UK 100)?? (UK 100)?.

(xi)       &

(xii)              (Public Pack)Agenda Document for Executive Member for Hampshire 2050 and Corporate Services Decision Day, 27/06/2024 14:00 ( 



In accordance with Council Procedure Rule 15, one motion had been submitted for Council.


The motion had been submitted by Councillor Lee and was as set out on the agenda.  The motion was seconded by Councillor Wallace.  Following its introduction by Councillor Lee, Council then debated the matters in the motion.  In summary the following points were raised:


  • Much of the detail of the motion had already been pledged or was already being delivered by the Council.  The third resolution of the motion had already investigated by the Liberal Democrats at Hampshire County Council.


  • Winchester City Council had been commended for its work in delivering a climate action plan.


  • The new MP for Winchester had undertaken to take proposals for meaningful action regarding climate change to parliament.


  • Hampshire County Council had already considered a proposal to accelerate its decarbonisation plans, however this had been defeated at a previous meeting of the county council.


  • The council worked in partnership with the South Downs National Park, which had reported considerable progress in achieving its various targets regarding re-naturing etc. 


Having reserved his right to speak, the seconder of the motion (Councillor Wallace) then addressed Council, followed by the proposer of the motion (Councillor Lee) who exercised his right to respond to debate.  The Council then voted on the motion as set out on the agenda.




That the motion proposed by Councillor Lee (seconded by Councillor Wallace) be not supported.


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